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On 3rd July 2014 three of the SP5's four photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) were replaced by new HyD hybrid detectors. The HyD detectors are in positions 1, 3 and 4. Position 2 is still occupied by a PMT because of a design limitation of the scan head. Image Added

The HyD controls are a little different to those for PMTs. If you hover the mouse over the detector in the Beam Path view a set of three radio buttons will appear (see Figure 1, right). Of these Standard mode is most similar to normal PMT operation and is likely to be most popular. The gain in standard mode is adjustable between 10% and 500% (see Figure 2, right). BrightR is a high dynamic range mode that allows you to image bright and dim areas in the same image without experiencing saturation but it should not be used if quantification is required since it changes the intensities in a non-linear manner. The most quantitative mode is Photon Counting, where each intensity value represents a photo-electron. You may find the image appears very dim since there are actually very few photo-electrons detected in confocal microscopy because of the low fluorescent signals and optical sectioning. There is also no gain, since the detector is actually counting the photo-electron signal and not amplifying it. You can use the auto-contrast feature in the left image tool bar (labelled A) to auto range the image, but this only refreshes after a complete image is acquired.
