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This activity type is not anonymized in Moodle.  Most quizzes include automated marking, so will no be impacted.  Where quizzes have longer, free text answers, there is a risk some may not be marked.  In this situation, we would suggest downloading download the grades form the Gradebook, then adding add the 0 MX status to affected entries.  Download Gradebook, visually check against Quiz results

Moodle assignment

This activity type can be anonymized in Moodle, and includes the option to de-anonymize / release individual student grades
1: If you do not wish students to see their Grade in Moodle, Hide the Activity:
2: Select all and Lock Submissions
3: Edit settings.  but only permits ALL student grades to be revealed.  The workaround is to temporarily allow the Course Administrator role to view Hidden Student Identities.   This will be disabled againonce the mark entry period has passed.
The Tutor and Leader roles are not able to view Hidden Student Identities.
1: Ensure the Assignment is Hidden from students.  Turn editing on, then from the Edit options, ro the right of the activity, select Hide.
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2: Open the Moodle assignment.  Select all and then Lock Submissions
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3: Check that Marking Workflow has been enabled: Edit settings from the Administration Block.  Then, Grade > Use marking workflow: Yes
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4: From the summary, select students who have been Marked and Set marking workflow state to "Released"
5: ???...
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... to be Released
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5: From the summary, set the Grading action to be 'Download gradingf worksheet' to generate an Excel file
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6: The Excel file includes Student Details and the Grade.  Column F will allow you identify which students should be assigned 0 MX
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Turntin assignment

This activity type can be anonymized in Moodle, but usually de-anonymizes / releases ALL student grades when the Post Date is reached.  The following workaround will allow Marked students to be revealed, and Unmarked students to retain anonymity (until later marking.)
Firstly, ensure 1: Ensure the Assignment is Hidden from students.  Turn editing on, then from the Edit options, ro the right of the activity, select Hide.
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2: Open the Turnitin assignment and set the Post Date for the assignment is set to at least six months into the future, such as 31 Dec 2023.
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3: For a submission which has been marked, click in the name area ...
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... in order to open a pop up window.  Enter the reason as "MAB" then select [ Reveal ] ...
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... to de-anonymize the student's identity.
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Repeat for all graded submisisons.
4: For any student who has not submitted, click on the Grey Pencil Icon, under the Grade column ...
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... to create a Grading Template ...
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... and then allow you to clcik on the name area, and de-anonymize the student's identity ...
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... click on the Blue Pencil Icon to set a mark of zero.
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Marks for Revealed students are replicated in the course Gradebook, and can be exported as normal.
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Students with No mark listed are those who have submitted but not been marked, so should be listed as 0 MX