Requesting a Class blog with student contributors or affiliated student blogs

What is a Class blog? And how not to request one!

To request a Class blog do not use the online Service Request form on Remedyforce called "Reflect Educational Blog request form".

A Class blog is a blog that will typically be used by a tutor to facilitate one of the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Students are added to (or enrolled on) the Class blog and allowed to post to, or edit it. (Such a Class blog may have one or more Teachers and Students contributing content).

Scenario 2:

Each student has their own blog that they attach or 'join' to the Class blog. (In this case a Student will work on their own blog, not the Class blog).

Scenario 3:

Students are grouped and each group works on their group's blog. Each group's blog is joined to the Class blog. (So, Students work on their group's blog, not the Class blog).

To request a Class blog do:

Step 1. Download and complete this blank csv file with the following data:

1.0.  For all Scenarios complete the first row under the column headings in the csv file to create the Class blog

Use row 2 (directly under the column headers) for the Class blog’s details, namely:

    • Site Name – use the naming convention for the class blog below to create the value for this cell (this will become the unchangeable URL of the blog)
    • Site Title – copy the Site Name into this field/cell (this will become the title of the blog which the user can change whenever they like)
    • Username* – the first part of the module leader/tutor's UCL email address (i.e. the '' before the "@" symbol).
    • Password – leave blank
    • User email* – UCL email address of the module leader/tutor (e.g.
    • User Role – Administrator
    • Display Name – Instructor's first name followed by their surname or last name (in the same cell)
    • Group – leave blank.

Note: Always substitute spaces with hyphens. Underscores and other non-alphanumeric characters are not allowed. Capital letters not allowed either.

Use this naming convention for the Class Blog

 Click here for details...

ModuleCode-Y1Y2-[TermX optionala]-Module-Title(abbreviated)b-[PG/UG/PG-UG optionalc]-[FF/OL optionald]-Class-Blog


      1. econ0011-1819-2-introduction-to-economics-ug-ff-class-blog   
      2. econ0011-1819-2-intro-to-economics-pg-ff-class-blog
      3. econ0011-1819-intro-to-economics-pg-ug-class-blog
      4. econ0011-1819-intro-to-economics-ol-class-blog
      5. econ0011-1819-intro-to-economics-class-blog

aoptional – required if course runs in more than one term in a given academic year.

boptional – abbreviated if necessary – can be useful if same code used for different titles.

coptional – required if the module is offered to both PGs and UGs in the same academic year.

doptional – required if course is delivered in different modes in the same year.

1.1. For Scenario 1: Complete a row for each student who will be contributing directly to the Class blog

Complete following consecutive rows (with no gaps or blank rows in between) with these details namely:

    • Site Name – copy the Site Name used in the Class blog
    • Site Title – copy the Site Name into this field/cell
    • Username* – the first part of the student's UCL email address (i.e. the '' before the "@" symbol).
    • Password – leave blank
    • User email* – UCL email address of the student (e.g. NOT
    • User Role – Editor
    • Display Name – Student's first name followed by their surname or last name (in the same cell)
    • Group – leave blank.

*The easiest way to get your students' email addresses for this csv file is to Export the student data from Grades in a Moodle course where they're enrolled.

1.2. For Scenario 2: Complete a row for each student to create their individual student blog 

Complete following consecutive rows (with no gaps or blank rows in between) with these student details:

    • Site Name – for each student use the naming convention below to create the value for this cell
    • Site Title – copy the Site Name into this field/cell
    • Username* – the first part of the student's UCL email address (i.e. the '' before the "@" symbol).
    • Password – leave blank
    • User email* – UCL email address of the student (e.g. NOT
    • User Role – Administrator
    • Display Name – Student's first name followed by their surname or last name (in the same cell)
    • Group – leave blank as students are going have an individual blog rather than a group blog.

*The easiest way to get your students' email addresses for this csv file is to Export the student data from Grades in a Moodle course where they're enrolled.

Use this naming convention for the Individual Student Blogs (to be joined to a Class Blog)

 Click here to expand...

ModuleCode-Y1Y2-[TermX optionala]-[PG/UG/PG-UG optionalc]-[FF/OL optionald]-Firstname-Surname-[Username optionale]


      1. econ0011-1819-karen-smith-campbell
      2. econ0011- 1819-2-pg-ol-karen-smith-campbell
      3. econ0011- 1819-2-pg-ol-tom-jones-xectjns

aoptional – required if course runs in more than one term in a given academic year.

coptional – required if the module is offered to both PGs and UGs in the same academic year.

doptional – required if course is delivered in different modes in the same year. 

eoptional – required if students have the same name in the same class.

1.3. For Scenario 3: Complete a row for each student to both create group student blogs and add the students to them

Complete following consecutive rows (with no gaps or blank rows inbetween) with these student and group details:

    • Site Name – for each student use the naming convention below to create the value for this cell
    • Site Title – copy the Site Name into this field/cell
    • Username* – the first part of the student's UCL email address (i.e. the '' before the "@" symbol).
    • Password – leave blank
    • User email* – UCL email address of the student (e.g. NOT
    • User Role – Administrator
    • Display Name – Student's first name followed by their surname or last name (in the same cell)
    • Group – enter the name of the group the student is in.

*The easiest way to get your students' email addresses for this csv file is to Export the student data from Grades in a Moodle course where they're enrolled.

Use this naming convention for Group Student Blogs (to be joined to a Class Blog)

 Click here to expand...

ModuleCode-Y1Y2-[TermX optionala]-[PG/UG/PG-UG optionalc]-[FF/OL optionald]-GroupName


      1. econ0011-1819-movers-and-shakers-group
      2. econ0011- 1819-2-pg-ol-group-1
      3. econ0011- 1819-2-pg-ol-group-a

aoptional – required if course runs in more than one term in a given academic year.

coptional – required if the module is offered to both PGs and UGs in the same academic year.

doptional – required if course is delivered in different modes in the same year.

Step 2. Fill in a MyServices form and attach the completed csv file. Make sure you include the following information on the form:

    1. Tutor's first name
    2. Tutor's last name or surname
    3. Module code
    4. Module title
    5. UG/PG
    6. Academic year
    7. Term 1/2/3
    8. Delivery mode - online/face-to-face