Hence, these so-called 'Legacy course files' need to be removed from courses. Any such files that are still in use, however, will need to be downloaded and saved elsewhere before being added/uploaded again into their respective courses. This will ensure that they remain accessible to appropriate course users.
- Follow the 3 steps above and then on the 'Legacy course files' page click on the 'Edit legacy course files' button
- Click on the 'Download all' button - top left to download a zip file with all the legacy files. Or navigate to specific files or sub folders subfolders and use the same button (or for single file, the 'Download' button), to download them.
- Open the folder with the files you downloaded displayed
- If they're zipped, unzip them first
- Open the course template in Moodle and 'Turn editing on'
- Drag and drop the file from your Windows explorer Explorer folder into a section on your Moodle course/template
See links below for instructions on how to:
From <https://wiki.ucl.ac.uk/display/MoodleResourceCentre/Guides+to+using+Moodle+for+staff>