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Use your UCL user ID and password to log into Moodle
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Why can't I log on to UCL's Moodle with my UCL user id and password?


    • If yes, it might be the case that your account has not yet been added to Moodle's database, please contact the ISD Service Desk.

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How do I request a new Moodle course?

Please fill in this form to request a new course, you should receive a response in four working days.
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What software is required to use Moodle?




Adobe Acrobat Reader

To view PDF files []

Quicktime Player

To play Quicktime files [ ]

Real Media Player

To play Real audio and video files [ ]

Windows Media Player

To play a variety of media files, including Windows Media. [ ]

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Where can I find out more about Moodle?

Have a look the other pages on this Moodle Resource Centre, or visit the world wide Moodle Community on
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How do I update the name or description of my Moodle course?

  1. Log in to Moodle.
  2. Navigate to your Moodle course.
  3. Click Settings -> Edit course  settings
  4. In the General area, change the text as desired.
    • Full name: appears in the top banner
    • Short name: appears in activites, in the breadcrumb after My Home > 
    • Summary: appears when students search for your course and in the course description block (if added to your course home page)
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save changes.

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How do I add more topic areas (or sections) to my course page?

  1. Log in to Moodle.
  2. Navigate to your Moodle course.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click the "+Add a topic" link.

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Why can't students access my course?


  1. Log into Moodle and click on your course.
  2. Click Settings -> Edit course settings.
  3. Change the Course visibility setting to: "Show".
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save and display.

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How do I add people to my course?


 See the FAQ: How do I add people to my course?

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How can I help non-UCL students and colleagues access Moodle?


It is possible to provide 'guest access' to a Moodle course - guests don't need UCL accounts in order to access a course. This will give them read-only access to documents, links, videos etc, but they will not be able to participate in activities such as forums, quizzes, assessments, nor view videos in Lecturecast or MediaCentral which need a username.  See guest access, above.

If the user needs to participate in activities such as forums or assessments then ask your Departmental Administrator or Computer Rep  to register them as an official Visitor. This will provide them with a UCL username and password, plus a UCL email address.  Once they been issued a UCL username, they will appear in the list of potential users, and can be manually enroled into any role by a Tutor or Course Administrator.

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How can I gain access to an existing course?

Digi Ed cannot grant access to existing courses.  If you need to be enrolled onto an existing Moodle course as a course administrator or tutor, please contact your departmental colleagues already enrolled on the course.  Their names will be listed beneath the course title when you search for it in Moodle.

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How do I reset my course at the end of the year?


However, refer to the Course Rollover guidance to made make a fresh copy of your course for its next occurrence.


  1. Log in to Moodle.
  2. Click your profile icon on the top, right-hand corner of the page.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Select Forum preferences.
  5. Under 'Email digest type' choose 'Complete (daily email with full posts)'.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save changes'.

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When I upload a new version of a file it still shows the old version


  • History > Clear Recent History...
  • Time Range to Clear : Everything
  • Expand 'details' and Select cache only
  • Click Clear Now

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Some of my students (or I) can't open files in Moodle


Try to view the file again. If this still doesn't work, try using a different web browser.

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My enrolled students have disappeared!


If you need to clarify the difference between other Moodle activities switch 'Edit mode', click on the 'Add an activity or resource' link and simply click to select one of the items listed without 'Add'-ing it, just to see a description of the tool to the right of the pop-up menu.
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Can I share a Questionnaire so it can be used on other courses?


Note, that whereas the Quiz tool incorporates a Question bank that serves as a kind of "pick n' mix" repository for questions that can be re-used and added to quizzes in an ad hoc fashion, the Questionnaire tool does not have this facility. Hence, one is obliged to share the whole Questionnaire as it was created.

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There's a Questionnaire on my course, but I can't access my students' responses. Why and how can I?


  1. On the course homepage, in the 'Activities' block click on 'Questionnaires' (Note: If there is no 'Activities' block, 'Turn editing on' and use the 'Add a block' drop down menu to add it).
  2. Under the 'Questionnaire type' column, any 'Public' questionnaire will have a link to the original questionnaire usefully prefaced with the word, 'Original', click on it
  3. Click on the 'View All Responses' tab and/or if you want to download the responses click on the 'Download in text format' tab.

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How do I link to the common timetable?

The easiest way to link to the UCL Common Timetable is to add the Common Timetable block to your course.
By default this block links to the personal timetable (which requires users to log in) and the Module Timetable. By configuring the block you can also link to a second module (useful if you are running a postgraduate and undergraduate offering of the same course), a degree timetable or a department timetable.
While the block will initially read in the course ID (from the course settings) to display the Module Timetable link, you can override this in the configuration options.
If you want to know how to add or configure a block please see our see our 'Organising blocks' mini-guide.
If you want to link to the timetable within text in your Moodle course, insert the following link (we suggest you place this in a prominent position):*XXXXnnnn*
where XXXXnnnn is the module code (e.g. BIOL1001 or ANTHG307 etc.).
If you want to know how to add a link in Moodle please see our 'How to add links and files' mini-guide.  
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How do I bulk download Moodle assignments?

Please see the M42-M09a - Moodle Assignment guide.

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How do I make my Moodle course less cluttered?


The default Topics format is a useful to present the course in an accordion style layout, giving students control over which sections of the course they see, by expanding and minimising each section.

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Use of Moodle is in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in the Service Level Definition. A copy of this document can be requested by contacting Digital Education.
