Warning |
Important noticeIf you wish to use H5P content please be aware that not all content types are accessible and some therefore should not be used. Please follow H5P's accessibility guidance and seek support from the Digital Accessibility Team if you need any help with the accessibility of your modules. |
Table of Contents |
What is it?
H5P is a plugin that allows for the creation of interactive content like Presentations, Games, Quizzes and more directly within Moodle.
Why use it?
H5P is a good alternative to Flash-based and SCORM-based content, which makes the process of both creating and maintaining rich, interactive content much quicker and easier. This is especially important as support for Flash is coming to end and web content which relies on this technology will no longer work.
Who can use it?
H5P Interactive Activities can be made within Moodle by anyone who is enrolled as a Course Administrator, Leader or Tutor on a course. The created activity can then be viewed by anyone who has access to the course page, unless restrictions are added to control who can access it.
What are the different activity types I can add using H5P?
AR Scavenger - Create augmented reality experiences
Accordion - Create vertically stacked expandable items
Agamotto (Image Blender) - Present a sequence of images and explanations
Arithmetic Quiz - Create time-based arithmetic quizzes
Branching Scenario - Create dilemmas and self-paced learning scenarios (similar to Moodle Lesson)
Chart - Quickly generate bar and pie charts
Collage - Create a collage of multiple images
Column - Organise H5P content into a column layout
Cornell Notes - Take notes using the Cornell system
Course Presentation - Create a presentation with interactive slides
Dialog Cards - Create text-based turning cards
Dictation - Create a dictation with instant feedback
Documentation Tool - Create a form wizard with text export
Drag and Drop - Create drag and drop tasks with images
Drag the Words - Create text-based drag and drop tasks
Essay - Create Essays with instant feedback
Fill in the Blanks - Create a task with missing words in a text
Find Multiple Hotspots - Create many hotspots for users to find
Find the Hotspot - Create image hotspots for users to find
Find the Words - Create a grid-based word search game
Flashcards - Create stylish and modern flashcards
Guess the Answer - Create an image with a question and answer
Image Hotspots - Create an image with multiple info hotspots
Image Juxtaposition - Create interactive images
Image Pairing - Drag and drop image matching game
Image Sequencing - Place images in the correct order
Image Slider - Easily create an image slider
Interactive Book - Create small courses, books and tests
Interactive Video - Create videos enriched with interactions
KewAR Code - Create QR codes for different purposes
Mark the Words - Create a task where users highlight words
Memory Game - Create the classic image pairing game or use it as a flashcard race against the clock
Multiple Choice - Create flexible multiple choice questions
Personality Quiz - Create a series of multiple choice questions where each answer option corresponds to a predefined category (personality)
Quiz (Question Set) - Create a sequence of various question types
Single Choice Set - Create questions with one correct answer
Summary - Create tasks with a list of statements
Timeline - Create a timeline of events with multimedia
True/False Question - Create True/False questions
Virtual Tour (360) - Create interactive environments using images, audio and navigation between scenes
Why are some activities not available?
Some activities within the H5P plugin have been disabled to avoid large media files being uploaded or because the activity is not related to teaching and learning at UCL. To see a list of activities which have been turned off, please see H5P activities held.
If you believe a particular activity should be enabled and would benefit your teaching please contact the Digital Education team.
How do I use H5P within Moodle?
To use H5P within your Moodle course, switch Edit mode on, locate an appropriate section, click Add an activity or resource, then select Interactive Content (H5P).
Enter a Description (which you can display if you wish).
Within the Editor, select the H5P activity type you'd like to use and create your interactive activity.
If required, select Restrict access and set up any required activity restrictions.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display.
Note: the Editor in Moodle appears as the left-hand image, while for UCL Extend you first need to click a dropdown menu as in the right-hand image.
H5P activities within Moodle don't store any data in the Gradebook so you won't be able to use them for summative assessment. However, you could add your own Grade Item by going to Grades > Gradebook setup and then manually entering a grade.
The UCL Ear Institute created a series of H5P interactive videos to better prepare students before practical sessions.
The H5P website has information and examples for each activity type. Please see this web page for examples on different activities you can use in your teaching.
Questions & Answers
None at this time.
Further Information
If you'd like to know more about each H5P activity type and see examples of how they can be used, please visit this page on the H5P website.