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Table of Contents

What is it?

Feedback tracker is a single page report that allows students to more easily access feedback and see feedback turnaround times.


It makes it easier to indicate to students which are the most important assessments they should focus on.

It also demonstrates to students that feedback turnaround times are being met.

Who can use it?

Availble Available on all Moodle courses. It can be configured by Course Administrators or Tutors.

Meeting the baseline

The UCL Connected Learning Baseline suggests the following for assessment:

How do I set it up?  

The report appears automatically for all Moodle courses with assessments.


Configuring Feedback tracker

There are a series of configurable options that you can edit. The most important is to indicate whether an assessment is summative or not, and to exclude any assessments from the report. You should edit these fields as part of the preparation of your Moodle course for a new academic year.

Written guidance is provided below. You may also like to watch the Feedback tracker staff video guide.

Viewing the Feedback tracker report for your course

  1. Navigate to your Moodle course

  2. Click the Report tab

On a Moodle course page, click the Reports tab to access a list of reports (including the Feedback tracker).Image Added

  1. Click Feedback tracker

Image RemovedSelect Feedback tracker in the list of reports.Image Added

By default you will see the Course administrator view configuration page of the Feedback tracker.

The page will show due dates and feedback due dates for the following assessments on your course:

  • Moodle assignment

  • Turnitin assignment

  • Quiz

  • Lesson (where graded)

  • Manual grade items

You will also see:

You can select to "View as" a student to see what the student will see for your course.


Editing the Feedback tracker report for your course

From the Feedback tracker page, toggle Edit mode on.

The interface should change to show Click the edit button next to an assessment to access the editing options.

Image RemovedEdit modal for Feedback tracker. This shows optional settings for an assessment.Image Added

The following fields can be edited.




Feedback due date


20 working days after the assessment due date.

Turnaround is based upon UCL’s academic policy on Assessment feedback requirement that feedback should be delivered within 20 UCL working days excluding all UCL holidays.  

This field can be edited, but staff must provide a reason for doing so. This reason is not shown to students.

MethodOptional free text field.

Use to communicate the kind of feedback being returned e.g. written, oral, video, in-class. This helps signpost the different kinds of feedback students are receiving.  

ContactOptional free text field.

Use to communicate any contact staff member or email for students to see alongside their assessment.

Additional informationOptional free text field.Use to communicate any additional information e.g. updates on marking, link to cohort feedback Moodle forum post.Cohort feedback providedCheckbox

Select to indicate cohort feedback has been returned.

This will change the feedback status to released for the assessment.

Once the checkbox is selected, the option will save automatically.

Assessment type

Drop down

Integration from Mark Transfer & Assessment Categorisation

Select to indicate whether the assessment is summative, formative or a dummy activity.

The assessment type is displayed to the student from the Feedback tracker report.

Once an option is selected, it will save automatically.

If an assessment has been mapped using Mark Transfer or Assessment categorisation has been used, the assessment will appear as summative automatically.

Hide from student report


Hides the assessment from the Feedback tracker report. Does not hide it on the course from students.

Allows for staff to hide practice assessments that they do not wish to highlight in the Feedback tracker report e.g. practice assessments, optional assessments.

Once the checkbox is selected, the option will save automatically.

Note. If an assessment is hidden on a Moodle course, it will not show on the Feedback tracker report.

Feedback due date

Feedback due date is based upon UCL’s academic policy on Assessment feedback requirement that feedback should be delivered within 20 UCL working days excluding all UCL holidays.  The calculation factors in closure dates automatically.

This field can be edited, but staff must provide a reason for doing so. This reason is not shown to students.

Feedback released date

Select to add a custom date where feedback was released.

This will change the feedback status to released for the assessment.

You can use this to indicate feedback was given in class or cohort feedback was provided.

Additional information - Feedback method


Use to communicate the kind of feedback being returned e.g. written, oral, video, in-class. This helps signpost the different kinds of feedback students are receiving.  

Additional information - Contact


Use to communicate any contact staff member or email for students to see alongside their assessment.

Additional information - Additional information


Use to communicate any additional information e.g. updates on marking, link to cohort feedback Moodle forum post.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to edit the feedback tracker for every assignment?


Editing the feedback tracker is optional. You can choose to provide students with information on the kind of feedback they will receive, who to contact with follow up questions and any additional information.

If you are releasing cohort feedback, feedback without a grade, or feedback in class for a Moodle submission, you should edit the Feedback tracker. Once feedback has been released, open the feedback tracker and turn on edit mode. Click the checkbox “Cohort feedback provided” this will mark the assessment feedback as released.

What counts as feedback?

The feedback tracker currently registers feedback has been released when a mark has been released to the student. In Moodle terms, where a Grade is visible in the Gradebook.

Can I hide an assessment from the feedback tracker?


If you want the assessment to remain visible to students, but not show it in the feedback tracker, open the Feedback tracker for your course, and turn on edit modeclick edit next to the assessment you want to hide. Click the “Hide from student report” checkbox next to the assessment you want to hide. This will hide the assessment from the tracker. The assessment will remain visible on your Moodle course.


Once feedback has been released, open the Feedback tracker and turn on edit mode. Click the checkbox “Cohort feedback provided” this will mark the assessment feedback as releasedclick edit next to the assessment where you have provided feedback. Click “Add custom feedback released date” and provide the date feedback was given.

All my coursework is done ‘off Moodle’ and my feedback is provided in class how can I track this using the Feedback tracker?


To change the feedback due date, open the Feedback tracker and turn on edit modeclick edit next to the relevant assessment. Click the “Add custom feedback due date to edit itdate” and provide a reason and new date.

I have a draft formative portal where tutors provide feedback off platform, how do I make sure the Feedback tracker goes green?

Once this feedback has taken placebeen released, open the feedback Feedback tracker and turn on edit mode. Click the checkbox “Cohort feedback provided” this will mark the assessment feedback as released. click edit next to the assessment where you have provided feedback. Click “Add custom feedback released date” and provide the date feedback was given.

In the additional information section, you could add a note to students on where the feedback is located so they have a record and can find it easily.


Yes, the Feedback tracker mirrors the restrictions you have added to Moodle. Assessments that are restricted on Moodle will only show on your course and the Feedback tracker to students who have access.

Further information  

Feedback tracker launch blog