What is it?
The SCORM module enables course editors to upload any SCORM or AICC package to a Moodle course.
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a collection of specifications that enable interoperability, accessibility and reusability of web-based learning content. This is usually in the form of content (text, images, video, audio, animations) and quiz questions that test students' knowledge of the learning materials. The grades are then available within the Moodle gradebook.
SCORM content can be delivered to learners via any SCORM-compliant virtual learning environments (VLE) like Moodle.
AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) was a standard for delviery learning objects to VLEs like Moodle, that is no longer being actively developed or maintained, so therefore SCORM and other standards like xAPI will likely be used in its place for new learning object development.
Why use it?
If you have purchased or obtained learning objects from an external organisation you may have been provided with a SCORM package, in the form of a zip file. You can then deliver this learning package to your students via Moodle by uploading this package to your Moodle course.
Who can use it?
Course editors, such as tutors and course administrators can upload a SCORM or AICC package.
Students can complete the learning activity.
Before I start...
How do I set one up?
Drag and drop a SCORM zip file to your Moodle course
This is not suitable for use for AICC packages.
This method works on most recent web browsers. If you are using Interenet Explorer you need version 10 or later.
- Click the 'Turn editing on' button at the top right of the course page
- Drag and drop the SCORM package zip file onto the course section where you'd like it to appear
- Answer 'Add a SCORM package' to the popup dialogue asking what you want to do with the zip file then click the upload button
- If necessary, edit the title of the file by clicking the pencil icon, or edit other options (see below) by clicking the editing icon
Further help
Detailed step-by-step guidance on the SCORM activity is available from moodledocs.
If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).
If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.
Examples and case studies
Questions & Answers
Further information