Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

If you have any questions about these new Moodle features please contact Digital Education by email or on  020 7679 5000 (Ext: 25000 within UCL).

November 2016 

Please see Moodle release notes for details. 

Key features include; an upgrade to Turnitin and the addition of the recycle bin.

July 22nd - 27th 2016

Please as the Moodle 3.1 Summer Upgrade page for more details. 

June 2016

New resource- Lightbox- an image display resource.  This will supersede the slideshow activity.

April 2016

Moodle Plugins updated. No core Moodle code version change (v2.8.10). 





January 2016

No major changes, mostly behind the scenes maintenance. Upgraded to version 2.8.10 on the 26th January. See the Moodle 2.8.10 release notes for full details

December 2015

Upgraded to version 2.8.9 on the 8th December. See the Moodle 2.8.9 release notes for full details

November 2015

Upgraded to version 2.8.8 on the 10th November. See the Moodle 2.8.8 release notes for full details


  • Forms on settings pages are no longer auto-populated with passwords and usernames by the browsers

August 2015

Upgraded to version 2.8.7   See the Moodle 2.8.7 release notes for full details


Improved default colours for the Collapsed Topics format
The colours now meet accessibility guidelines and match the colour scheme for the UCL Moodle theme

July 2015

See the 2.8 upgrade page

April 2015

Feedback activity

Moodle Feedback activity is now enabled. This allows you to create your own feedback surveys within Moodle. (the survey tool within Moodle has fixed questions and isnt useful for general feedback)

More details are available at the feedback page

February 2015

Upgraded to version 2.6.7 - there is no new core functionality with 2.6.7, just security patches.       Moodle 2.6.7 release notes


You can now include automatically-generated reading list content directly in the central sections of your Moodle course (rather than stuck in a sidebar, as before).

January 2015

Portico Enroments

There is now a block in Moodle, available to everyone with Tutor or Course Administrator access rights on a course. This means you are able to take control of your own enrolments via Portico, without needing to go through the Digital Education team. Existing Portico mappings have been preserved and will be seen by course tutors and administrators in the new block which is viewable when editing is turned on.


M06a - Portico enrolments

for more information.

Portico 'Student Code' in Moodle

For students, the 'ID number' field in a users Moodle profile now contains the students Portico 'Student Code' .


For members of staff, or anyone without a student code, the ID number field will continue to contain the user's UPI number.

December 2014

  • The HTML block has been renamed as the Free Text block
  • The preview of templates in the Moodle Questionnaire is now working

October 2014

New Turnitin Assignments

New submission inbox

The submission inbox is now a combined view of the assignment settings at the top (containing links to the Rubric Manager, the Quickmark Manager and the Peermark manager) plus the student submissions below. This gives you all your Turnitin assignment functions on one place.When creating a Turnitin Assignment, you now only enter the start, end and post dates in one place in the settings (rather than having duplicated 'Moodle' dates and 'Turnitin' dates in the old version)


for details on how to set up a Peermark assignment

Automatic creation of test accounts

There is now a link in the Settings block that allows you to create up to 15 test accounts to use in your course. Find out more.

Enhanced CBM plugin

Allows you to more effectively evaluate questions based on CBM results. There are two new entries under the question behaviour dropdown in the quiz settings page.

August 2014

Moodle 2.6.4 release notes


This now allows image exports     

July 2014

See the 2.6 upgrade page

February 2014

The Slideshow activity now works properly again. More information on the Slideshow is on the Activities page


Plus - all the other changes that came with Moodle version 2.4.7

October 2013

Turn off drag and drop

Recently some users have experienced problems when trying to use drag and drop to re-order topics on their Moodle page. In the light of this it is now possible to turn off the drag feature, technically referred to as AJAX. 


You can find guidance on how to change your individual message preferences in the Moodle Resource Centre guide M07 - Personalise your Moodle.

August 2013

Advanced Forum

The Advanced Forum activity module enables participants to have asynchronous discussions with the additional option of allowing anonymous forum posts.


All other settings are similar to the standard Moodle forum ( see Forum miniguide )

July 2013 - 2.4 Upgrade

Information on the 2.4 upgrade

July 2013

Bulk Enrolment Block

Course admins and tutors can now bulk upload students into their Moodle course using just their student's UCL email address   or   UCL userids.

See the Bulk Enrolment block miniguide

June 2013

New Features

  • Add an activity / resource being combined
  • Drag and drop files and edit titles on the page
  • New Moodle assignments
  • Offline marking
  • Conditional activity, restricted by user details. 
  • Add or remove topics from the page
  • Group access to topics
