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Super-Resolution Microscopy

Sample Preparation

Glox Switching Buffer

The Glox buffer formulation is adapted from the following publication:

Metcalf DJ, Edwards R, Kumarswami N, Knight AE. Test samples for optimizing STORM super-resolution microscopy. J Vis Exp 2013 Sep 6;(79):50579. doi: 10.3791/50579

To make 2.2 ml final volume, which will fill one well of a 4-well iBidi ibidi µ-Slide.

  • 110 µl Solution A
  • 880 µl Solution B
  • 220 µl Solution C
  • 990 µl PBS

The various solutions above have already been made up and are stored at the appropriate temperatures. For your reference the formulations are listed below.

Solution A (Enzyme Solution)

  • 10 µl catalase
  • 20 µl 1M TCEP
  • 2 ml glycerol
  • 125 µl 1M KCl
  • 100 µl 1M Tris-Cl pH 7.5
  • 50 mg glucose oxidase
  • Top up to 5 ml with distilled water

Dispense into 50 µl aliquots and store frozen at -20°C.

Solution B (Glucose Solution)

  • 4 g glucose
  • 4 ml glycerol
  • 36 ml distilled water

Dispense into 400 µl aliquots and store at -20°C.

Solution C (Reducing Agent Solution)

  • 113.6 mg MEA-HCl
  • 1 ml distilled water

Use fresh or make 100 µl aliquots for storage at -20°C

Sealing a 4-well ibidi chamber for STORM

This video shows how to fill one well of a 4-well ibidi with Glox and then seal the top with a coverslip so there are no air bubbles (and hence no oxygen ingress). It is also possible to seal the chamber by inverting the lid of the ibidi chamber and sliding that over the wells. In that way all the wells can be sealed.

In the image below I have sealed the middle two wells by sliding the inverted lid across them.

Image Added

Focusing on the specimen

Adjust the focus (Z dimension) for both microscopes to the following positions to find the approximate focus for the middle two wells of the ibidi chamber.

  • Zeiss Elyra PS.1: 4.622
  • ONI Nanoimager: -240.0


Levet F, Julien G, Galland R, Butler C, Beghin A, Chazeau A, Hoess P, Ries J, Giannone G, Sibarita J-B. A tessellation-based colocalization analysis approach for single-molecule localization microscopy. Nature Communications, 10, 2379. 2019.

Link to Github downloads.

Colocalisation measurements in Coloc-Tesseler

Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient

Like the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, this measures the degree to which the values of individual measurements of two channels change together either positively (correlated) or negatively (anti-correlated). A value of +1 indicates 100% correlation and −1 indicates 100% anti-correlation. A value of 0 indicates random correlation. Unlike the Pearson coefficient, the channel measurements do not have to be linearly related to give a correlation close to 1.

Manders Coefficients

The Manders Coefficients show the colocalised values from each channel as a ratio of the total fluorescence for that channel, so there is one coefficient for each channel.

Manders EMM, Verbeek FJ, Aten JA. Measurement of co-localization of objects in dual-colour confocal images. Journal of Microscopy, 169(3), 375, 1993.