How to merge PDF documents

How to merge PDF documents

You can merge multiple documents together into a single file. Scenarios for this include adding coversheet to the front of an assignment for submission into Moodle.

For Windows, UCL offers PDF Converter Pro licensed for free download to UCL student and staff computers, and also on UCL open access computers.

Instructions for each follow.

To use Nuance on the UCL Desktops and Myriad:

  1. Go to the Start menu and open All Programs > Nuance PDF Professional 5 > PDF Converter Professional
  2. In the top menu click File > New PDF > Combine Multiple Files…
  3. Click Add then select your files (hold Ctrl to select multiple files) or add one file at a time.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Order the files by selecting each and clicking the Up or Down button.
  6. Click the large Convert button in the centre of the bottom of the dialogue box.
  7. Name the PDF file according to the naming convention your tutor expects for your assignment submissions (e.g. Candidate number - title).
  8. Click Save.

To download PDF Converter Pro to your own computer (Windows only):

  1. With your UCL username and password log into the UCL Software Database at http://swdb.ucl.ac.uk/
  2. Search the database using the keyword 'PDF converter'.
  3. Follow the instructions to download for your Windows operating system.

To merge PDFs on Mac OS:

To merge PDFs on Linux:

  • There are a number of alternatives, including PDFlabs.