Versions Compared


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  1. Within the course you have a checklist activity on, click Grades within the Navigation block
  2. Then click onto the Export tab and after that the Checklist tab
  3. You'll then be presented with five options to customise the Excel spreadsheet export:
    1. Checklist to export can be used to specify which checklist activity to export checkmarks from
    2. Include optional items toggles showing optional items in the export
    3. Percentage column toggles showing the completion percentage for required items
    4. Percentage row toggles showing the percentage of students who have checked each item
    5. Percentage for headings toggles showing percentage of required items checked under each heading
  4. Default settings are suitable but once you've got the export configured, click on Export Excel file
  5. The spreadsheet will then download with the default naming of Course full name + checklist activity name

Imagine of export options for completion of a checklist activity

Checklist block

ContentYou also have the option to include a block on your course that shows a summary of progress within a specified checklist activity or all checklist activities on a course (if applicable)

  1. Navigate to a Moodle course and Turn editing on
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the blocks column and select Checklist under Add.. within the Add a block section
  3. Once the block is added on your page, scroll to the Checklist block, click on the settings cog and then select Configure Checklist block
  4. There are three settings under Block settings but you can leave them at the default if there's only one checklist on your Moodle course
    1. Checklist overview can be set to Yes if you wish to show an overview of progress on all checklist activities
    2. Choose checklist can be used to specify a checklist to show within the block if Checklist overview is set to No
    3. Default group can be left on it's default settings
  5. Once you've made any required changes, click Save changes

If your checklist block is configured to show progress for a specific block, this is what you will see. Clicking onto a student's name will take you to their progress within the specified checklist activity.

An example of a checklist block showing progress from a specified checklist activityImage Added

If your checklist block is configured to show an overview of all checklist activities on a block, this is what you will see. Clicking onto the checklist title will take you to that specific checklist activity.

An example of the checklist block showing an overview of all checklist activities on a courseImage Added

Examples and case studies
