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Currently in Turnitin, the Post Date permanently removes student anonymity.

Where As for sampled open second marking, where Grademark has been used, if a brief window of opportunity submissions can be created to download the submissions downloaded from after marking is complete but before the Post Date de-anonymises student work, this potentially saves a great deal of time for whomever carries out the task, and also allows a marker to do it (because the work is still anonymous). However, if the Post Date has passed, an intermediary needs to carry out the task, re-anonymising all submissions manually by removing or redacting the student name Turnitin appends after the Post Date.

Where marking has taken place outside Turnitin, the process is more convoluted. From . If before the Post Date then the original files may be downloaded from with their anonymity intact - before securely passing to the second marker it is important to check that the Candidate Number is present in the filename. If after the Post Date then from an intermediary downloads the original files (only available after the Post Date), re-anonymises these by removing the name Turnitin appends to the submission filename, ensures the Candidate Number is present in the filename, and securely passes these to the second marker along with the first marker's markings.


  • Moodle Assignment may offer advantages over Turnitin for blind marking since it would allow staff to download their own copies of the anonymous submissions, a single marker could bulk-upload a file of agreed numeric marks, summary comments and files for students containing feedback. The student feedback could include direct annotations using a word-processor or PDF annotation software. It would also be feasible for the first marker to mark within Moodle while the second marker received the submissions outside Moodle.
  • Or, if Turnitin is preferred, it could be used to view submissions but markers should not use Grademark. Instead they could type feedback onto marksheets provided outside Turnitin.
  • Or, if Turnitin is preferred and each marker is expected to Grademark the work, this would involve setting up a duplicate submission for each marker. There are some important caveats here: avoid using Moodle's Duplicate function but create entirely fresh, separate Turnitin assignments; only one assignment should be set to contribute the work to Turnitin's repository To avoid 100% match on the Originality Report.; students would need to be carefully instructed to submit to both; and the external examiner should be given all marked copies.
  • There are further alternatives - for example the anonymised original files could be downloaded as set out above for open second marking.

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Sampled blind second marking


Creative Commons License
Guidance on anonymous marking in Turnitin - including second marking, moderating and external examining by UCL E-Learning Environments is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at