1: Ensure the Assignment is Hidden from students. Turn editing on, then from the Edit options, to the right of the activity, select Hide.
2: Open the Turnitin assignment and set the Post Date for the assignment is set at least six months into the future, such as 31 Dec 2023.
3: For a submission which has been marked, click in the name area ...
... in order to open a pop up window. Enter the reason as "MAB" then select [ Reveal ] ...
... to de-anonymize the student's identity.
Repeat for all graded submissions.
4: For any student who has not submitted, click on the Grey Pencil Icon, under the Grade column ...
... to create a Grading Template ...
... and then allow you to clcik on the name area, and de-anonymize the student's identity ...
... click on the Blue Pencil Icon to set a mark of zero.