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Keywords: assessment, feedback, grading, marking, plagiarism, referencing, reference.

Table of Contents


Rubrics let you tabulate criteria, (or what counts in the work), against performance levels, which you can then select depending on how well each student meets each criterion. You can give feedback only (i.e. a qualitative rubric - with no numeric grade) or you can Moodle rubrics require you to define points for each level, which automatically calculates . Once marked, the rubric will automatically calculate a grade (i.e. a quantitative rubric). You can also leave a comment on each criterion. The grade can be overridden if required in the Gradebook.

Rubrics contrast with Marking Guides, (which are similar to Grading Forms in Turnitin) - the latter allows you to specify a criteria but instead of levels there is only a numeric grade to giveoption.

This is what a Moodle Assignment Rubric looks like:

Image RemovedWhy use it?

Rubrics serve three broad functions, they provide:

  1. A standard by which to grade students' work that is available to students before and after they submit.
  2. A vehicle for giving feedback feedback.
  3. Evidence for the teaching team. 

Rubrics can make marking faster and feedback straightforward to read, It . They can also help students to understand the marking criteria before they write and submit their work. They also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a student's submission and the impact they had on their grade. Ideally, rubrics can also give feedback that feeds forward into future assignments.


Calculate grades

This type of rubric hows shows what proportion of the total marks were ascribed to each criteria, (namely, Criteria 1 = 50%, 2 = 30% and 3 = 20%) and what proportion of those marks were awarded the student based on his/her performance. In this case, the rubrics would calculate a score of 70% the maximum possible grade being 100%.

Criteria 1

Fail – blah...

points 0

Weak – blah...

points 5

Average – blah...

points 10

Good – blah...

points 15

Criteria 2

Fail – blah...

points 0

Weak – blah...

points 3

Average – blah...

points 6

Good – blah...

points 9

Criteria 3

Fail – blah...

points 0

Weak – blah...

points 2

Average – blah...

points 4

Good – blah...

points 6

Feedback only

The green cells indicate how the marker assessed the student's performance against each of the criteria set. 

Criteria 1Weak – blah...Average – blah...

Good – blah...

Criteria 2Weak – blah...Average – blah...Good – blah...
Criteria 3Weak – blah...Average – blah...Good – blah...

How do I set one up?

  1. Create or open an existing Moodle Assignment.
  2. In Click 'Settings' to open the Moodle Assignment Settings page, in the .
  3. In the Grade section, alongside Grading method choose ,choose Rubric.
  4. Click Click 'Save and display' to save the settings and enter the Moodle Assignment.
  5. In the Settings menu to the left of the page, under Assignment Administration select Advanced Grading.
  6. Click Under Advanced Grading, Click 'Define new grading form from scratch', unless you want to use an existing template.Image Removed

Image Added

Image Added

  1. Give the rubric a name and click in the left-most box 'Add Criterion' to write the first criterion. E.g. 'Clarity' from the example above.For examples of rubrics check out:
  2. Click in each section and add a description to each level for the criterion. Start with the inadequate level (scoring 0) and add in more proficient levels until you reach the highest level in your rubric.To add new levels click the +Add level button.
  3. To edit the scores for each level click on each and enter a number.
  4. To add further criterion click the new levels click the +'Add level' button.
  5. To add further criterion click the '+Add criterion button ' button and repeat the repeat the above process to edit the criterion name and level descriptions.
  6. Once you have filled in the rubric click click 'Save rubric and make it ready'.
  7. The next page allows you to Publish the form as a new template and and should now say say READY FOR USAGE.
  8. In the Settings *menu to the left of the page, under *Assignment Administration select Edit Settings.
  9. Ensure the Grade Click the 'Settings' menu at the top of the assignment page.
  10. Scroll down to the Grade heading and ensure the maximum grade is still set to 100. (It may have changed to match the maximum score in the rubric, which may not be 100).
  11. Click Click 'Save and display'.
  12. Click View /grade all submissions (or click Grade and go to step 20. Selecting Grade will show one submission at a time)
  13. Click the pencil in the Grade column alongside column alongside the first person you want to grade and click .
  14. Click on each area of the grading form to enter your mark them. You can add additional comments in the last column (if enabled).
  15. The grade will be calculated when you click click 'Save changes'.  (Selecting Save and show next will will save the grade and feedback, and display the next student's work for marking.  

titleFurther help
Detailed step-by-step moodledocs.

If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).

If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.  


Although rubrics can help with consistent marking, they can also give the impression that marking is highly standarised standardised when in fact it ultimately relies on judgements. Community measures to build shared understandings of criteria help students to come to terms with nuance in marking.


Examples and case studies

-None at this time.

Questions & Answers

-None at this time.

Further information

See also: