TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - CLC - Bulk Rollover



Budget Epic Name

Moodle End of Year Tools/Process

Parent-FeatureCourse Life Cycle and End of Academic Year Processes
Jira Epic

Feature LeadAlistair Spark

Devs: Segun, Conn/Sarah, Alex

LTs: Silvia, Rod

In TI2, we implemented a single course rollover tool. We should now extend this to allow for bulk rollover requests.

Process is mapped here - https://liveuclac.sharepoint.com/:i:/r/sites/LTALearning-DigEdchannel-CLC/Shared%20Documents/CLC/CLC%20Process%20Diagrams-Combined.png?csf=1&web=1&e=FKfVx7