M30 - Preparing your Moodle course for the next Academic Year

M30 - Preparing your Moodle course for the next Academic Year

Keywords: Moodle, rollover, course

This guide highlights various options to prepare your Moodle courses for the next Academic Year.  

 If you have any queries, please contact the Digital Education teambefore changing any content.

The Moodle Flexible course format is being phased out from July 19th 2024.

For more information please see the Digital Education blog.

Select the option that suits your situation regarding your Moodle Course:    

Rollover an active course

Rollover a read-only course

 Mid Year

New blank or template Moodle course

Other requests

I want to rollover my current (2023/24) Moodle course content, and staff enrolments to a Moodle course for the 2024/25 academic year.

I want to rollover a Moodle course that is read-only, for use with for 2024/25 academic year.I want to rollover my course within the current academic year (e.g. Term 1 and Term 2 versions).I want a  brand-new Moodle course (based on an existing Digital Education baseline template (formerly connected learning baseline template) or departmental template) or a duplicate of an existing course.

I want to rollover my course content to a Moodle course, but I need to discuss options, or am experiencing an issue.