- All AFM instruments MUST be booked before use; even if this means booking immediately before use.
- Bookings can take place between 8am to 9pm8pm.
- The system will not allow you to reserve an appointment if the start time has already passed. If you cannot reserve time because of this, reserve whatever time you subsequently require for the current session. You may also send an email to r.thorogate@ucl.ac.uk to book time in the past.
- If you have reserved time on a microscope, but you know you will not be able use it, you MUST delete the reservation from the booking system before the start of the reserved time.
- If you cancel your slot less than 2 hours before it is due to begin you MUST send an alert to the mailing list on Agendo or email r.thorogate@ucl.ac.uk (see section on alerting users below).
- If you arrive more than 30 minutes after the start of your session you risk losing your booking slot. An email will be sent around to other users and if anyone else claims the slot they have rights over it.
- You cannot delete a slot once it has started so you risk being charged for your session. Only the administrator can delete bookings once they have started so please send an email to r.thorogate@ucl.ac.uk.
- If you finish more than an hour early, you MUST send an email to r.thorogate@ucl.ac.uk.