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Table of Contents


titleYou should use the usual 'Search Courses' block to find a module page as Global Search will return a high volume of information

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Clicking this icon opens a text box where search terms can be entered, results are returned on a page that also contains options for search refinement, e.g. in the illustration below the search is for the word 'Boolean' where the search has been filtered to only include Moodle book chapters within the course -  BASC0038 Algorithms, Logic and Structure. 

Where can I search?

Staff and student searches are restricted to courses and areas within those courses where their Moodle permissions give access, i.e. courses on which they are enrolled either as students, teaching or administrative staff and where searched materials are visible to them. Students, for example, would not have search results returned from hidden courses or hidden sections/content within courses that are not hidden. For obvious reasons quiz questions are not indexed and therefore not returned in searches.
