Moodle Quizzes can be run so that students complete the Quiz in a locked down browser called Safe Exam Browser (SEB). The Safe Exam Browser restricts what a student can do whilst completing the Quiz. Typically, the student will be unable to access any other application or web page on their computer apart from the Quiz itself.
Moodle's Safe Exam Browser is one of many approaches to supporting academic integrity, and should be considered in the context of assessment design for academic integrity.
If you are looking for guidance on running a invigilated exam without Moodle's Safe Exam Browser, see the Moodle invigilated online exam guidance.
If you are running a summative test or exam in Moodle, as well as referring to the Module Assessment guidance in the Academic Manual, you also need to use this guidance and checklist to ensure you have set up the Quiz or Assignment properly and have considered what to do in case anything goes wrong with the technology.
SEB is currently installed in all PC cluster rooms (except Birkbeck rooms . for which it is not currently supported).
It can be installed on Windows, macOS, and IOS devices. It does not work on Chromebooks.
Activity completion setting 'Require view': Student must view this activity to complete it. Ensure this is not selected. Anchor RequireView RequireView
Safe Exam Browser recommended settings
- Require the use of Safe Exam Browser: Yes - Configure manually
- Show Safe Exam Browser download button: Yes
- Ask user to confirm quitting: Yes
- Enable quitting of SEB: Yes
- Quit Password: Generally recommended to prevent student exiting the Safe Exam Browser during the assessment. Required if exam is being completed on an iPad.
- Enable URL filtering: Yes
- Expressions allowed: Add any URLs you want students to be able to access. You can use * as a wildcard to allow multiple pages from the same domain. For example, adding https://bnf.nice.org.uk/ will allow the BNF homepage, whereas https://bnf.nice.org.uk/* will allow a student to access any BNF page.
- Require the use of Safe Exam Browser: Yes - Use an existing template. This is a preconfigured set of options.
- Safe Exam Browser config template: Select the template you wish to use.
- Show Safe Exam Browser download button: Yes
- Enable quitting of SEB: Yes
- Quit Password: Generally recommended to prevent student exiting the Safe Exam Browser during the assessment. Required if exam is being completed on an iPad.