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Table of Contents

What is it?

The Sharing Cart is a block for duplicating course items into a personal library and an easy way to move those Moodle resources and activities between multiple courses. With just four clicks, the Sharing Cart copies and moves a single course item from one course to another. It copies without user data—similar to the “Import” function on Moodle.  In addition, items can be collected and saved on the Sharing Cart, serving as a library of frequently used course items available for duplication. The Sharing Cart is viewable only by course administrators and tutors.

Why use it?

  • Move a resource or activity quickly and easily between two Moodle courses.
  • Move a section of content quickly and easily between two Moodle courses.
  • Save content in a personal library to copy onto multiple courses as required.


  1. Go to your Moodle course and use the toggle switch to turn 'Edit mode' on
  2. On the right-hand side of the screen, click the arrow to ' Open the block drawer' . Check if the ' Sharing Cart ' block has already been added. If it has not been added , follow the instructions below.    

  3. Select' Add a block' and click the 'Sharing Cart' block. This will automatically add the block.


Adding a block menuImage Added

     4. After adding the Sharing Cart block, you will notice the block stays "on" the next time you enter that course.


     1.Click on Sharing Cart icon to send a copy of that resource/activity into the Sharing Cart. User data will be removed, only the activity itself will be copied.

Image Removed

      2Screen shot of Sharing Cart iconImage Added

     2. Click confirm. The content will then appear in the Sharing Cart block. Depending on the size of the content copied there can be some delay. 


Copying from the Sharing Cart

  1. Click the "Copy to course" icon in Sharing Cart next to the content you want to copy.Click the
  2. Go to the bottom of the Section and click the arrow 'drop box icon where you want to place the content you are copying' icon.

Image RemovedCopy to course in Sharing Cart blockImage Added

Image Removed

Once the page loads, the content should appear in the area you selected. Image Added

The content shall appear at the bottom of the section.  You can then move it and edit as normal.


  1. Click the "move" arrow icon next to a content item in the Sharing Cart block.
  2. You can then either
    1. select an existing folder from the drop down menu, or
    2. click the pencil icon, enter a name for your folder and hit enter to create a new folder. 

Move icon in Sharing CartImage Removed

Option A: Selecting an existing folder from the drop down menu:

Move to existing folderImage Removed

Option B: Create a new folder by clicking the pencil icon:

Move to a new folderImage Removed

Questions & answers  


Further information  



You can use the 'Duplicate' option to make a copy of an item within the same Moodle course.
Turn Editing On. Select the three dots to the right of the activity and select 'Duplicate'.  The duplicate item shall contain the word 'Copy'.  In the case of a 'Text and Media Area' activities this will only show in the Index on the left.  You should edit the item to remove the word 'Copy'. 

You can remove the word 'Copy' by editing the item within the main page.  

  1. Go to the duplicate item from the main body of the Moodle page and select ‘Edit Settings’.
  2. Edit the item’s title.  (In the case of a 'Text and Media Area' activity - edit the description text then save your change.) You can add a temporary character then remove it, or re-apply the heading style.  
  3. Select 'Save and Return to course' to see the updated item.