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Keywords: quiz, question, exam, multiple choice, e-exam.

Table of Contents

What is it?

A glossary is a course-specific list of terms and definitions. Entries can be linked to words that appear within Moodle, so the definition pops-up when someone hovers their mouse over instances of the word.quiz is a useful way to test or evaluate students knowledge on a particular subject or area of study. It can be used both formative and credit barring assessment. 

Why use it?

  • To provide contextualised definitions for difficult course terms and avoid repeatedly answering similar questions.
  • It can enable students to contribute and become familiar with course concepts.


  • When used for formative testing, it can check the student's current knowledge levels, and let them see areas for improvement.
  • Marking can be automated on some question types (such as multiple choice). 

Who can use it?

  • Tutors can add terms.create quizzes
  • Students can (optionally) also add terms, with or without approval from a tutor.take quizzes

Before I start...

Think about:

  • What type of questions would work best?
  • Do you I want student entries to be approved by default?
  • Do you want to pre-populate the glossary with some terms to show students how it can be used?
  • Do you have any quizzes or discussion forums in your course where you would want to turn off the auto-linking featureto apply a penalty for wrong answers?
  • Should I allow multiple attempts?
  • do I want students to review their attempt(s)?

How do I set one up?

Add a Quiz quick guide


titleFurther help

Detailed step-by-step guidance on Glossary_Quiz settings is available from moodledocs.

If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).

If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.


  • Creating a quiz in Moodle is actually a three stage process. 
    1. Firstly you create questions in a Question bank. 
    2. Next you set up
    1. a Quiz. 
    2. Finally you add questions from the bank to the quiz.

Examples and case studies

  • Provide a 'Quote of the Day' or a random picture gallery that changes each time the page is refreshed, using the Random Glossary block.Tips and good practice and tips for Using a Quiz are available from moodledocs.

Questions & Answers


Further information

There are lots of other areas to explore in relation to quizzes on Moodle. Some other parts of the website you might find helpful include:

Building a quiz - Detailed step-by-step guidance on


  • Note: This requires multiple instances of the same term to be enabled in the settings.

Questions & Answers


Further information

Glossary entries can be searched or browsed within the Glossary activity as well as set to appear as pop-up definitions whenever the term appears in texts created within a given Moodle course e.g. emails in forums and Moodle web pages (not in uploaded PDFs or Word Docs).Building a Quiz.

Question TypesMore details on the range of Question types available in Moodle.

Quiz reportsHow to access and understand various Moodle Quiz reports, including grades, responses and statistics report.

Quiz quick guide - If you are still struggling you might want to try the Quiz quick guide from moodledocs.