Versions Compared


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  • Anonymous marking: see below for a definition and explanation.
  • Bulk-download: downloading the contents of a submission inbox for marking outside Turnitin.
  • Combinations of blind/open, full/sampled second marking: refer to the UCL Marking Policy Currently draft*.
  • External examining: refer to the UCL Marking Policy.
  • Grademark: Turnitin's own marking environment.
  • Intermediary: somebody without marking responsibilities, perhaps in an administrative or technical role.
  • Markings: all notes, specific and general comments, and numeric marks made by markers.
  • Moderating: refer to the UCL Marking Policy.
  • Moodle Assignment: Moodle offers a separate online assessment environment. Its marking and feedback possibilities currently differ from Turnitin's. Only Turnitin offers an Originality Report, and Turnitin's suite of online annotation tools is slightly more developed.
  • Paper ID: a numeric identifier unique to each paper, generated Turnitin, but currently irrelevant outside Turnitin.
  • Post Date: point at which marks and feedback are released to students, necessitating the lifting of student anonymity.
  • Proxy identifier: see below for a definition and explanation.
  • Submission filename: the name of the file(s) submitted; this becomes important in cases where students' work is downloaded for marking outside Turnitin.
  • Submission title: the title students type into Turnitin when submitting their work. This displays in the Turnitin inbox and can be used to allocate submissions to subject specialist markers.
  • allows access (where there are existing permissions) to a Turnitin submission inbox independently of Moodle; affords downloading of Grademarked work and - though only after the Post Date - original unmarked work.
  • Window of opportunity: a phrase used in this guidance to refer to a period just after Grademarking (if used) is complete and just before the Post Date de-anonymises students. During this window the still-anonymous, Grademarked submissions, complete with markings, can be downloaded from for distribution to other markers outside Turnitin after the Post Date. The window of opportunity is negotiated by course leaders, markers and intermediaries.


Why is a proxy identifier needed at all? Because staff, sometimes working offline with downloaded files, need a robust, convenient way to refer to any given student, reconcile their markings with those of other markers, and update the student's record in the absence of a name.

Until a technical solution becomes available, students should be instructed to include this proxy identifier in both the title and file name of their submission.



Unsure whether to use the SRN? Some E-Learning Champions have commented that the SRN it is less anonymous since it persists for the duration of study, longer and therefore easier for students to mistype, and brings the extra workload of an intermediary stage to match it with the Candidate Number used in Portico.


Since second markers need to view the markings of first markers, the order of marking is important.

First markers access the submission inbox and can carry out marking using Turnitin's Grademark (or according to departmental guidelines). At an agreed date and time (before the Post Date), the second marker accesses the same inbox. Depending on local policy, second markers can use Grademark to add their markings alongside the first marker's. Turnitin will not currently distinguish the two sets of comments, so the second marker can initial or otherwise identify theirs.
