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  • Anonymous marking: see below for a definition and explanation.
  • Bulk-download: downloading the contents of a submission inbox for marking outside Turnitin.
  • Candidate number: a unique identifier (four letters and one digit) which students receive annually.
  • Combinations of blind/open, full/sampled second marking: refer to the UCL Marking Policy*.
  • External examining: refer to the UCL Marking Policy.
  • Grademark: Turnitin's own marking environment.
  • Intermediary: somebody without marking responsibilities, perhaps in an administrative or technical role.
  • Markings: all notes, specific and general comments, and numeric marks made by markers.
  • Moderating: refer to the UCL Marking Policy.
  • Moodle Assignment: Moodle offers a separate online assessment environment. Its marking and feedback possibilities currently differ from Turnitin's. Only Turnitin offers an Originality Report, and Turnitin's suite of online annotation tools is slightly more developed.
  • Paper ID: a numeric identifier unique to each paper, generated by Turnitin, but currently irrelevant outside Turnitin.
  • Post Date: point at which marks and feedback are released to students (at this point student anonymity is lifted, and bulk download of student submissions by staff becomes available).
  • Proxy identifier: see below for a definition and explanation.
  • Student Record Number (SRN): this appears on the front of every student's ID card.
  • Submission filename: the name of the file(s) submitted; this becomes important in cases where students' work is downloaded for marking outside Turnitin.
  • Submission title: the title students type into Turnitin when submitting their work. This displays in the Turnitin inbox and can be used to allocate submissions to subject specialist markers.
  • allows access (where there are existing permissions) to a Turnitin submission inbox independently of Moodle; affords downloading of Grademarked work and - though only after the Post Date - original unmarked work. Please note Digital Education cannot is unable to offer technical support for your activities on - if you need help with it, use the helpdesk therehowever, Turnitin does offer support.
  • Window of opportunity: a phrase used in this guidance to refer to a period just after Grademarking (if used) is complete and just before the Post Date de-anonymises students. During this window the still-anonymous, Grademarked submissions, complete with markings, can be downloaded from for distribution to other markers outside Turnitin after the Post Date. The window of opportunity is negotiated by course leaders, markers and intermediaries.


Where Grademark has been used and second marking happens needs to happen after the Post Date, then an intermediary accesses the inbox via (note that only allows Grademarked work to be downloaded before the Post Date i.e. not the originally-submitted unmarked work) and sorts it to identify a sample which is then downloaded and securely passed, outside Turnitin, to the second marker. If a brief window of opportunity this can be made to download this sample arranged after marking is complete but before the Post Date de-anonymises student work, this both potentially saves a great deal of time for whomever carries out this task, and also enables a marker to do it (because the work is still anonymous). However, if the Post Date has passed then an intermediary needs do it, manually re-anonymising all submissions by removing or redacting the student name Turnitin appends after the Post Date.

Please note that Digital Education is unable to offer technical support for your activity - Turnitin do does offer their own support though.

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Creative Commons License
Guidance on anonymous marking in Turnitin - including second marking, moderating and external examining by UCL E-Learning Environments is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at