3. Romance Periodicals
The need for shelf space for new stock in the Main Library north corridor makes it necessary to review use of space annually. Some materials have been moved to Stores 2008-9. These meet at least one of the three criteria of online access to full text, indexing by Arts & Humanities Citation Index or MLA Bibliography, and access to the print at Senate House Library. Material may be in transit and online records not yet updated, though the work is expected to be completed before the start of the Autumn term 2009.
1. Electronic access to full text
2. Online indexes
3. Ceased subscriptions
1. Electronic access to full text
Printed volumes have been moved to Stores where electronic access is available. Titles in red font were moved to Stores in summer 2009, others in summer 2008. Recent issues are shelved in the Main Library. Stored materials can be requested via eUCLid. Electronic access to full text is available to UCL staff and students for the dates indicated. Actual holdings at UCL may be more extensive, so the online catalogue should be checked.
* via UCL library catalogue, or the e-journals list
** via University of London libraries (titles may be e-accessible only within Senate House Library)
1996- Bulletin of: Spanish studies / Hispanic studies (Liverpool) *
2003- " **
1949- Bulletin of: Spanish studies / Hispanic studies (Glasgow) **
1996- " *
1952- Critique *
1965- Etudes francaises: revue des lettres francaises et canadienes-francaises *
1927-2003 French review *
1947- French studies *
2005- French studies bulletin *
1933- Hispanic review *
1926-2003 Italica *
2000- Journal of Latin American cultural studies *
1969- Langue francaise *
2001- Moderna: semestrale di teoria e critica della letteratura *
2004- Review: literature and arts of the Americas *
1947-1996 Romance Philology **
2001- Studi buzzatiani: rivista del Centro studi Buzzati *
1971- SubStance: a review of theory and literary criticism *
1948-2006 Yale French studies *
2. Online indexes
Many Romance Periodical titles are indexed in MLA Bibliography and/or Arts & Humanities Citation Index, both available via Metalib. Date coverage varies - to find out the date range, check dates of first and last references retrieved by a search for the journal name or ISSN. Some titles are held at Senate House Library. The following titles met criteria of indexing and alternative local availability in print, and were moved to Stores (except recent issues).
Australian journal of French Studies
Nouvelle revue francaise
3. Ceased subscriptions
The following runs were moved to Stores in summer 2008. They are available at Senate House Library.
1992-1999 Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies
1990-1998 Lectura Dantis
1984-2004 Nouvelle revue du seizieme siecle
1925-1992 Revue de linguistique romane
1982-1989 Romance studies: a journal of the University of Wales