This task is typically performed by Course Administrators and Tutors to unscheduled Lecturecast recordings edit or delete a Lecturecast recording for a specific
lecture or series of lectures.
It involves:
Info |
Please see the guidance on Creating and editing a schedule.
This task describes the steps required to delete a schedule that you have created.
It involves:
1. Search for and select an event
1.1 Select the search type
In this example, select the search type: Department/Module Code.
1.2 Enter your search parameters
In this example, enter a module code and then
Click on this link (Lecturecast Scheduler)to access the Lecturecast scheduler. In the search bar enter a module code, select the 'Scheduled Event' tab and click the 'Search' button to view all events for the module code.
1.3 Search results are displayed in the ‘Events’ tab
Events up to 3 months in advance are displayed for the module code.
1.4 Select the 'Scheduled Events' tab
Use the tabs and filters to find the relevant scheduled event.
. In this example, I have used 'MSIN0028' and the default search type is 'Department/Module Code' and the current academic session is set to 22-23.
ⓘ It is possible to delete a schedule directly from the ‘Events’ tab. However, however it is easier to find events using the
appropriate tab.
1.5 Select a scheduled event
Select the schedule you wish to delete.
You can unschedule multiple Lecturecast recordings by selecting multiple events at this step.
2. Delete the schedule
2.1 Unschedule the selected event
2. Deleting one or multiple schedules
On the 'Scheduled Event' tab, the search result should show you a list of scheduled events that you have created for the module code that you have entered in the search bar.
You can select one or multiple checkboxes of the event that you want to unschedule and click the 'Unschedule' button to delete the schedule.
Select a reason from the drop-down list.
2.3 Confirm the deletion
Click the 'Confirm' button and then click ‘OK’ to complete the deletion.
The event will no longer appear in the 'Scheduled Events' tab , as it will now be available as an unscheduled eventavailable event.
3. Edit a schedule
Select the checkbox of the event you want to edit and click on the 'Edit Schedule' button.
ⓘ You can only edit one scheduled event at a time. If you have selected multiple event checkboxes, the 'Edit Schedule' button will be greyed out.
Please find the functions of each Tab of "Edit Schedule" page in the table below.
EVENT TITLE | Give the recording a meaningful name so it can easily be found by students and other users |
PRESENTER'S NAME | Add/remove presenters |
SCHEDULED RECORDING DETAILS | Change the recording duration within the room booking window using the slider |
ADDITIONAL CAPTURE INFO | Change the capture information to reflect what will be captured during the lecture and if live streaming should be enabled. |
AUTO AVAILABLE | Edit this option to make the recording immediately available to students. The recording will otherwise need to be made available in Lecturecast (Echo360). |
When you have made your changes, click the 'Save' button.