UCL RDA Monographs
About the workflow
Purpose. This document is intended to be a starting point only, so instructions are kept to a minimum and cataloguers are referred elsewhere for more details where appropriate. Where possible, unusual situations are identified and links given to instructions elsewhere. Cataloguers should use the following guidelines and standards in this order of priority: UCL Policy Notes, Cambridge Standard Record, Cambridge Monograph Workflow, RDA text.
Status. Although not a draft as such, this document should be regarded as always subject to change. Some elements have been marked with notes in {curly brackets} where more work is needed. It is intended to provide examples in a separate document with links from this one.
Structure. The instructions are given in approximate order of MARC so as to more closely reflect normal editing workflow.
Core elements. Elements designated Core should always be included where applicable. The choice of Core elements follows the Cambridge Standard Record, supplemented by the Cambridge Monograph Workflow and UCL Policy Notes, although sometimes the word Core is used more freely in this document for things that are not strictly to do with RDA, e.g. for the 040 field.
Fixed Fields
Details about fixed fields in MARC21 are generally only given here for RDA-specific information for now.
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The information in the LDR field for books is essentially the same as for AACR2. However, ensure position Descriptive cataloging form (18) is set to "i" to indicate ISBD punctuation included rather than "a" for AACR2. The values should be as follows:
- Record status (05) "n" - New
- Type of record (06) "a" - Language material
- Bibliographic level (07) "m" - Monograph/item
- Type of control (08) "#" - No specific type
- Character coding scheme (09) "a" - UCS/Unicode
- Descriptive cataloging form (18) "i" - ISBD punctuation included
- Encoding level (17) "#" - Full level
- Linked record requirement (19) "#" - Not specified or not applicable
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The information in the 008 field for books is essentially the same as for AACR2. However, there are some differences to look out for, especially in the treatment of copyright dates.
If both a publication and copyright date have been recorded in 264 fields, change the Type of Date (06) to "t", enter the publication date in Date 1 (07-10) and the copyright date in Date 2 (11-14).
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RDA 2.15(M), MARC 020, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. Any source.
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ISBN Numbers
RDA, MARC 020__, Cambridge
Which ISBNS. Record all ISBNs appearing on the item that are applicable to the print versions of the book in the same language. Do not record ebook ISBNs or ISBNs for editions of the same book in a different language.
ISBN10s and ISBN13s. Record both ISBN10 and ISBN13s. If only the ISBN10 version of an ISBN is present, supply a converted ISBN13 as well. There are many converters available on the web, such as the Bowker one.
Recording. Record the ISBN itself in subfield $a of the MARC21 020 field. Do not include the word ISBN or any of the hyphens. If there is an X at the end of the ISBN it should be a capital X.
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RDA, MARC 020__, Cambridge
Which qualifiers. Supply qualifiers to differentiate bindings and volumes. Transcribe from the item if possible but add terms in full if supplying. Use the terms "paperback" and "hardback" rather than variations such as "limp", "hardcover", or "cloth".
Recording. Record any qualifiers without brackets in the subfield $q. There is no punctuation before the qualifier.
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Terms of Availability
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Cataloguing Source
Core. Yes.
UCL Created Records. Records created by UCL cataloguers need to have UCL's LC Library code- UkLUC- in both subfields $a and $c of the 040 field. Note that the all the letters of this code are in uppercase except the k. There is no punctuation in this field.
Language of the the Record. Record the language of the catalogue record itself (rather than the book) using a LC language code in subfield $b. For UCL, this will always be "eng" for English.
RDA. Record that the record is catalogued according to RDA rules by entering "rda" in subfield $e.
Order of Subfields. Subfields should be in the following order: $a $b $e $c $d.
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Title and Statement of Responsibility
Core. Yes.
N.B. The following instructions currently cover only basic books. See the Cambridge Workflow for complications such as parallel titles or statements of responsibility, or missing information.
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Title Proper
RDA 2.3.2 (M), MARC 245 , Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. Title page. If there isn't one, use the first of the following sources that has a title: cover/jacket, caption (i.e. the top of the first page of text), masthead (unlikely), colophon, somewhere else in the book (preferably presented in a formal manner), or another source of information (again, preferably presented in a formal manner).
Transcription. Follow the Cambridge Workflow, which is too much to summarise here. However, note the following which clearly differs from AACR2:
- Inaccuracies. Do not use "[sic]" but transcribe innacuracies as they appear. If necessary, use a 246 field to make a note (using subfield $i) and record the corrected version.
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Other Title Information
RDA 2.3.4 (M), MARC 245 , Cambridge
Core. Yes. Regard all other title information as Core unless there is a silly amount of it.
Source. Use the same source as the title proper.
Transcription. Use the presentation (sequence, layout, typography, etc.) of the source in determining whether a noun phrase is part of other title information or statement of responsibility. If in doubt, treat it as part of the statement of responsibility. Otherwise, follow the Cambridge Workflow, which is too much to summarise here.
Statement of Responsibility
RDA 2.4 (M), MARC 245 , Cambridge
Core. Yes. Regard all statements of responsibility relating to the title proper as Core.
Source. Use the same source as the title proper. If there is no statement of responsibility there, use another source within the book, or another source. Enclose such statements not found on the book in square brackets.
How many people/corporate bodies. Record all people or corporate bodies unless there is a silly number of them.
Abridging. Generally, do not abridge statement of responsibility. Include all roles, titles, names, and post-nominal letters. Omit affiliations.
{statement of responsibility relating to edition}
Transcription. Use the presentation (sequence, layout, typography, etc.) of the source in determining whether a noun phrase is part of other title information or statement of responsibility. If in doubt, treat it as part of the statement of responsibility. Otherwise, follow the Cambridge Workflow.
Hi story: April 2015 update Adopted new guidelines to incorporate presentation into decision making process for transcribing noun phrases. August 2015. Omitted affiliation: "However, apply the following to the affiliation: If the affiliation is clearly separated by layout, typography, and font, etc., omit. If the affiliation is not to be omitted, enclose it in round) brackets.
Variant Titles
RDA 2.3.6 (M), MARC 246 , Cambridge
Follow the Cambridge Workflow, which itself follows LC-PCC PS In short, in addition to titles appearing elsewhere on the item and corrections, etc., look out for the following:
- Abbreviations in the first five words of the title proper.
- Ampersands in the first five words of the title proper.
- Letters and intitialisms (including acronyms) in the first five words of the title proper.
- Arabic numbers (excluding dates) in the first five words of the title proper.
- Roman numerals.
- Spelled out numbers.
- Signs and symbols in the first five words of the title proper.
The LCC-PCC PS has detailed guidance on what variant titles to record and the appropriate MARC coding.
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Edition Statement
RDA 2.5 (M), MARC 250, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. Use the first of the following sources that has an edition statement: the same source as the title proper, somewhere else in the book, accompanying material, another source of information (accompanying material, published descriptions or records, unofficial container, any other source). Supply an edition statement if necessary, and none appears on the item, in square brackets.
Transcription. Do not abbreviate. Transcribe all statements, even those that represent the first edition. Follow the Cambridge Workflow.
{statement of responsibility relating to edition}
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Publication Statement
RDA 2.8 (M), MARC 264 1_ , Cambridge
Core: Yes.
Parallel places or publishers: See the Cambridge Workflow for more details.
Punctuation: {to be completed}.
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Place of Publication
RDA 2.8.2 (M), MARC 264 _1 $a, Cambridge
Core. Yes. Only first place.
Source. From the same source as the publisher's name. If not, then any source in the book, or any source at all in square brackets.
Which places. Record only the first place of publication, regardless of whether it is in the UK or not.
Transcription. Transcribe the place as it appears, including any larger jurisdictions up to the level of country. A place should be either a village/town/city (e.g Tarset/Biggleswade/London) or a district of a recognised district of a town or city (e.g. Houndmills, Basingstoke/Camden); if cases of ambiguity, regard the town or city as the place of publication. Add jurisdictions in square brackets if considered necessary for identification of the place. Do not abbreviate or unabbreviate. Do not record information that only functions as part of the postal address (e.g. street names and postcodes).
No places mentioned. Supply a known place, preferably a city, in square brackets; supply a probable place in square brackets with a question mark; if not even a probably country can be supplied, record [Place of publication not identified].
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RDA 2.8.4 (M), MARC 264 _1 $b, Cambridge
Core. Yes. Only first publisher.
Source. From the same source as the title proper. If not, then any source in the book, or any source at all in square brackets.
Which publishers. Record only the first mentioned publisher unless the mentioned ones are grammatically linked.
Transcription. Transcribe the publisher's name as it appears, including initials, corporate suffixes, corporate hierarchies, and any statements of function needed for clarification. Do not abbreviate or unabbreviate.
No publisher mentioned. Supply a known publisher in square brackets; do not try to supply a probable publisher! If there is no publisher, record [publisher not identified], and try to identify a Distributor or a Manufacturer. {see appropriate sections}
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Date of Publication
RDA 2.8.6 (M), MARC 264 _1 $c, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. From the same source as the title proper. If there is no date given for a book then follow LC-PCC PS This can be distilled down to the following. The supplied date is to be put in square brackets. Use the first rule that applies:
- If there is a copyright date, use that.
- If there is a distribution date use that.
- If there is a manufacturing date, use that.
- Use any other evidence from the resource to supply a date.
- Use any evidence from outside the resource to supply a date.
- Record “[date of publication not identified]” in square brackets and with a lower case letter d.
Transcription. Transcribe the date as it appears, including months etc., but converting any Roman numerals to Arabic dates {why? 1.8.2?}.
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Copyright Date
RDA 2.11 (M), MARC 264 _4 $c, Cambridge
Core. Yes, if it appears on the book, even if there is a publication date recorded, and even if the publication date is based on the copyright date.
Source. From any source.
Recording. Record the copyright year preceded by the copyright symbol: ©. The copyright symbol can be entered by holding down Alt and pressing the keys 0169, by typing 00a9 in unicode mode (F11), or by copying and pasting.
Fixed Fields. If both a publication and copyright date have been recorded in 264 fields, change the Type of Date (06) in the 008 field to "t", enter the publication date in Date 1 (07-10) and the copyright date in Date 2 (11-14).
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Distribution and Manufacture Statements
RDA 2.9.1 (M) and RDA 2.10.1 (M), MARC 264 _4 $c, Cambridge
Core. No, but can be added if felt to be really necessary to the identification of the resource, especially if publication information is lacking.
See the Cambridge Workflow for more details
Carrier and Illustrative Content
RDA 3 (M) and 7 (E), MARC 300 __ , Cambridge
See the separate section below for content, media, and carrier types.
RDA 3.4.5 (M), MARC 300 __ $a, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. The resource itself. Take additional evidence from any source.
Recording. For a single volume, record the sequences of pages or leaves in terms of the last numbered page in each sequence, with commas between each sequence. For multiple volumes, record the number of volumes. If the pagination is continuous across multiple volumes, record this pagination in brackets after the number of volumes. Separate sequences of numbered plates can be recorded separately in terms of pages or leaves, so do not have to be added up; however, see below for information on unnumbered pages.
Words and numbers. Use the words "pages", "leaves", and "volumes", and do not abbreviate. Use Arabic and Roman numerals as they appear, including in capitals if appropriate. Replace words with Arabic numerals, and give lettered sequences as a range.
Plates. Sequences of plates can similarly be recorded as "pages of plates" or "leaves of plates" as appropriate. If there are several sequences of plates, they can be recorded separately, i.e. they don't need to be added up to a total.
Unnumbered pages. Ignore unnumbered sequences unless they are considered important for identification, in which case record "unnumbered sequence of pages" or "unnumbered sequence of leaves" as appropriate. If the whole volume is unnumbered, record "1 volume (unpaged)". Do not count or guess unnumbered sequences.
Special cases. See the Cambridge Workflow for further details on books numbered in columns, looseleafs, changes in style of numbering, inaccurate numbering, complicated and irregular numbering.
History: April 2015 update Each sequence of plates to be recorded separately.
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Illustrative Content
RDA 7.15 (E), MARC 300 __ $b, Cambridge
Core. Treat as core.
Source. Any source.
Recording. If there are illustrations of any kind, record "illustrations". If there is any doubt as to whether to apply any of the following instructions on illustrations, err on the side of simplicity and leave out additional information.
Maps. If there is important cartographic content, also add "maps" after a comma. Never records "maps" on its own.
Illustrations all of one type. If a resource is made up entirely of illustrative content of one type, record this using one of the terms in the alternative at, e.g. "all photographs". The list of terms is as follows: charts, coats of arms, facsimiles, forms, genealogical tables, graphs, illuminations, maps, music, photographs, plans, portraits, samples.
Number of illustrations. Record the number of illustrations "if their number can be readily ascertained", e.g. "666 illustrations".
Colour. Follow the Cambridge Workflow, in short:
- For illustrations in combinations of black, white, and grey, make no mention of colour.
- For resources all in colour, record “(colour)”; if more than 50%, “(chiefly colour)”; if less than 50%, “(some colour)”.
- If a resource is made up entirely of illustrative content of one type (see types of illustration above), also record “(black and white)” if appropriate.
- Do not use the newer terms "monochrome" and "polychrome".
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RDA 3.5 (M), MARC 300 __ $c, Cambridge
Core. Yes
Source. The resource itself. Take information from any other source if necessary.
Recording. Record the height of a book in centimeters rounded to the next centimeter up using the symbol "cm", except in the following exceptions.
Less than 10 cm in height. Record the height of such a book in millimeters using the symbol "mm".
Width greater than height or less than half the height. Record both the height and width of such a book as height x width followed by the unit.
Punctuation. In RDA, cm and mm are treated as metric symbols rather than abbreviations, so are not followed by periods as they were in AACR2. The MARC21 300 field does not end in a full-stop unless there is a series statement.
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Accompanying Carrier
RDA 3.1.4 (M), MARC 300 __ $e, Cambridge
Core. Yes (if applicable)
Recording. Record the number of units of accompanying material and one of the terms listed at Some common examples might include: "audio disc", "computer disc", "volume", or "videodisc". Do not record additional information such as pagination or dimensions of accompanying materials. Make a note in a 500 field to clarify the title, type, or content of the accompanying materials if necessary.
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Content, Media, and Carrier Types
RDA 6.9 (E) and RDA 3 (M), MARC 3XX
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Content Type
RDA 6.9 (E), MARC 336, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. Any source.
Recording. Select a term from the list at Table 6.1 at and record it in subfield $a of the 336 field. For the vast majority of books this will be "text". In subfield $2, record "rdacontent". Do not use subfield $b.
More than one content type. Follow the alternative at only record the predominant content type for any book, but repeat the field if necessary for accompanying materials, such as audio CD or an atlas. Where works are chiefly illustrative or the illustrative content is clearly of primary significance (e.g. art catalogues, graphic novels), record content types "text" and "still image" in separate 336 fields. If in doubt as to the significance of the illustrations, do not add a separate content type.
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Media Type
RDA 3.2 (M), MARC 337, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. The resource itself, any accompanying material or container. Take additional evidence from any source.
Recording. Select a term from the list at Table 3.1 at and record it in subfield $a of the 337 field. For print books this will always be "unmediated". In subfield $2, record "rdamedia". Do not use subfield $b.
Additional materials. Repeat the field if necessary for accompanying materials. See the Cambridge Workflow for more detail.
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Carrier Type
RDA 3.3 (M), MARC 338, Cambridge
Core. Yes.
Source. The resource itself, any accompanying material or container. Take additional evidence from any source.
Recording. Select a term from the list at and record it in subfield $a of the 338 field. For print books this will always be "volume". In subfield $2, record "rdacarrier". Do not use subfield $b.
Additional materials. Repeat the field if necessary for accompanying materials. See the Cambridge Workflow for more detail.
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RDA 2.12 (M), MARC 490 and 830, Cambridge
Core. Yes
Access point. Always add an 8XX for the authorised access point for any series. For the 8xx field, follow standard authority practice, especially if an authority record is available, viz. omit initial articles, omit any ISSN, and use the numbering scheme specified in the 642 field of the authority record (abbreviated if necessary).
Punctuation. Precede any ISSN with a comma and any series numbering with a space semicolon.
More complex series. See the Cambridge Workflow.
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Series title proper
Core. Yes
Source. Take the series title from one of the following sources, in this order of preference: the series title page, another source within the resource itself, accompanying material, a source outside the resource itself (see 2.2.4 for a list of such sources). Enclose a title taken from outside the resource in square brackets.
Recording. Transcribe the title proper of the series in a 490 field subfield $a.
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Series ISSN
Core. If present.
Source. Take the series ISSN from anywhere within the resource, preferring the series title page.
Recording. Record the series ISSN only if it appears on the resource. Record it in subfield $x of the 490 field. Include the hyphen and any X as a capital X.
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Series numbering.
Core. Yes
Source. Take series numbering from one of the following sources, in this order of preference: the series title page, another source within the resource itself, accompanying material, a source outside the resource itself (see 2.2.4 for a list of such sources). Enclose a series number taken from outside the resource in square brackets.
Recording. Transcribe the series numbering as it appears on the item subfield $v of the 490 field: do not abbreviate. However, substitute arabic numerals for numbers written as words. For ordinal numbers written as words, use the standard arabic abbreviations used for that language, e.g. "2nd edition" for "Second edition".
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Introduction. The following is only general in scope at the moment. The guidance on related resource in particular will need to be re-examined: it is based largely on a PCC guidance document (doc). See also LC guidance (ppt).
Which creators and contributors. Always add access points for at least one creator. Generally include all creators of a resource unless highly onerous. Include access points for contributors if judged to be important. Use the following lists as a guide:
Contributors to include: editors, translators
Contributors to omit: writers of forwards, prefaces, etc., advisory or associate editors.
Relationship designators for creators and contributors (Appendix I). Always include relationship designators for creators and contributors, using terms from the lists in Appendix I.2 for creators those associated with a work and Appendix I.3 for contributors and those associated with an expression. Do not use terms outside of these lists or compose your own.
Relationships to corporate bodies. For example. sponsors, creators as authors, collaborators, publishers, issuing bodies, directories etc, host institutions for conferences.... Which ones to include and which relationship designators to use (if any).
Related resources (Appendix J). Provide appropriate relationships between works and expressions using an appropriate 7xx MARC field if subfield $i is defined for that field. This should be especially useful for translations, revisions, etc.:
- If there are more than one relationship between two resources, repeat the field with a single $i in each.
- Reciprocal relationship fields are not required.
- 7xx fields specifying a relationship can be added even if a 130 or 240 is present implying that they are versions of the same work.
- If the exact relationship or related resource cannot be determined, give the information in a note.
- Subfield $i comes first in MARC 7xx field. It begins with an upper letter, any qualifiers in brackets- e.g. "(work)" are included, and ends with a colon (with no preceding space).
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Guidance on Silly Amounts of Things
In many parts of RDA or associated policy documents there are frequently instructions to record all the instances of something unless there are too many or it would be onerous to do so.
Where this happens:
- Number of people or corporate bodies to include in a statement of responsibility.
- Access points for creators associated with a work.
- Access points for contributors associated with an expression.
When to omit information. Generally, try not to omit names or access points but use cataloguer judgement. In general, ten people or corporate bodies may be used as a cut-off if necessary but, for instance, if there are eleven or twelve names listed, it may be sensible to include them all. This guidance may be refined with experience and for difference material types.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Author: Thomas Meehan
Title: UCL Monographs
Date: 2013-09-18
Document: http://access.rdatoolkit.org/wka16