Getting a submission receipt
When you successfully submit to a WISEflow assessment, you will have immediate visual feedback confirming your submission. You can also click the Request receipt button to have confirmation of the date and time of your submission emailed to you.
Accessing Grades and Feedback
Alumni Access: UCL students lose access to WISEflow after graduation.
Current students with WISEflow access:
please download all exam papers and feedback from WISEflow, if you wish to keep this after graduation
Current alumni who have lost their WISEflow access:
please contact your department/programmes administrator to request for your exam papers and feedback to be downloaded from WISEflow and emailed to you
Your Department will decide whether feedback is released for any assessment.
You can access any grades and feedback that have been provided to you once a flow (assessment) has ended. Flows that have ended will have all four parts of their progress bar filled in on your overview, along with the status message “The flow has ended”.
Click on the flow to be taken to the main flow page. If your grade has been released, it will be visible in the middle of the page (1). If any feedback has been shared with you, it can be accessed by clicking the See feedback button (2).
Note: all grades shown in WISEflow are provisional until they have been confirmed by the Board of Examiners. For more information, consult your student handbook.
Accessing Past Assessments
30 days after the marking period has ended, flows are automatically archived so that your overview can continue to display current and upcoming assessments. You can access any archived flows by clicking the Participant Archive button in the upper right corner of your overview.