

Confocal laser scanning microscope

Radiance confocal microscope

This is a Bio-Rad Radiance confocal microscope mounted on a Nikon E800 manual upright microscope stand. There are three lasers with six laser lines but there is no 405 nm laser, so you cannot image DAPI or Hoechst. The confocal has three GaAsP detectors for high sensitivity imaging of poorly fluorescent specimens or at low laser power. FRAP and other photo-stimulation experiments are possible

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Objective Lenses

Objective Lenses
MagnificationTypeImmersionNADICWD (mm)
10xPlan FluorAir0.3-16

The letters in column 5 indicate the correct prism for use with the lens


LineLaserTypical FluorophoresNotes
458ArgonCFPThis is not a very powerful laser line
476Argon-Could be used as an alternative for green dyes when trying to separate dyes with similar spectra
488ArgonEGFP, FITC, Alexa 488
514ArgonYFPCould also be used for Citrine, Venus, etc
543GreenHeNeTRITC, Alexa 532, Alexa 546, Alexa 555, Cy3Can also be used for 'redder' dyes like Texas Red, Alexa 568, Alexa 594, mCherry but with lower excitation efficiency
637Red DiodeCy5, Alexa 633, Alexa 647, Si Rhodamine dyes, DRAQ5

Note that there is no 405 nm laser on this machine so you cannot image Hoechst, DAPI or anything else in the blue region of the visible spectrum