AUCL Oct-22 release
Process | Feature description | Feature details | Status |
Integrations with SITS | Submission date integration to Portico: identify late submissions | Grade export function will include student's submission date. This will help users to identify late submissions and apply late penalties. | Oct-22 - tbc |
SORA integrations: centrally managed assessments | This feature will enable SORA adjustments to be automatically added to students enrolled on centrally managed assessments in AUCL. | Aug-22 |
Process | Feature description | Feature details | Status |
Assignment design (Author) | TBC | Awaiting release notes from Uniwise (supplier) | tbc |
Process | Feature description | Feature details | Status |
Delivery (Student & Manager) | Identify late submissions | New field is added to CSV export for Manager role: submission deadline. Manager can identify late submission more easily. | Available |
| Formative assessments delivery | In the 2022/23 academic year, departments should be able to deliver formative assessments in AssessmentUCL. This is currently in development; with the options for the integration with SITS being evaluated. | In dev Planned Nov/Dec-22 |
Process | Feature description | Feature details | Status |
Process | Feature description | Feature details | Status |
Marking journey (Assessor & Reviewer) | NEW Marking tool |
| Oct-22 |
Options for sharing feedback with students and co-assessor are set at assessment/flow level. | Manager will be able to set the options for sharing comments (feedback) with both participants and co-assessors, at an individual assessment level. | Oct-22 | |
FlowMulti: inline annotations | Markers will be able to make inline annotations on the submissions made in FlowMulti. At the moment, an assessor can only enter comments. | Oct-22 | |
Comments bank | Markers will be able to re-use comments saved in the comments bank when marking student submissions. This will speed up the marking process. | tbc | |
FlowMulti: Turnitin similarity report | Assessors should be able to run Turnitin similarity report on essays submitted via FlowMulti assessment types. | Planned |
Process | Feature description | Feature details | Status |
Reporting | Assessment progress | Report that provides details of the assessment progress across UCL; in the first instance available for Licence Admin users. | tbc |
Student engagement | Report with student engagement details across UCL (e.g. submitted on time; late submissions); in the first instance available for Licence Admin users | tbc |