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The guidance outlined on this page covers the functions of the Manager role, who provides administrative support for assessments, on AssessmentUCL. You can use the Manager task table as a checklist of steps to complete.











Before activating a flow, make sure that the settings (i.e. upload window, late submission window) are aligned with:


Marking process


The options available are different for different flow types:

All Marking and review options - FLOWassign & FLOWhandin

The following options are available for these assessment types:


  1. Procedure for submitting final grades: select either Reviewer Approval (final marks to be approved by Module Lead or Lead Examiner/Marker) or Marker agreement (e.g. both markers are forced to enter the same mark into the platform for grade to be confirmed)

  2. Submission of grades:  this is enabled by default and means that assessors are required to enter and submit grades by the end of the assessment period for any work submitted by students.

  3. Show final grades:enabling this setting will ensure that feedback and grades are automatically released to students at the end of the assessment period.

  4. Enable similarity control [Only currently available for FLOWassign]: activates the Turnitin similarity report. If this is disabled, markers will not have access to similarity reports on their allocated assessment. 

  5. Allow early release of feedback: if enabled, assessors can decide whether to share their feedback (annotations, comments and rubrics) with the student early. Assessors need to enable this option in the Assessor Tool to instantaneously release feedback to student.

  6. Enable new marker journey:enables the use of the new marking tool. This is intended to improve the marker experience and should be set up before the marking period begins (note: this can still be changed during the marking period but you will risk losing marking progress by doing this). See marker guidance on using the new marking tool.

  7. Default sharing state of marking work:determines which users comments and annotations are shared with by default. This must be set up before the marking period begins and cannot be changed afterwards. See more detail on options for sharing final mark and/ or feedback to students.


FLOWmulti allows section based marking (see separate section for more details). There is no similarity report available in this flow type.


Step 3: Based on your departmental marking approach, select the relevant options in this screen by clicking the pencil icon and enable/disable settings as required.

ii) Options for sharing final mark and/or feedback to students

To view the options available for sharing feedback and final mark, please consult the table for each flow type, below: 


Share with student? 



Final mark 



  1. Markers must share all annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. 'Show final grades' option must be ticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 



  1. Markers must share all annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. 'Show final grades' option must be unticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 



  1. Markers must not share any annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. Show final grades option must be ticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 



  1. Markers must not share any annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. Show final grades option must remain unticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 


  1. Choose the rubric from a list of shared rubrics on the licence (by clicking the Attach by search option)

  2. Attach the rubric by direct reference (if the Author has provided this rubric reference code to you).

Step 2: Allocate rubric to assessors 

i) Click the pencil icon within the Rubric container
