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There is limited provision for centrally managed WISEflow exams using the lockdown browser in the 2024/ 25 academic year. For more information, see Centrally Managed Lockdown Browser Exams.


What is a lockdown browser assessment?

A lockdown browser assessment provides enhanced security measures to support supervised closed-book assessments. The lockdown browser is an application within WISEflow that provides students with the necessary tools to complete an assessment while restricting their device from accessing unauthorised material within the test period. An up-to-date version of the application must be installed and tested on the participant's device before the start of the assessment. 


Staff and students can try out the lockdown browser assessments for themselves via the platform. As a pre-requisite, users must ensure that they install the latest version of the lockdown browser application. Once installed, users can log into the platform > select the Participation tab > select 'Demo flows' at the bottom of the page > and select either FLOWlock or FLOWmulti (with lockdown browser):


DemoFLOWlock.pngImage AddedDemoFLOWmulti-with-lock.pngImage Added

Who sets up and manages the delivery of lockdown browser assessments?

Lockdown browser assessments must be departmentally-managed. This means that departments are responsible for all aspects of administering the assessment, including the flow set up on WISEflow, invigilation (online & in-person), marking, and student communication and support.


- you will need to consider the availability of resource to manage all aspects of the lockdown browser assessment delivery, managing the online and in-person logistics involved, from flow set up and activation to invigilation support on the day and marking of submissions.

  1. Appropriate equipment and venue

- in the case of in-person delivery, it is the responsibility of departments to ensure that every student has access to a suitable device pre-tested with the lockdown browser application, as well as reliable Wi-Fi connection and power supply. Additionally, departments will need secure a suitable venue for conducting the assessment, such as securing UCL PC cluster rooms on campus.

  1. Student preparation and familiarisation

- departments should ensure their students are informed of their requirement to complete a lockdown browser assessment well in-advance of the assessment day. Students should be provided with an opportunity to practice on a demo flow - on the same device intended to be used on the day - before their summative assessment. Two demo flows for the lockdown browser (one for text-editor assessments, one for MCQ-type assessments) are available on the platform - please refer to WISEflow's preparation guidance and the departmental checklist for lockdown browser assessments to ensure your students are well-prepared.

  1. Assignment content 

-  while traditional in-person exams comprise of pen-and-paper formats, lockdown browser exams necessitate students to work within the confines of a browser. Therefore, departments should pay special attention to the content of your assignment or question paper to ensure the instructions are appropriate for this assessment method. For instance, in FLOWlock exams, students are required to input their answers on a continuous, blank page within a text-editor and do not have the option to annotate or modify the assignment/question paper directly. Hence, remember to design your questions and instructions to students (i.e. on answer input) accordingly.

  1. Responsible for 'troubleshooting' on the day

- with the heightened security measures involved a lockdown browser assessment, unique issues may arise that would not otherwise in pen-paper or non-lockdown browser assessments. Familiarity with WISEflow's troubleshooting of known challenges is crucial for effective management and resolution of issues that may arise on the day. 

  1. Assessment regulations - your assessment records and information should accurately reflect the delivery of an in-person digital exam (such as a lockdown browser exam). Departments must ensure that the relevant parties have been consulted (i.e. Student Lifecycle team) and changes have been requested and approved (please refer to UCL's assessment review guidance and module amendment regulations).

Department checklist 

The following checklist should be used by departments who to ensure smooth planning and delivery of in-person lockdown browser assessments:


Checklist for Success

  1. Complete the Lockdown Browser demo flow

(Log into WISEflow > Participation tab > Demo flow > choose 'FLOWlock' or 'FLOWmulti with lock' depending on your assessment)

  1. Check and remember your UCL login

(you must know your UCL login details to log into WISEflow and take the assessment. If required update your password at least 48 hours before assessment via UCL MyAccount)

  1. Read

UCL’s assessment & assessment regulations & understand what to bring to the assessment hall

  1. At least 1 week before,

check you have been enrolled onto your assessment

  1. Arrive between 10-20 minutes before assessment start

On the day

  • Help & Support: make a note of the number to call during the assessment if you experience any technical problems.

  • Room check: Ideally the night, or in the morning, before check the room to ensure the all computers are working, all computers have keyboard and mice and that the room furniture is as required. You should also check that the lockdown browser is installed and working as expected on the computers by logging into WISEflow and starting the FLOWlock and/or FLOWmulti with lock demo flow. If you encounter issues with testing the lockdown browser application, please refer to the staff support page for WISEflow.

  • Identity checking and attendance:  Ask students to bring their UCL photo ID cards and check this off on the attendance sheet (above).

  • Logging in: Ask students to log in to WISEflow as they arrive and navigate to the assessment to begin reading the assessment guidance. Allow at least 10 minutes before the assessment for all students to log in and open the lockdown browser flow. When students have successfully opened the lockdown browser, their screen will display a countdown timer to when the assessment will begin. 

  • Assessment announcements: if you have enabled a participant password to enter the lockdown browser assessment, invigilators should announce this password at the start of the assessment and, if possible, display the password on a screen or whiteboard in the room. Students will not be able to log in until you give them the password.

  • Allow extra time: If you are manually timing students (as recommended) you can make a note of any extra time a student needs due to technical, or other, reasons. 


Managers should keep a close eye on the Progress column to verify how students are progression through the assessment. A summary of Progress status are listed below:

Opened_Icon_grey.pngImage RemovedNotOpened.pngImage AddedOpened_Icon_blue.pngImage RemovedOpened.pngImage AddedOpened_Icon_green.pngImage RemovedStartedOpened.pngImage Added

The participant has not opened the flow page.

The participant has opened the flow page.

The participant has started the flow.

Paper_Saved_Icon_grey.pngImage RemovedPaper_Saved_Icon.pngImage RemovedCharacters_Saved_Icon.pngImage RemovedCharacters_Saved_Icon2.pngImage RemovedProgress_33__Icon.pngImage RemovedProgress_80__Icon.pngImage RemovedPaperNotSaved.pngImage AddedPaperSaved.pngImage AddedCharsSaved.pngImage AddedCharsSaved2.pngImage AddedQuestionsAnswered.pngImage AddedQuestionsAnswered2.pngImage Added

Paper not uploaded (top) Paper uploaded (bottom)

The number of characters that have been saved to the server.

Participant progress with the exam questions as percentage.

FLOWassign / FLOWhandin



Submitted.pngImage RemovedYSubmit.pngImage AddedNot_Submitted.pngImage RemovedNSubmit.pngImage Added

The participant has submitted.

The participant has not handed in.
