EndNote and UCL Library resources

EndNote and UCL Library resources

EndNote is reference management software supported by UCL.
From version X2 and upwards, there are some options you can configure to make use of UCL's access to electronic resources.


  • Requires EndNote X2 or above (UCL currently only supports EndNote X)

UCL settings in EndNote

Note: It is not possible to search the UCL library catalogue via a connection from EndNote (or Reference Manager). This is due to licensing restrictions on the catalogue software. You can either search COPAC, which includes UCL's holdings alongside other UK libraries, or you can save records from the UCL library catalogue in "ISI ResearchSoft Tagged Output Format" suitable for importing into EndNote (or Reference Manager).

EndNote has options for linking to online articles, or downloading PDFs where possible. These can be customised to make use of UCL's subscriptions to electronic journals.

Note: these searches only give partial results - if full text is not found by EndNote, we may still have access to a journal, so you should also check the UCL E-journals list.

See also EndNote's guide to the Find Full Text feature.

1. Set the EndNote preferences

  • Go to the Edit menu, and then select Preferences...
  • Select 'Find Full Text'
  • Set the OpenURL path to
  • Set the 'Authenticate with' URL to

Note: The full text search via PubMed LinkOut is not active by default, as it slows the process of finding full text. You can try activating this option if you wish, as it may improve the proportion of full texts retrieved.

2. When you execute "Find Full Text" (from the References menu or by right-clicking) on a set of records in your EndNote library, EndNote will ask you to log in with your UCL username and password and then try to connect to the publisher of the article and bring back a PDF, or a link to the full text. The mechanism for this differs from publisher to publisher, and EndNote is not yet working for every publisher. This is why only a proportion of PDFs or links are found.

Selecting Find Full Text for a set of records

EndNote shows the UCL login screen

Note: When you have logged in, you will be shown a list of some of UCL's electronic resources. Ignore this and click Continue to find full text. The list is presented because of the way EndNote interacts with the UCL login.

3. For any records where no URL or PDF is found, execute URL...OpenURL link for that record (from the References menu or by right-clicking). This will look up the publication through UCL's SFX service, and offer Full Text if we have a subscription. This has to be done for one record at a time, but is more reliable than Find Full Text.