

Link to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform:

The guidance outlined on this page covers the functions of the Manager role, who provides administrative support for assessments, on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow). You can use the Manager task table as a checklist of steps to complete.

Other ways to learn:


Manager tasks 
















Before activating a flow, make sure that the settings (i.e. upload window, late submission window) are aligned with:



Marking process

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Create a summative assessment in AUCL (WISEflow)

AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform is integrated with Portico/SITS and pre-populates assessments with details such as assessment/module title, enrolled students on module, administrative and academic staff linked to module. 

Important: assessments in AUCL (WISEflow) should not set up without SITS integration. To set up a summative assessment follow instructions below. To set up formative assessment, please see the following guidance here.


How to create a flow

Step 1: Under the Manager role, click on the green button Create in the top right-hand corner and select New flow .


Step 2: From Choose source list: select SITS Assessments


Step 3: Select Choose from list:


Step 4: Enter the module code and the starting year of the academic year (e.g. if creating assessments for 2022-23, enter 2022 as the year) Then select Fetch list.


 Step 5: A list of assessments for the module chosen will appear. Select the relevant assessment instance you want to create and select the green + Select button.


  • LCSP0011 = module code

  • A6U = Level e.g. undergraduate

  • Subtitle = method of assessment e.g. Online remote exam

  • 2021 = academic year


Source data will be generated:

  • Number of students enrolled on a module (participants)

  • Number of Reviewers/Assessors (integrated from SITS)



You can select the Show Source Data button to quickly view that the correct students and staff are pulling through to confirm that you are creating the correct assessment instance.


Step 6: Select the appropriate flow type from the list and select the Create flow button: 

Main flow types:

  • FLOWassign: text-based assessments where students upload a PDF as their main submission (if enabled, students can also upload additional appendices of any file type)

  • FLOWlock: closed book in-person assessments where students type their answers in a text-editor within a secure online environment (lockdown browser) that restricts access to unauthorised materials on the internet or own device

  • FLOWmulti: multiple-choice style online exam. If enabled, students can take this exam within a lockdown browser for in-person and closed-book exams.

  • FLOWhandin: multimedia submissions where students can upload one or more files in various digital formats (PDF, Word, Excel, audio, video files).

For more information, please refer to WISEflow's guidance on flow types.


You will be directed to the flow page of settings where you can view a range of assessment information for you to check (and update where necessary).

Please note that any timings shown on the platform (including the late submission report) will show the local time according to your device setting. To avoid confusion with deadline dates and late submissions, we recommend that your device is updated to UK time zone.


Resit flows

Resit assessments should be set up in exactly the same way as for the main exams; however, departments need to ensure that marks for the first attempt have been input and fully processed in Portico (for more info see mark processing guidance from Student Registry). Processing first attempts in Portico will create a resit attempt for relevant students and ensure that only these resit candidates are pulled through via SITS integration when creating a new flow for resits on Wiseflow.

It is also advisable to ensure that the flows for the previous attempts are in the concluding phase or have been archived on WISEflow (flows are archived 30 days after the marking period has closed), and you may wish to amend the flow title to include the word 'Resit' (or 'LSA' for late summer assessments); this will help to mitigate any confusion for students when identifying the assessment's submission portal they should be accessing and submitting to (the resit flow, not the first attempt flow).



Copy settings from previous flows

To streamline the set up of new flows, Managers may wish to copy the settings from a previously-delivered flow; this include copying over the same overall settings, including students, markers, marker allocations, and more. To do this, go to the main page of the existing flow, select the hamburger icon and select 'Copy flow':

From this screen, you can select the type of settings and information that is copied over to the new flow. Copying the flow will not copy the integration/link to Portico/SITS. Therefore, Managers will need to add this source of integration once the flow is copied. For this reason, Managers should also not copy students (Participants) from an existing flow 

To add the Portico source to the newly copied flow, select the Sources tab and Manage sources:

Then select Choose from list, enter the module code and academic year and select the relevant assessment component (as covered in steps 3 onwards from the section, creating a flow)

For more information, please refer to WISEflow's guidance on creating and copying a flow.


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Create a formative assessment in AUCL (WISEflow)

Formative assessments should only be run on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) if you have already discussed this approach with the Digital Assessment Team.

A flow can be changed to a formative assessment by removing the integration with SITS/Portico (referred to as ‘Source’ on the platform). Before removing the SITS/Portico source from a flow, you must ensure that:

  1. the flow title has been amended to include the word ‘FORMATIVE’

  2. the flow has been updated (the deadline dates should be updated - at a minimum - so students receive an email notification with the correct assessment dates)

  3. the flow has been activated*

*Important: If the SITS/Portico source is removed before the flow is activated, students and markers will be deleted from the flow.


Step 1: Follow each step in the section, Create a summative assessment in AUCL (WISEflow).

Step 2: You must update the title of the flow to include the word ‘FORMATIVE' to distinguish this assessment from the summative assessment. Select the edit icon at the top of the flow to edit and type 'FORMATIVE':


Step 3: Update the assessment details and settings fully (follow the Manager tasks table) (the deadline dates must be updated as a minimum)


Step 4: Activate the flow - this will send an email notification to all students on the assessment, making them aware of this assessment they are due to take:


Step 5: Now you are now ready to remove the SITS/Portico source from the flow. Select the Manage sources button:


Step 6: Select Remove:


Step 7: Confirm this action by ticking the checkbox and select hold to delete (hold the button for a few seconds) to remove the source:


Important: Removing the SITS/Portico source from the flow results in the students (participants) being de-activated from the flow. The students will appear greyed-out when this happens. Therefore, you must re-activate students as soon as your remove the source to re-active the students on the assessment. If you do not, this means that students will not be able to access the flow (I.e. to view the assignment, submit work etc).


Step 8: Reactivate students by clicking the All button in the Participants heading:


Step 9: Select Activate all to re-activate all students:

Once you have re-activated the students, they will no longer be greyed-out in the Participant list. Your assessment is now set up as formative.

Further note: Before the start date of the flow, it is strongly recommended that you quality check the settings and marking allocation of your flow to verify that these settings have been maintained after the SITS/Portico source has been removed.


Information about similarity checking: If the formative assessment is an opportunity for students to submit written drafts prior to their main submission, you can switch off similarity checking on the flow to prevent an erroneously high similarity score when the final summative versions are submitted. This can be done via the Marking and review section by clicking Manage settings and unticking the option to Enable similarity control:

Formative work can still be checked for similarity on the Turnitin Test area in Moodle.


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Questions for markers

Before you can configure the assessment settings on WISEflow, it is important that you have gathered sufficient information from your module team. The list of questions (attached below) should be used by administrators/Managers when discussing the assessment and marking set up on WISEflow:



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Add deadlines 

Step 1: Under Deadlines, you can set the start/end date for students and for marking.

  • During the participation period, the student can access the assignment and submit their answers.

  • During the marking period, the assessors/markers can mark submissions and submit grades. 

Click on the calendar icon to amend the date/time:


Step 2: A pop-up window will appear, select the date and move the slider to adjust the time. Your updates will auto-save so you can close the pop-up once you have finished. 


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Add anonymity setting

Under Details container, you can anonymise students and internal assessors. As per UCL's regulations, it is recommended that students are anonymised by candidate number.

Step 1: To anonymise students select the drop-down box next to Anonymous participants and choose the relevant option:


Step 2: You can also choose to anonymise the markers (internal assessors) by ticking the relevant box. If this is not ticked, students will be able to see who has marked their work.



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Set up groups 

If you are setting up a group assessment, it is important to be mindful of the following instructions:

  • Groups should be established in advance of the assessment

  • The Module lead should provide details of students in groups to administrator in advance of assessment (in a CSV file with emails)

  • Groups must be set up in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) by the administrator via the Manager role

  • Groups can be set up as individual submissions or group submissions:

Group - individual submissions

Group - group submission

Group - individual submissions

Group - group submission

  • Submission: each student within each group makes an individual submission

  • Feedback is provided at an individual student level (cannot provide group feedback); either via comments, annotations or rubrics

  • Marks can be given as a group or individually

  • Submission: only one submission is made for the group

  • Feedback is provided as a group (individual feedback is not possible); either via comments, annotations or rubrics

  • Marks can be given as a group or individually


Step 1: Under the Basic settings tab of the Manager view, you will see a setting called Group type allows students to hand in assignments in groups. You can decide if they should hand in one assignment each or one assignment collectively. C heck the relevant option from the drop-down list.


Step 2: Once you enable groups, you will see a Manage groups button appear under the Participants list:  


Step 3: Now, you need to set up your groups. Click Add group to add one group (or select the blue icon with three lines to add multiple groups):


Step 4: Now, add students to groups.

i) You can add students randomly to groups - click the Assign equally button

ii) However, if you have specific group allocations, it is recommended that you copy/paste the students' email addresses into the box highlighted in the image below. The Module lead should provide the Manager with the group information in a CSV file with the students' email addresses.

This will populate the relevant students into this group:

Repeat this for all groups.


Step 5: Name each group so that this is viewable to students (currently, students cannot see the group number on Wiseflow). To name a group, select the pencil icon:

IMPORTANT: ensure that the group name is appropriate (i.e. do not name group 1 as 'Group 3', as this can confuse the administration of the assessment).

Once named, students will be able to see their group name (i.e. group number):


Step 6: Check that students cannot edit/change their groups. This option should be enabled as a default, but you can check this by clicking the pencil icon in the group and ensuring that the option 'Participants should not be able to edit groups' is enabled:

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Add Upload window  

Please check UCL's Assessment Operating model to verify if your assessment has an upload window or late submission window.

Upload window

Upload window is allowed for controlled conditions exams only. For the 2023/24 academic year, the upload window is 20 minutes.

The upload window of 20 minutes is added to the End date for participants ; under Deadlines section.

  • For centrally timetabled exams: the upload window will be automatically populated via integration

  • For exams run by departments (non in the central timetable); the Manager needs to manually add 20 min to the exam duration using.

Add 20 minutes manually to exam end date/time using the time slider in the calendar tool.


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Add late submission window 

Please check UCL's Assessment Operating model to verify if your assessment has an upload window or late submission window.

Step: Manager can set up Late submission windows for student assignments in the Advanced tab:

  1. Click on Permission to hand in late field

  2. Select the relevant option (mins/hours/days) (please note that Wiseflow is based on calendar days, whereas the operating model is based on working days).

  3. Enter the duration of the late submission window (i.e. 7 days). Please refer to the UCL's Assessment Operating model to check the permitted late submission window for each UCL assessment type.

Note: ensure that the marking period extends beyond the late submission period, otherwise assessors will not be able to access and mark late submissions.

Important: this functionality is not currently available for online assessments using FLOWmulti.


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Check participation settings


Automatic submission of a paper can now be enabled on the following flow types:

  • FLOWmulti

  • FLOWlock

This means that when the participation end date/ time is reached on these flows, students will no longer need to manually hand in their submissions as Wiseflow will do this for them and display a notification to confirm this:

The setting to enable auto-submission can be found under the Participation section by clicking All participation settings:


If an invigilator password is in use on the flow, auto-submission will bypass this.

Note that auto-submission of a paper will only happen if the student is in the exam environment in Wiseflow. If the student exits the exam before it ends, their answers will still be saved but they will not be submitted.



Timeboxing is available in the following flow types:

  • FLOWassign

  • FLOWhandin

  • FLOWmulti

  • FLOWlock

Also known as a "floating deadline", timeboxing gives students more flexibility in when they can start a timed assessment. When timeboxing is enabled, students can start the assessment at any time between the participation start and end dates but will then have to complete the assessment within a much shorter window. This feature could be useful for remote assessments with students in different time zones, or an online assessment where a fixed start time is difficult to guarantee (e.g. if this follows a practical assessment). 

Note that the duration you specify in the timeboxing setting will take priority over the participation end date. E.g. if students can start a 2 hour assessment at any time between Monday December 4th 2023 at 09:00 and Friday 8th December 2023 at 17:00, a student that started the assessment on Friday 8th December 2023 at 17:00 would be able to take the assessment and finish at 19:00.

In FLOWassign and FLOWhandin flows, the timeboxing feature can be found under the Participation section:


In FLOWmulti and FLOWlock flows, the timeboxing feature can be accessed by clicking All participation settings:


Once you have enabled timeboxing, additional fields will appear and you can define the amount of time students should have to complete the assessment. In the example below, students can start at any time between the participation start and end dates, but will then only have 1 hour and 30 minutes to take the assessment and submit their answers:


If you have SORA or ECs extensions to manage, the duration of the timeboxing can also be adjusted for specific individuals in the Participant settings table at the bottom of the page under All participation settings:


Note if timeboxing is in use and students require extra time to be added during the exam, this cannot be done by extending their participation end date as usual via the participation monitor. Instead you will need to amend the duration of the timeboxing for specific individuals as described above.


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Set up marking and feedback options 

You can configure the marking and feedback options for an assessment to determine how students' marks are achieved and how feedback is released. If you are using a rubric, please also see Add rubric section on how to set up the sharing of rubrics.

Step 1: To begin amending the marking and feedback options, go to the Marking and review section, click on the Manage settings button to set up the options for marking and releasing the feedback.

Step 2: Two of the most important settings in this screen is updating whether you want to Show final grades to students and how you want marker feedback to be shared:

i) Show final grade - if enabled, students will see their final grade for the assessment. The grade will be released to students at the end of the marking period; alternatively, you can set up a future release date.


ii) Default sharing of marking feedback - this setting controls the default sharing of marking (comments, annotations etc). It is important that this setting is set up correctly in advance of marking as it is not a setting that can be applied retrospectively. Applying this setting correctly will mitigate manual workarounds for markers, who would need to manually update how their feedback is shared for each student paper.

Further information:

The options available are different for different flow types:

All Marking and review options - FLOWassign & FLOWhandin

The following options are available for these assessment types:

  1. Procedure for submitting final grades: select either Reviewer Approval (final marks to be approved by Module Lead or Lead Examiner/Marker) or Marker agreement (e.g. both markers are forced to enter the same mark into the platform for grade to be confirmed)

  2. Submission of grades:  this is enabled by default and means that assessors are required to enter and submit grades by the end of the assessment period for any work submitted by students.

  3. Show final grades: enabling this setting will ensure that feedback and grades are automatically released to students at the end of the assessment period.

  4. Enable similarity control [Only currently available for FLOWassign]: activates the Turnitin similarity report. If this is disabled, markers will not have access to similarity reports on their allocated assessment. 

  5. Allow early release of feedback: if enabled, assessors can decide whether to share their feedback (annotations, comments and rubrics) with the student early. Assessors need to enable this option in the Assessor Tool to instantaneously release feedback to student.

  6. Enable new marker journey: enables the use of the new marking tool. This is intended to improve the marker experience and should be set up before the marking period begins (note: this can still be changed during the marking period but you will risk losing marking progress by doing this). See marker guidance on using the new marking tool.

  7. Default sharing state of marking work: determines which users comments and annotations are shared with by default. This must be set up before the marking period begins and cannot be changed afterwards. See more detail on options for sharing final mark and/ or feedback to students.



FLOWmulti allows section based marking (see separate section for more details). There is no similarity report available in this flow type.


  1. Item-based assessment: enable this setting to allow item-based marking. This feature enables different sections of an assessment paper to be allocated to different markers for individual marking.  This setting is not available in FLOWassign. 


Step 3: Based on your departmental marking approach, select the relevant options in this screen by clicking the pencil icon and enable/disable settings as required.


ii) Options for sharing final mark and/or feedback to students

To view the options available for sharing feedback and final mark, please consult the table for each flow type, below: 

FLOWassign (PDF upload)

Share with student? 



Final mark 



  1. Markers must share all annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. 'Show final grades' option must be ticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 



  1. Markers must share all annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. 'Show final grades' option must be unticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 



  1. Markers must not share any annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. Show final grades option must be ticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 



  1. Markers must not share any annotations and comments with student(s) 

  2. Show final grades option must remain unticked (Manage settings under Marking and review container) 

Rubrics are shared as a default.

To amend the sharing of Rubrics with students, Manager needs to go to Marking and review container > Set up Rubric > Rubric settings > click the Spanner icon > amend settings as required.


iii) Scheduling release of final mark and feedback to students

If feedback is to be released to students, the ‘Show final assessment’ option should be enabled.

By clicking the pencil icon next to ‘Show final assessment’, the following window will appear:


  1. Tick this checkbox if you wish for the final mark and feedback comments to be released at the end of the assessment period.

  2. If you wish to delay the release of the final mark and feedback, tick the ‘Publication date’ checkbox and enter the date of when the mark and feedback should be released.


iv) Releasing feedback early

If you wish for feedback (annotations, comments) to be released early (before the marking period closes / publication date), the following options must be enabled:  

  1. The option ‘Allow early release of feedback’ must be ticked by Manager (Marking and review > Manage settings)  

  1. The assessor (marker) must also enable the option for each submission that they wish to release feedback instantly (in the Assessor Tool):


v) Section-based marking options

Online exams: FLOWmulti

AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) offers an assessment method for FLOWmulti, called section-based assessment. This feature allows the manager to assign assessors (markers) to score individual sections of an exam paper.

Note: if you are considering using section-based marking in FLOWmulti, please note that the approval and submission of final marks is completed by the Manager role.




Step 1: Under Assessment and review, click  Manage settings.

Step 2: Within the Assessment and review settings, you can enable item-based assessment by clicking on the pencil and selecting the checkbox for this setting.

The FLOWmulti is now set to item-based assessment mode. You will now be able to allocate assessors (markers) to different sections of your exam (via the Manage matrix function).

Step 3: Return to the Marking and review page, where the Manage matrix option will have appeared.

Step 4: In the Manage matrix page, you will see a Scoring matrix (below) where you can allocate sections of an exam paper to an individual marker by clicking on the relevant box under the assessor names (highlighted in red below).

Note: In order to allocate different sections to assessors, the assessment must be attached to a FLOWmulti assignment with multiple sections within the exam (created by the Author).

The Scoring matrix allows the manager to:

  • Deactivate sections so that they are not assessed; e.g. Section 1. Note: The section will still be present in the exam.

  • Set the question to be automatically validated by the system; by clicking on auto-scoring. Note: the question must be assigned a score and marked as available for auto-scoring.

  • Set maximum and minimum points that can be scored for sections validated by assessors.

  • Assign sections to assessors or assessor groups.


Step 5: Click 'Save set up' to save your allocations:

PDF upload: FLOWassign

To enable section-based marking in FLOWassign on pdf submissions, the Manager should enable the ‘Rubric Based Assessments’ option (as outlined in the steps below). Rubric Based Assessments (RBA) makes it possible to mark an assessment from a set of submitted rubric scores; the final mark is derived from rubric scores being averaged or summed together.

Note: If you plan to utilise the RBA feature for section-based marking, it is important to note that the Manager assumes control of submitting the marks as final. The Reviewer is currently not able to view assessor marks or submit marks as final.


  • A rubric or several versions of marking rubrics need to be created using the Author role.


Step 1: Switch the default setting of assessment from Manual assessment to RBA

In the Set up rubric screen (under the Basic Settings of the flow), click the cog icon next to ‘Manual assessment’ and confirm the switch to RBA:

Step 2: Decide the Calculation method of the RBA.

Once you have switched the assessment to Rubric based assessment, you will see a new container appear, Calculation methods. Click the spanner icon under this section to view or change the calculation method:

Now, you will be able to decide how the rubric scores are calculated:

  1. Score between assessors – scores between assessors can be automatically summed together or averaged.

For example, if an assessment is to be double marked, then you could configure this setting to Average the scores between assessors (by selecting this option via the dropdown box) – this would automatically generate a final mark that is the average of the scores provided by both assessors.

  1. Score between rubrics – scores between rubrics can be automatically summed together or averaged.

For section-based marking – where each section of an assessment is marked by a different assessor (each using their own rubric) - then you could configure this setting to Sum the scores of each rubric to reach the final mark. For example, Assessor 1 marks Section A (worth 60 marks) and submits a mark of 45, and Assessor 2 marks Section B (worth 40 marks) and submits a mark of 30, these points are summed together to obtain a final mark of 75.

The default setting of the Calculation methods is to sum together scores. If you would like to change this to Average calculation, select this option from the dropdown box.


Step 3 – Add rubrics (to do this, refer to previous section, Add and manage Rubric ).


Step 4 – Allocate rubrics to assessors

i) Click the ‘Open rubric allocation matrix’ button under the Rubric allocation container:

ii) On this matrix screen, you can allocate each rubric to different assessors:

  1. The columns display the names of the rubrics attached to the flow

  2. The rows display names of the assessors

  3. The squares are defaulted to white – when selected, squares change colour according to the colour assigned to that rubric

Once you have allocated rubrics to assessors, click Save to confirm the allocation.

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Add Staff: Add Authors & Managers 

Important: Managers are added automatically based on the data in Portico. If a Manager has not been added for you assessment, please update your department's Portico records - guidance here.

Where Managers have not been integrated automatically via Portico, existing Managers can manually add Managers to a flow (but this should only be done in urgent cases - for future reference, Portico records need to be updated by the department). 

Note: academics will not be allocated Manager role, while users with Manager role can also have Author role; such as Department Administrators.


How to add a Manager (only for urgent requests):

Managers are responsible for the administration and support of assessments online.

  • Open the assessment as a Manager and select the Associates tab

  • Click +Add Manager button

  • Search for user - > click + sign - > user is added:

Add Author

Authors can create academic content such as online assignments and rubrics. 

Under Associates tab, click on +Add author  button

  • Search for a user by their name, user name, or email

  • Click Add

  • Save

  • User is added to an assessment

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Add Staff: Add Assessors (markers)

Academic members of staff who are required to mark submissions and provide student feedback need to be added to a flow with the Assessor role. Only those users that are recorded as markers in SITS for a relevant module will be integrated into AUCL (WISEflow). Any markers that are missing, will have to be added manually by Manager. 


Step 1 - Add Assessor to assessment

  • On the Basic settings tab of your flow go to the Marking and review section

  • Click the Manage assessors button  

  • Click + Add assessor button

  • Search one or more assessor

  • Add them to the assessment as an internal assessor

Once they have been added to the flow you get the following information.

In addition to their name, email, assessor type and allocation stats, you have the following actions available:

  1. Remove the assessor for all participants

  2. Allocate the assessor to all participants

  3. Edit the assessor type

  4. Remove the assessor from the flow


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Allocate Assessors to students 

Step 1: Go to Manage assessors (under Marking and review)

Step 2:

Option 1: Allocate all student submissions


Under Actions column in the Assessor list, you can select the icon with the three people (highlighted below) to allocate all submissions to this assessor:

Option 2: Allocate to selected student submissions

Under Work distribution heading, you have the option to allocate markers to specific submissions by select one of the two options below:

i) Allocation matrix

The allocation matrix is a table made up of the names of Assessors (listed in the columns) and names of the Participants (listed in the rows).

Select the relevant square that sits under the Assessor column and sits next to the Participant row to allocate that specific submission, then click Save.

1 . Export the allocation matrix to an Excel spreadsheet.
2 . Import the updated Excel spreadsheet.
3 . This opens a window where you can choose which columns are visible in the matrix.
4 . Clicking a square in the matrix will allocate the assessor to that participant.


ii) Quick allocation

This will open a new window where you can quickly allocate one or more assessors based on either percentage or number of participants. 

If more than one assessor is added it will give you two options for the allocation process.

  1. Allocate freely, where you can use the percentage or number of participants without considering if the assessors are assigned to the same participant.

  2. Allocate as work distribution, where you will split the allocation evenly between the chosen assessors while making sure they are not assigned to the same participant.

As you can see from the picture when using Allocate as work distribution you are not allowed to go over 100% as they can’t be assigned to the same participant. Clicking the small scale icon, you can quickly balance the desired percentage equally between all the assessors.

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Add Staff: Add Reviewers

Academic members of staff who are required to moderate the marking process should be added to a flow with the Reviewer role. There are two versions of the role - a read-only access to submissions and mark history (i.e. for external examiners) and a version that allows Reviewers to , submit a final agreed grades between assessors.

Important: only those users that are recorded as Reviewers (Module Lead; External Assessor, ELO) in SITS for a relevant module will be integrated into AUCL (WISEflow). Any users that are missing, will have to be added manually by Manager. 

Step 1:

  1. On the Basic settings tab of your flow go to the Marking and review section.

  2. Click Manage reviewers button 


Step 2: Click +Add reviewer on the screen that follows and search for the individuals by name; username or email.

For the Module Leader (person who will submit final marks) select option Decide final assessment.

For users that only require read-only access; ensure View assessment information is selected. This role is allocated to External Examiners. (Refer to External Examiner guide for more information).

Once they have been added to the flow you get the following information.

In addition to their name, email and allocation stats, you have the following actions available:

  1. Remove the reviewer from all participants

  2. Allocate the reviewer to all participants

  3. See the privileges the reviewer have

  4. Edit the reviewers' privileges

  5. Remove the reviewer from the flow

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Allocate Reviewer privileges

There are two versions of the Reviewer role; one that has the additional privileges of deciding the final grade between markers (suitable for Module leads), and one that has read-only privileges (suitable for External Examiners).

Step 1: To allocate additional privileges, go to Manager Reviewers (on the Manager overview page), and click the pencil icon next to the relevant Reviewer:

Step 2: Tick the box next to the relevant options to assign the relevant privileges, and select Save: 

All Reviewers should be assigned the option to 'View marking information'; this provides access to the marking (annotations/comments/rubrics) and the final grade for the student

Step 3: If you are assigning a Reviewer that needs to decide the final grade for students, tick the box next to Decide the final grade privilege and select Save:


Step 4: You can verify that the privileges have been updated as the Reviewer will now have an orange icon added under the Privileges column - this means that this Reviewer can approve the final grades between markers:

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Allocate Reviewers to students

Step 1: Go to Manage reviewers under Marking and review:

Step 2:

Option 1: Allocate all student submissions


Under Actions column in the Reviewer list, you can select the icon with the three people (highlighted below) to allocate all submissions to this assessor:

Option 2: Allocate to selected student submissions

Under Allocation to participants heading, you have the option to allocate markers to specific submissions by select one of the two options below:

If you click on a participants row, it will open a small subsection where you can filter the list of reviewers and click on one or more reviewer to allocate them to the participant. Once you have selected the reviewers you need, click save to finish the allocation for the participant.


i) Allocation matrix

The allocation matrix is a table made up of the names of Reviewers (listed in the columns) and names of the Participants (listed in the rows).

To allocate a Reviewer to a specific Participant, select the relevant square that sits under the Reviewer column and sits next to the Participant row.

Once selected, the square will be coloured in. To save the allocation, click Save.

1. Export the allocation matrix to an Excel spreadsheet
2. Import the updated Excel spreadsheet
3. This opens a window where you can choose which columns is visible in the matrix
4. Clicking a square in the matrix will allocate the assessor to that participant


ii) Quick allocation

This will open a new window where you can quickly allocate one or more reviewers based on either percentage or number of participants.

If more than one reviewer is added it will give you two options for the allocation process.

  1. Allocate freely, where you can use the percentage or number of participants without considering if the reviewers are assigned to the same participant.

  2. Allocate as work distribution, where you will split the allocation evenly between the chosen reviewers while making sure they are not assigned to the same participant.

As you can see from the picture when using Allocate as work distribution you are not allowed to go over 100% as they can’t be assigned to the same participant. Clicking the small scale icon, you can quickly balance the desired percentage equally between all the reviewers.

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Add assignment: PDF upload (FLOWassign)

If you want to allocate multiple assignments to different students, please see this section.

Step 1: To add a PDF assignment , go to the To be handed out tab: under Assignment, select the green + button:

Step 2: A pop up box will appear for you to browse or drag/drop a PDF document to add the assignment to the flow:

Note: as a default, the assignment will be allocated to all students

Step 3: Once uploaded, select Save to confirm:

Step 3: Your PDF assignment will be saved and allocated to students. You can preview the assignment (select the eye icon) and have the option to delete the assignment (select Edit then the trash can icon):

Step 4: If you are adding only one assignment, double check that all of your students have been allocated the assignment - this can be checked by viewing the highlighted areas (if assignment is shown to be allocated to 100% of students, and each student has the assignment displayed next to their name):

Allocating different assignments to students 

It is possible to allocated different assignments to students in a PDF upload assessment (FLOWassign).

Step 1: Go to ' To be handed out' tab, under 'Assignments' section click on 'Manage assignments':

Step 2: Click '+Create new assignment':

Step 3: Upload each of your assignments (in the example below, two assignments have been attached):

Note: when uploading your assignments, make sure you untick 'Allocated to all' option before clicking Save.


Step 4:  Go to 'Assignment distribution' section: click on 'Quick allocation' if you want assignments to be allocated randomly, or 'Allocation matrix' to choose which students are allocated which assignment:

Step 5: Follow the steps onscreen to allocate different assignments to students. For example, Allocation matrix, allows you to toggle on/off the assignment that is allocated to a student, whereas Quick Allocation allows you to allocate assignments randomly (i.e. a % of students receive Assignment 1, 2 etc).


Step 6: Click Save.


Note: As an alternative to the Quick Allocation option, you can choose to assign specific assignments to individual students using the Allocation matrix (found next to Quick Allocation button in Step 4)


Add assignment: online exam (FLOWmulti)

An assignment for an online assessment (FLOWmulti) will take the form of a set of questions (i.e. a set of multiple-choice questions) saved in the Author’s content back.


  • to add an assignment to an online assessment, the Author must; i) have created the assignment already, ii) share the assignment reference number with the Manager (the reference code is a unique code attached to the assignment).


Step 1: In the To be handed out tab, click the ‘Add assignment’ button:

Step 2: Copy and paste the unique assignment reference (provided by the Author who created the online assignment) and click Add assignment:

Step 3: The assignment has now been attached to your assessment – you will be able to see the title of the assignment and the person who authored the assignment. You also have the option to preview or remove the assignment:

If you wish to add supporting material to your online assessment, you do this in the same way as you would for a PDF submission assessment – please refer to the section above.


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Add Supporting material (including Assessment Query Form) 

Link to Assessment Query Form:


You can provide students with with material that is relevant to them. The material will be available when the flow is activated (note: students can see these materials prior to the start of the participation period).

Assessment Query Form

A link to UCL's Assessment Query Form should be attached under this heading. You should include a link to UCL's Assessment Query Form on all assessments on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) in the event that students have a query, or encounter an issue, during the completion of their assessment. The query will be directed to the Central Assessment Team in the first instance and will be triaged to the relevant contacts accordingly.

Link to Assessment Query Form:


Step 1: Go to ' To be handed out' tab, under 'Supporting material for participants' section, click on 'Add files':

Step 2: Complete the URL (link above) and Title as 'Assessment Query Form', and click Add link:

When the link is successfully added, it will appear under the 'Supporting material for participants' container:

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Add/edit Cover sheet 

Cover sheet fields should be non-mandatory; please ensure you are selecting the non-mandatory fields from the list when setting up the cover sheet (i.e. do NOT select fields that are followed by an asterisk *). This will ensure that students can submit their paper even if the cover sheet hasn't been completed.


Step 1: To add (or edit) Cover sheet to your assessment - > go to Cover sheet tab and click on +Add custom field. 

Step 2: There are four fields customised for UCL use, search for any of the following fields in the search box:

Step 3: To add a field to the cover sheet, select the plus button (+) and select Save:

You can save the fields in your favourites; by clicking on the 'favourite' icon. 


This will enable you to quickly add a cover sheet every time you are setting up a new assessment; by selecting the fields from the Favourites section.

Note: Cover sheet is currently not available in FlowMulti assessment types.


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Add Rubric (& grade scaler)

Add Rubric

The manager can add and remove a rubric from the flow. Rubrics are calculated via points instead of marks; therefore, it is important when adding a rubric, you remember to add 'grade scaler' so that the points can be converted into a mark.

Go to the Marking and review to add and manage rubrics on the flow:

Step 1: Add the rubric to the flow

Rubrics are created and published by authors and can be attached to the flow by either the manager or author. The manager has two options:

  1. Choose the rubric from a list of shared rubrics on the licence (by clicking the Attach by search option)

  2. Attach the rubric by direct reference (if the Author has provided this rubric reference code to you).


Step 2: Allocate rubric to assessors 

i) Click the pencil icon within the Rubric container

ii) Tick the check (‘Allocate to all’) and click Save.

Step 3: Check how the rubric will be shared

Rubrics can be kept private, shared with co-markers and/or shared with students. Up until the marking period starts, you can decide how rubrics are shared. 

i) Select the pencil icon under Rubrics


ii) Under default sharing behaviour, select the relevant sharing option from the dropdown box:

Step 4: Add grade scaler

A grade scaler must be used on the flow so that rubric points can be converted to a final assessment.

i) To add a mark converter, click the spanner icon under the ‘Mark converter’ container:

ii) Click the green Add button to add the grade scaler:

Note: Assessors will the option to overwrite the converted mark when completing/approving their rubric. You have the option to 'Enforce the grade scaler', which means that the assessor will not be able to manually set a differing final mark from the converted rubric grade.


The author can add a grade scaler to the rubric in the author tool when building the rubric. If the flow has the same grading scale (labelled ‘Assessment type’ in the flow’s ‘Basic settings’) as the one chosen by the author, then the manager can choose to use it. 

If the mark converter is the same on the flow, it will be visible with a mark converter icon:

The manager can also change the mark converter from the author or add a new converter to the flow.

Change the mark converter by dragging each interval border or by entering the boundary values of the intervals directly:

If you change your mind about the changes you have made to the mark converter, you can go back to the original from the rubric (made by the author):

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Add extra time for students (EC & SORA extensions)

Please check UCL's Assessment Operating model to verify the EC extensions applicable to different UCL assessment categories. 

SORA & EC extensions

For centrally managed assessments, SORA extensions will be be automatically applied to the student's exam time. EC extensions need to be added manually by the department's administrator (via the Manager role).

  1. Once you have opened the assessment via the Managing tab, scroll down the assessment page to the Participants section

  2. The End column (last column) will show the date/time of the deadline that the student has to complete their assessment.

  3. To extend student's submission deadline, click the calendar icon and select the date/time of the extension.

Step 1: Go to Participants list and hover cursor over the end date/time of the student (End column):

Step 2: You will see a calendar icon appear, select this and then use the calendar to adjust the date/time:

SORA extensions

Please check the UCL's Assessment Operating model to verify the EC extensions applicable to different UCL assessment categories.

SORA extensions are added under a student's individual participation end date.

  1. Go to the Participants section

  2. Click on the calendar icon under the End column

  3. Extend student's submission deadline as per their SORA adjustment

  4. SORA extension should include 20 min upload window for controlled-conditions exams; e.g. 20 min upload window + 20 min extra time + 10 min rest break = 50 min total extension

  5. For other assessment types extend the submission time as per the operating model; e.g. 4 hours for 48 hour Take Home paper OR 1 week for Coursework

  6. For centrally timetabled assessments, SORA extensions will be added automatically via integration

  7. For all other assessment types, SORA extensions need to be added manually by Manager role in Department (future development is planned)


Note: SORA automation for ALL assessment types is currently being developed.


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Activate assessment (flow) 

When a new assessment (flow) has been created with all the details updated and assignments have been attached; it needs to be activated by clicking on Activate flow button.

Important: students; assessors and reviewers will not be able to view the assessments until a flow has been activated.

Students will receive automated email notifications of the upcoming assessment/s upon the flow activation. For more information on the automated email notifications, please see Automated messages section.

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Monitor student progress

The Participation monitor is a tool where you can gain detailed information on the activities of the students enrolled attached to a flow and on the progress of their assessment.

A manager can access the Participation monitor from the Participants section:

Overview: List

When you open the Participation monitor, there are several features available:

  1. Identification:  Three columns showing  participant index,  first name  and  last name.

  2. Deadline and status:  Two columns specifying the participant's deadline (updated in case of extended time), and the last time the participant sent information to the server.

  3. Progress: The progress of the student in the flow, status at each stage is outlined below:

Open stage - where student has opened the flow page:

'Opened' (in grey) = the participant has not opened the flow page.

'Opened' (in blue) = the participant has opened the flow page.

'Opened' (in green) = the participant has opened FLOWlock (if FLOWlock has been enabled for this flow).

Progress stage - the current progress of the participant (this progress bar differs according to the flow type):

'Progress 1' = the number of characters that have been saved to the server (FLOWlock).

'Paper saved' (grey) = paper not uploaded

'Paper saved' (gold) = paper uploaded

'%' (Progress as a percentage) = participant progress with the exam questions (FLOWmulti).

Handed-in stage - whether student has submitted their work:

'Handed in' = the participant has handed in.

'Not handed in' (green) = the participant has not handed in.


  1. Actions: 

For each participant, the manager can mark the participant as present or absent, add comments, extend the individual submission time and open the log.

Clickto mark the participant as present or to mark the participant as absent. A participants attendance-status is shown by the colour of the buttons. Extend the time on a single participant by clicking , the extended time button. Access the log, click the icon to see the actions of the participants. The detailed log shows a table of three columns:

  1. Time stamp: The precise time of the activity

  2. IP-address: The public IP-address of the network from which the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) server has received the information/activity

  3. Message: Short description of the activity received.

Add a comment. This is also visible for the invigilator on the flow.

Participation monitor overview

You can change your view from list to overview in the FLOWmonitor. FLOWmonitor overview gives managers a more compact overview of participant statuses on the flow.

Participation monitor features

These are the features in the FLOWmonitor:

  1. Filter the table by the status of

  • opened

  • paper saved

  • handed in

  • present

  • absent

  • active

  • inactive

  1. From the menu you can choose the columns to be displayed: participant index, first name(s), last name, room, deadline for the participant, latest status update, progress and action.

  2. Set the inactivity time (this will be remembered on the flow)

  3. See all participants on the flow in one list; you no longer need to go to the next page.

  4. Go to the direct messaging page, where messages can be sent directly to all active participants on a flow.

Extend student's participation time 

To extend a student's individual participation period; you can amend their end time in the End column:

If you are trying to extend the student's deadline beyond the standard marking period, you may need to extend the individual marking period for this student, see relevant section here.

If you are in the Participation Monitor, you can search for a student using a search function or Filter it by process stage.

You can filter students by a stage in the process:

Click on the clock icon - > this will allow you to extend student's individual participation period.

Enter the new participation end date or time.

The extension will be highlighted in blue colour.

Extend student's individual marking deadline

There are some cases where students may be given extensions beyond the standard marking deadlines or markers require more time to complete marking for a selection of students. In order to allow for this, you will need to extend their individual marking period deadline.
Go to Participants list > Participant details tab > select the last column (Individual marking period deadline) > select the date and time (this date should be agreed with the module lead and/or relevant markers)

In this scenario, students with extended marking end dates will have their feedback and mark released at the end date specified. Other students, i.e. those that have already been marked and given a final grade will have their feedback provided at the end of the general marking period. (so long as the 'Show final grades' setting is enabled here).


Withdraw submission on behalf of student 

For file upload assessments (FLOWassign), students can withdraw and re-submit their work up until the participation deadline.

For FLOWmulti assessments, the Manager can do this on behalf of a student, if requested. To do this:

  1. In the Manager overview page, scroll to the Participants heading

  2. Click on the Participant details tab. Next to the relevant student row, click the tick under the 'Submission' column.

  1. The following pop-up window will appear:                       

  1. Tick the 'Execute the action' option and click Proceed

Schedule, send or deactivate messages from AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

As the manager of a flow, you can schedule messages to students - either as e-mail messages or as direct messages that appear on the platform - under the message centre.

Step 1: Go to the Message centre, found in the upper right corner of your flow, where you usually activate your flow.

Step 2: The message centre will open displaying a timeline of scheduled messages. Messages are symbolised by boxes.

  1. Direct messages - these are messages that will appear directly to the student when they open / take their assessment.

  2. E-mail messages - these are messages that will be sent to a student's UCL email account.


Step 3: You can either; a) schedule/send messages or b) deactivate scheduled messages.


A) How to send a custom message

Click Create email message button.

When you enter the compose message screen, there are 3 steps you need to go through.

1. Compose a message

You can write ordinary text and insert dynamic fields in your message. Dynamic fields are automatically converted to the names, titles, dates and times and so on, of the flow in question.

2. Choose recipients

After you have written your message, you have to choose the user groups the message should be sent to. You can mark one or more of the groups by clicking on the circles. Chosen roles will have a line around the circle to indicate who the message is sent to. It is also possible to mark all groups at once by clicking the  All relations  circle.

3. Send or schedule

The last section makes you choose between sending the message immediately or schedules a date. After choosing your option you can click on the button Send message  to finish the custom e-mail message.


B) How to deactivate a scheduled message

In some cases, you may want to prevent messages from being sent. This can be done for all scheduled messages by clicking the small menu button.

This opens a small window where you can choose if the message should be sent or not and then save the setting.

All scheduled messages that have been disabled will be shown in the message centre with a strikethrough on the text

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Download submissions 

To download students' submissions as pdf files;

  1. Under the Managing tab, select the assessment and go to the

Participants section (towards the bottom of the page) and select Tools.

  1. An option to download all files in bulk is available (for FLOWAssign and FLOWhandin assessments). This will be downloaded as a zip file.

  1. You will have several options for downloading submissions., such as choosing to include the coversheet as the first page of the paper, or having this separated out.

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Check markers have been allocated to students 

If marking is taking place on the platform, it is recommended that you check whether any students have not yet been allocated Assessors (markers). This should be checked before the marking period starts but can be verified at any point after the participation period has ended.

To do this, you should add the column 'Participants without assessors' to your flow list in the Manager dashboard.

Step 1: On the Manager dashboard, click on  icon in the top right corner of your flow list. You will then access the list of available columns that can be viewed in the list of flows. The columns can be adjusted for the individual flow phases. 

At the top of this list, you will be able to see two icons with numbers related to how many columns you can select   and how many you have chosen to select  . We recommend that you select a maximum of 10 if you want to avoid using a sideways scrollbar in the table.


Step 2: Scroll down to 'Participants without assessors' and tick the checkbox and then click Apply to save:

Step 3: In the flow list, click the column you have just added - Participants without assessors - you may need to select the column twice to sort the flows by descending order (i.e. show the flow that contains the most students without assessors allocated):


In the example above, these three flows have many students that have not yet been allocated assessors. This means that markers cannot yet access or mark these student submissions online.

IMPORTANT: There might be a valid reason that students are not allocated to markers yet; namely, that marking is taking place offline and no mark or feedback is to be released to students on the platform, or the module team have yet to provide the marking allocation to Managers (in which case, this will need to be resolved).


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View mark history (grade audit trail)

Grade Audit Trail

Actions made by assessors, reviewers and managers are recorded in the Grade Audit Trail, accessed by managers via the Work Distribution panel of the Manager Assessors page.

The Grade Audit Trail column can be added by managing the columns displayed:

The Grade Audit Trail will display grades submitted by assessors along with any comments the assessors have made at the time of submission. The audit trail will also show Alternative Grades, conflicting grades from co-assessors, grades withdrawn by assessors (before being finalised) and those unlocked by managers or reviewers.


Unlock or reset final marks

In the event that the wrong final mark is submitted or if there is a need to correct the given assessment, the manager has the ability to un-submit a final mark (one-by-one) or reset all final marks (at once).

There are two methods available to un-submit a final mark and an additional option to unlock an assessor mark; the method you use as a Manager will depend on how your assessment has been set up:

  1. Standard process (for FLOWassign and FLOWmulti assessments with or without section-based marking)

  2. Process for section-based marking in FLOWmulti

  3. Additional option: Unlocking an assessor mark for section-based marking: PDF submission (FLOWassign)

1. Standard process

To un-submit a mark for a standard assessment set up:

Step 1: In the Manager overview, under the Participants container, go to the Grade tab.

Step 2: To un-submit a mark, click the certificate/ rosette icon:

Step 3: A warning disclaimer will appear to re-confirm you wish to un-submit a mark. Click ‘Execute the action’ and ‘Proceed’:

The mark is now un-submitted and markers (Assessor) or a moderator (Reviewer with final assessment approval privileges) can edit the student’s final mark again.

Note: If the assessment is set up with Approval by Reviewer, any marking submitted by a marker will not be deleted, only the final mark which the Reviewer submitted will be un-submitted. Annotations or rubric data will not be deleted. However if Agreement Between Co-assessor is enabled, the Assessors would need to submit their mark or rubric again.

2. Additional option: for section-based marking: PDF submission (FLOWassign)

The Manager has the option to unlock a mark for a specific assessor before this mark is submitted as final.

Step 1: Go to the Basic settings of the flow, and click on the ‘Manage marking progression’ button under the ‘Assessment and reviewer’ heading:

Step 2: In the Progression overview, click on the mark that you wish to release and select Unlock score (you must hold down the button for a few seconds for this action to register):

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Reset all assessments

If the manager resets assessments, then all marking is deleted i.e. all marks entered by each assessor (marker) and the final marks approved by reviewer. Only feedback comments and annotations are retained. As a precaution, the Module Lead should download all marks before requesting the manager resets marks.

If all assessments have been submitted by mistake or there is a need to reset all of them, it can be done by clicking the menu button with the 3 lines at the top left side of the flow. And then choose  Reset assessments.

Note:  This will also reset any personal assessments that have made, but may not have submitted yet!


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Identify late submissions 


  1. Please note that any timings shown on the platform (including the late submission report) will show the local time according to your device setting. Therefore, please ensure that your device is set to UK time when are identifying late submissions.

  2. The late submission report is calculated using the student's date of submission vs. their individual submission deadline. If students are granted mitigations after their submission deadline (i.e. in the event of a technical failure), then the student's individual submission deadline must be manually amended in order for the late submission report to be accurate.

Managers can see a list of submission dates for students. This data, along with the submission deadline, can help identify and apply late submission penalties.

Step 1: In the flow page, scroll down to Participants list, select Tools and Export grades:

Step 2: This is a report where you can view students' individual submission deadlines, date of submission, and the duration of any late submissions (see 'Late submitted' column below):


Step 3: You can then select the Export filtration to file button to download a CVS (Excel) file of submission dates and deadlines and the duration of late submissions.

Step 4: You can then use this spreadsheet to calculate applicable late submission penalties. Please refer to the assessment operating model to verify if the late submission includes an applicable penalty.


Please note: Marks in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) are provisional. Late penalties and mark adjustments are made in Portico. See Portico guidance here.

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Transfer marks to Portico 

IMPORTANT: You can transfer marks for each student only once. If possible, you should therefore transfer marks when you have a full set of marks for your assessment.

Marks in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) are provisional. Late penalties and mark adjustments are made in Portico. See Portico guidance here.

Step 1: check final grades are submitted for students.

Go to the Participants section of the Home page - > Grade tab. Under the Grades column check that marks have been submitted by the Assessor/Reviewer. Students' submissions are indicated by a 'tick' in the Submitted column.

Non-submission is indicated by '-' sign and there is no mark submitted by Assessor/Reviewer (missing mark).  If there is a submission but no mark awarded, please check with the Assessor/Reviewer; the marking process might not have been completed yet.

For non-submissions, no mark will be transferred to Portico and the mark field will be blank. Department administrators will need to enter the reason for a missing mark in Portico; such as a Deferral; Withdrawal, Absence; Irregularity; and similar. 

Extended submission deadlines are indicated by a clock sign.


Step 2: Export grades

Click Tools - > Export grades

Click Export grades to external system button

NOTE: the marking period must be closed before you can run the transfer of marks. If you attempt to run the marks transfer before the marking period has ended, you will receive the error message and you will not be able to proceed:


Once you have clicked the Export button, marks are queued for export. You might need to refresh the screen OR click the Update button to see the progress of the transfer.

Successful export will look like this: 0 Failed and 0 Queued records.

Transferred marks/grades are highlighted in green.

You might receive a notification of an error; a record is highlighted in red.

The reason for error might be that the mark or grade already exists for a student in Portico, e.g. a student might have previously applied for a deferral or a planned absence, but their circumstances have changed. Please check the records in Portico and amend the details as required. You can re-run the integration for errored records if Portico mark has been removed.

Grade integration will not override the valid/existing marks and grades in Portico.

If there are any changes to submitted marks after you have run the transfer process,  the student records need to be updated directly in Portico. If the mark hasn't already been transferred to Portico, you might re-run the grade export; e.g. in case of extended or late submissions.


You can re-run the export for the following business scenarios:

a) Marks haven’t been transferred: error is noted on the screen, and the marks are highlighted in red. This is likely to happen if a grade already exists in SITS. If the mark in Portico is removed (no longer correct), you might re-run the grade integration. 

b) Marks haven’t been awarded to student/s in AUCL (WISEflow); e.g. Submitted field is blank; mark might be awarded at a later date; e.g. for late submissions.


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View archived flows / Un-archiving a flow 

Flows are automatically archived 30 days after the marking period ends.

You may be required to un-archive a flow for external moderation purposes. To un-archive a flow, follow these steps:

Step 1: In Flow Overview of the Managing tab, select Archived flows:

Step 2: Search for the assessment you want to un-archive by typing the Flow ID or module code in the Filter search bar:

Step 3: Once the assessment is opened, select the button with the three lines and select Reopen flow:

Reopening the flow changes the end of the marking period to the first day of the current (at the time of reopening) month. This is because flows are only active during the 30 days after the marking period has ended.

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Download copy of final marks 

Step 1: Under the Participants list- > click  Tools  button - >  Export grades  button


Step 2: This will generate a report of all students, indicating who has submitted and which students have been given final grades (that can be pushed to Portico)

Note: you can use the hamburger icon (three lines), under the Print button, to hide/show different columns of details:

Step 3: To download this report, select Export filtration to file  - > select  Export to csv  option.

The export example is shown below. You can use the Candidate number to match the export file with Portico A26 Template.

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For section-based marking of online assessments (FLOWmulti assessments), the Manager must approve marks. There are platform developments underway to extend these responsibilities to the Reviewer role (Module lead / relevant academic).


Step 1: On the Manager overview page, scroll to the Participants heading and select ‘Progression overview’: 

Step 2: On the next screen, you will have an overview of the scores achieved by each participant for each section. To approve these marks, click ‘Set final assessments’:


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The Manager oversees the progression of rubric marks and approves/submits the final mark. There are platform developments underway to extend these responsibilities to the Reviewer role (Module lead / relevant academic).


Step 1: Go to the Basic settings of the flow, and click on the ‘Manage marking progression’ button under the ‘Assessment and reviewer’ heading:

Step 2: Click on the Progression Overview tab near the bottom of the screen:

  1. In this section, you monitor the progression of marks entered via rubrics. In this example, you can see the breakdown of marks across both rubrics (27 and 42) and the final mark (69)

  2. Here, you can submit the final mark for the student (if you were approving final marks one-by-one for a group of students)

  3. The Submit all button allows you to submit the final marks for every student (approve all final marks with one click, opposite to the above option)


Step 3: Approve mark

i) To approve a mark student-by-student, click the pencil icon and click Submit:

ii) To approve all marks for all students, click the Submit All button and select Confirm:


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Accessing AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) and assessments as a Manager

  1. Login to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) at

  2. Click on UCL.

  1. You will be taken to the UCL single sign-on page, please enter your UCL username and password.

  2. You will arrive on the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) dashboard. Click on the Managing tab (Note. you may have access to more than one tab).

The dashboard of the Managing tab lists all of the assessments (flows) you have access to as a Manager.  On the flow overview, you have a range of tools to help you sort and filter your list of flows to get the view you prefer to work from.

  1. This takes you to the FLOWseries overview (currently not in use in UCL)

  2. This takes you to the FLOWcombine overview.

  3. Archived flows: all assessments will be automatically archived 30 days after the assessment end date. You can still search and view archived flows.

  4. Basic search lets you search for assessments using SITS module code;  Title, Subtitle or Flow id.

  5. Advanced search allows for a more precise search.

  6. User search lets you find a specific user; assessment they are associated with and their role (Participant; Manager; Assessor; Reviewer)

  7. Filter the list of flows based on a specific flow type chosen in the drop-down menu; e.g. FlowMulti or FlowAssign.

  8. Show flows based on your relation to them. Choose between showing flows you have created or flows you have been added as a manager to.

  9. Will open additional filters for the phase you are currently viewing.

  10. Choose the assessment phase you want the list of flows to show. The phases are representative of the state the assessment is currently in; e.g. Set up (not active yet); Participation; Assessment

  11. This button allows you to select the columns you want to display; for example number of participants enrolled; start and end date of the submissions; feedback date; etc.

  12. Click Open to go to the flow/assessment details or click the small icon to the left to open the flow menu that allows you to go straight to a specific subpage of the flow; e.g. assessor distribution


  1. You can use the Filter function (1) to search for your assessment, or you can select the assessment from the list available (2). If using the latter method, make sure that you have selected the Phase the assessment is in (i.e. setup, participation, marking phase)

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Check grading scale

Grading scale indicates the marking scale used by markers when marking an assessment. This field is integrated from SITS Portico, and should not be changed as it can affect the grade integration process.

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Assessment types in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)


Flow Type


Suitable for following assessment types


Flow Type


Suitable for following assessment types



File-based assessment where students upload a PDF file submission.

  • Controlled-conditioned exams

  • Take-home papers

  • Coursework and other assignments (e.g. essays, reports)

  • Dissertation/research project

  • PDF file (up to 200mb)

  • In-line annotations (e.g. highlighting)

  • Turnitin similarity report

  • Section based marking - via Rubric Based Assessments

  • Mark input

  • Summary comment

  • Rubric marking

  • Group submissions 


Online assignments authored on the platform.

Includes multiple question types, multiple-choice, interactive questions etc.

  • Controlled-conditioned exams

  • Take-home papers

  • Quizzes and In-class tests

  • 50 different question types available (free-text, embedded images etc)

  • Auto-scored and manually scored questions.

  • Statistics/ data analytics

  • Annotation comment

  • Section based marking available

  • Mark input

  • Summary comment

  • Rubric marking


Allows submission of various digital formats (audio and video files) as well as PDF, Word and Excel.

  • Coursework and other assessments (where Turnitin is not required - e.g. portfolios)

  • Various digital formats accepted

  • One or more files up to 5GB

  • Mark input

  • Summary comment

  • Rubric marking



Enables administrative support of oral exams, such as scheduling oral exam slots. 

Nothing submitted in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), students are timetabled.

  • Practical exams

  • Markers can take notes digitally on the platform as student presents in-person or via web conference platform (Teams, Zoom etc)

  • Mark input

  • Summary comment

  • Rubric marking




Supports sequential or conditional assessments where assessment is broken down into smaller elements.


  • Coursework and other assignments (e.g. portfolio, reflective journal, etc.)

  • Combination of file types

  • Sequential or conditional assessments

  • Formative assessment (tbc)

  • Mark input

  • Summary comment

  • Rubric marking


UCL Assessment Operating Model

Assessment Type


Managed by

Participation and Assessment dates


SORA Extra Time and/or Rest Break*

Recommended Self-Cert EC mitigation

Upload Window*

Late submission*

Assessment Type


Managed by

Participation and Assessment dates


SORA Extra Time and/or Rest Break*

Recommended Self-Cert EC mitigation

Upload Window*

Late submission*

Controlled-Condition Exams


Online exams which replicate the controlled conditions in a face-to-face exam hall. 


All students start exams at the same time.

Central Exams (centrally timetabled)



Created via integration




Up to 4 hrs

Typically 5/10/15/20 mins/hr.

Added via integration into the assessment duration using student's individual participation end date.

Deferral without Tuition to the next normal
occasion (typically the
Late Summer Assessment

20 min 

For exams managed by Central Exams, the upload window will be added automatically via integration.


Note: Upload window will not be visible in Exam Timetable

Not allowed

(covered by Upload Window)




Controlled-Condition Exams

Department (not in central timetable)

Created manually by Manager

Up to 4 hrs

Typically 5/10/15/20 mins/hr.

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Deferral without Tuition to the next normal
occasion (typically the
Late Summer Assessment

20 min upload window added to all exam durations in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow).

Window needs to be added manually by Manager.


Note: Upload window will not be visible in Exam Timetable

Not allowed


(covered by Upload Window)


Take-Home Papers


Open-book assignments with
durations of 24 hours to 7 days.







14 days






(not in central timetable)

Created manually by Manager

  • 24

  • 48

  • 72

  • 7 days

  • 2 hrs

  • 4 hrs

  • 6 hrs

  • 14 hrs

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

  • 2 hrs

  • 4 hrs

  • 6 hrs

  • 14 hrs

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Not allowed


Quizzes & In-class tests

Short tests and quizzes, often delivered via an online platform such and typically worth no more than 10% of a module. 

If any questions involve upload then CCE by dept.


Created manually by Manager

Up to 1 hr

Typically 5/10/15/20 mins/hr


Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Deferral without Tuition
(timing determined by

Not allowed

Not allowed


Practical Exams


Practical assessments with a short, fixed duration such as
presentations, group
presentations, vivas, clinical exams, OSCEs, lab tests etc.


Created manually by Manager


As per SORA: individual

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Deferral without Tuition
(timing determined by

Not allowed

14 days


Dissertations / Research Projects


Extended, in-depth coursework
assignments involving research
and independent study.


Created manually by Manager


As per SORA: typically 2
week extension.

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Extension of up to 2

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Not allowed

14 days


Coursework and other assignments

Assignments where students are typically given a few weeks to
complete the assessment.
Includes essays, reports, portfolios, artefacts, exhibitions.


Created manually by Manager


As per SORA: typically 1
week extension.

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Extension of up to 1 week.

Manually added by Department using student's individual participation end date.

Not allowed

14 days


*The submission window will remain open for 14 days after the end date of the main assessment. The purpose of this is to enable students to submit who may be in the process of applying for an extension under the EC policy or Technical Failures policy, where decision often get processed some time after the student's EC application. See Late submission section for more details on on how to set this up in AUCL (WISEflow). Note: Do not extend the general participation deadline of an assessment; extended deadlines should only be amended for students who have been granted extensions via the EC policy (see View/update EC extensions section to do this).


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Automated emails

One of the benefits of the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform is automated email notifications to users. Students, Managers and Assessors receive at different stages of the assessment journey to remind them of important actions. Please see the attached document to see a list of automated emails:


What do the dates in Wiseflow mean? 



Where in Wiseflow?


Activation date of assessment flow

This is the date and time in which you want students to be able to view the submission portal (flow overview). Students will be automatically emailed notifying them that they have an assessment to complete.

Students will not be able to view the assignment document until the start date (explained below). However, any supporting material that is added can be viewed at this stage.

Activate button (in green) at the top of the flow page

Module lead should provide each date to the administrator.
Certain dates may be the same - i.e. you may wish to have students access their feedback and mark at the end of the marking period








Start date for participants

This is the date and time in which you want students to view the assignment document and to start completing the assessment.

Under 'Deadlines' container

End date for participants

This is the date and time in which you want students to complete their assessment by - i.e. the assessment deadline.

Start date for marking period

This is the date and time in which you want markers to start marking submissions.

End date for marking period

This is the date and time in which you want:

  1. markers to complete marking submissions, and

  1. you, as the module lead to finalise the agreed grades (completed via the Reviewer role)

Feedback/Mark release date (Publication date)

This is the date and time in which you want students to receive their feedback and mark.

Under Manage settings in Marking and Review container


Manager training slides

You can preview or download the following slides from the 2022-23 Manager hands-on training (delivered every month):


For more info on training, please see this web page.


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