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This FAQ is to support staff with their use of Turnitin plagiarism detection software at UCL. Unless stated otherwise these FAQs relate to the use of Turnitin via UCL Moodle. Please refer your students to the Student Turnitin FAQs page.


1.    Every Tunritin class (moodle course with Turnitin assignments) has an end date. This is usually 6 months after the Post date of the latest assignment in the Moodle course.  When the end date is reached, the assignments on the course expire and are limited to read-only access.  Student’s and Tutors will still be able to view assignments however they will no longer be able to submit papers, peer reviews or mark any of the papers using GradeMark.

2.    We are  UCL is nearing our its student limit and require requires to ‘free up’ user accounts.   We will always communicate details about this. As above, papers are still be viewed by staff and students.


How do I change the class from ‘Read only/expired’ to ‘active?


If you get the following error when you try to bulk download assignments to bulk download assignments from Moodle, you are probably not specified as a Turnitin tutor for that Moodle course.
Error: 241
The user does not have the specified role in the class.


Why do I get an "unable to download page" error when I try to download a Turnitin assignment from Moodle using Internet Explorer 8?

This is a known a known issue with Internet Explorer 8 with 8 with no available workaround. Please use Firefox instead use Firefox instead or upgrade to Internet Explorer 9.


Why are students sometimes getting email receipts from Turnitin when they haven't submitted anything?

If a tutor clicks on the grade pencil icon next to a student's name in a Turnitin inbox when they haven't submitted anything, the student receives an email 'digital receipt' with paper ID.  Turnitin are aware of this issue and the Digital Education Services team have asked them to resolve it.

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How do I allow students to submit scanned work or images to Turnitin?

Turnitin requires there to be at least 20 words submitted, so if students need to submit scanned work  or images you should provide a coversheet containing at least 20 words that students can attach to the start of their scanned PDFs. In order to merge these in to one document students on a PC can use  PDFMerge  and students on a Mac can use the pre-installed  Mac Preview . If you are using Desktop@UCL see:  How to merge PDF documents. Note. scanned work or images cannot currently be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin. 


If the assignment is anonymous,  Course Administrator who is not directly involved in marking the student's submission can request the Turnitin Paper ID number and the submission file from the student.  The Turnitin Paper ID appears on the assignment upload page to the student.  The Course Administrator can then: 

  1. Navigate to your UCL Moodle courseyour UCL Moodle course.
  2. Click on the Turnitin assignment to open the Submission Inbox. 
  3. Find the Turnitin Paper ID as provided by the student. 
  4. Click the adjacent submit paper upload icon. 
  5. The student will now see this submission in Moodle as though they had uploaded it themselves.

If the assignment is not anonymous:

  1. Navigate to your UCL Moodle courseyour UCL Moodle course.
  2. Click on the Turnitin assignment  to open the Submission Inbox. 
  3. Find the student's name.
  4. Click the adjacent submit paper upload icon. 
  5. The student will now see this submission in Moodle as though they had uploaded it themselves.


UCL recommend using Turnitin via Moodle, rather than directly, as it is the easiest way to enable multiple staff to access an assignment.
Note: UCL support staff are unable to support direct access to Turnitin. 

To upload an assignment in to Turnitin via Moodle students need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your UCL Moodle course.
  2. Click on the assignment.
  3. Click on the My Submissions tab.
  4. Fill in the assignment details, browse for your file, agree to the declaration and click Add Submission.

Please refer to the following document for further information on using Turnitin via UCL Moodle:Guidance for students submitting work via Turnitin in Moodle (PDF)

Further detailed information is available here: TiiUK_Moodle_Integration_Student_Manual.pdfThe student wiki provides guidance for how students submit.

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How do students view their Turnitin assignment grade and feedback in Moodle?

To view Turnitin assignment grades and feedback via Moodle students need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your UCL Moodle courseyour UCL Moodle course.
  2. Click on the assignment.
  3. Click on the My Submissions tab.
  4. Your grade will be displayed in the Grade column (alongside the pencil).
  5. Click on the pencil icon to view any feedback your tutor has left for you within Turnitin. The right-hand column will display any feedback your tutor has left - you can navigate through the different types of feedback using the 3 buttons below this column:
    • The 'General comments' button is selected by default and will display any comments the tutor has made about your submission overall.
    • Clicking on the second 'QuickMarks' button will show you any in-text comments the tutor has left. Comments within the document (in-text comments) will be also displayed when you place your mouse over the speech bubble icon alongside the highlighted text.
    • The third 'Rubric' button will show you how your assignment was graded against each criteria (if used).
  6. To return to Moodle, close down the assignment window.


NOTE:  Once the due date has passed, students will not be able to resubmit. Only those students who have submitted nothing will be able to submit, assuming you have enabled late submissions in the settings. To allow a student to resubmit after the due date, you will need to delete their existing submission first using the delete (rubbish bin) icon and they can then upload another file (or you can do this on their behalf).

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Do students receive an email notification on the Post Date?

No, there is no automatic notification. If you set the Post Date to the expected Post Date, and stick to that, then students will know (from the Turnitin Assignment's landing page aka Summary) when to check back. Otherwise, tutors can always send a News Forum post saying ‘Your marks are now available to view’.

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