AUCL Mar-22 Release

These are AUCL features released/to be released in Term 3 2021/22.


Feature description

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Feature description

Feature details




Integrations with SITS

User roles are assigned automatically to assessment in AUCL from SITS.

Pre-requisite: correct data needs to be recorded in SITS (e.g. Module Lead; Tutor; ELO).

User roles:

  • Participant (student)

    • Author

    • Assessor

    • Manager

    • Reviewer


User permissions are updated automatically based on the data in SITS.

Pre-requisite: correct data needs to be recorded in SITS (e.g. Module Lead; Tutor; ELO).

User permissions:

  • Participant = Student

    • Author = Tutor; Module Lead; Exam Liaision Officer; Teaching Administrator

    • Assessor = Tutor 

    • Manager = Exam Liaision Officer; Teaching Administrator

    • Reviewer = Module Lead; External Examiner; Exam Board Chair


Grade integration into Portico

All summative assessments can use grade export function to transfer marks from AUCL to Portico.


Candidate numbers are generated automatically for the new academic year

Student candidate numbers will be automatically updated in AUCL at the start of a new academic year. Previous issues with incorrect (old or duplicated) candidate numbers have now been fixed. Candidate numbers from previous years will not be visible in AUCL. 


LSA naming convention

Ability to create LSA assessments in AUCL and differentiate between the main assessment period and late summer assessments.



Feature description

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Feature description

Feature details



Assignment design (Authoring)

Ability to import up to 500 questions (items) at once into Content Bank from an external source (e.g. Moodle)

Previously, Author could import only 20 questions at a time from an external question bank; e.g. from Moodle.

The import functionality provides a status bar to monitor import progress. You will be able to continue working in AUCL while the import is running in the background. 


Author group: warning message displayed when editing questions 

Authors will see a warning message when they try to save a question that has been edited by another author in the prior 30 minutes. These measures are intended to help prevent authors from working on the same material simultaneously. 



Feature description

Feature details



Feature description

Feature details



Feature description

Feature details



Marking journey

(Assessor & Reviewer role)

Terminology changes: across all AUCL roles 

Some AUCL terminology has been changed in the March-22 release. The full details are available in AUCL Wiki training pages.


‘Share comments with co-assessor’ is a default setting on all assessments.


Sharing comments with co-assessor is set as a default value on all assessments in AUCL. Previously markers had to manually select this option every time they wanted their comments shared with other markers.

Sharing comments with Participants (students) needs to be manually selected by a marker each time they want to share feedback with a student.

(further developments planned for Oct-22)


Section based marking in FlowMulti

Previously there was an issue with the mark converter in section (item) based marking in FlowMulti. This has now been fixed.


Grade submissions: progress bar and summary screen available

An enhanced marking overview screen to provide assessors with improved summary information about their marking work. The overview shows information about submitted grades, conflicting grades, failed grades, and an overall status (e.g. 15 out of 30 participants finalised). There is also a progress bar summarising the assessor’s marking progress. It is possible to filter the overview and only submit all grades that are being determined with a co-assessor.


Paper Lookup available for Assessor / Reviewer / Manager

Ability to find the author of a paper via the file ID. Usually available as part of the Support roles, Paper Lookup can now be added as a permission to any other role including Assessor.


MCQ: provide feedback to students based on their responses: formative and summative assessments 

In Flow Multi assessments for the most of the auto-marked questions (e.g. MCQ), authors will be able to provide automated feedback to students' answers; based on their responses.


NEW Marker tool BETA version available for testing 

BETA version (test) of a NEW Marking tool will be available for testing. Live release is planned for Oct-22.


  • Simplified navigation

  • Reduced no. of mouse clicks

  • View co-assessors’ comments while marking
