UCL RDA Serials

UCL RDA Serials

By Laura Sapsford


MARC coding





LDR __ _

(05) c for corrected/n for new

(06) a

(07) s


(09) a


(18) i


Ctrl + F to amend

Control No.

001 __ _

Automatically filled

Control No. ID

003 __ _

Automatically filled

Date and Time

005 __ _

Automatically filled

Fixed Data

008 __ _

Ctrl + F to amend

(00-05) Automatically filled

(06) c if current, d if dead, u if unknown

(07-10) Year from (if a figure is unknown a u can be used e.g. 201u)

(11-14) End year, write 9999 if ongoing

(15-17)  Fill in http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/countries/

(18) Fill in

(19)  Fill in


(21) Fill in






(29) 0


(33)  Fill in

(34) 0

(35-37)  Fill in http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/languages/




022 __ a


The ISSN should be obtained from the series title page or anywhere on the resource where possible.

$a records the ISSN, $Y records an ISSN with an error or an ISSN incorrectly associated to the resource, $z records a cancelled ISSN, $l records a linking ISSN and $m a cancelled linking ISSN.

RDA 2.12.8

Cataloguing Source

040 __ a










$b and $e should always be filled in and will always stay the same.

If the record is being created from scratch $a and $c are to be filled in with UkLUC. If it is an amended record only $d needs to be added, anything else already filled in should remain.

Subfields should be in the following order: $a $b $e $c $d.

Language Code

041 __ a




Only necessary if written in significantly more than one language with the most predominant language first, add all in $a. This should also be reflected in 546. http://www.loc.gov/marc/languages/language_code.html

$b is used to show that only the abstracts are in another language, e.g. $aeng$bger$bfre$bspa

$h is used to show the language the text was translated from, this can be used if some is still in this language, e.g. $afre$a eng$h fre

Use relevant first indicator, second should always be blank.

Main Entry—Corporate Name

110 __  a

Council of Great Britain

Only necessary if a corporate body is considered to be the author of the work and if it has been necessary to use their name to form the title of the resource. Use indicators as appropriate. If the corporate body is not the author see 710.

For clear information on corporate bodies considered to be creators see http://access.rdatoolkit.org/wka2536_wka700-1896.html

RDA 11.2

Key Title

222 __ a


Title of journal

Only necessary if already present in a downloaded record. A key title is unique to a particular ISSN, they can be found at ISSN Register via a subscription to the ISSN Portal. We have no access to ISSN Portal and no plans for access. Retain key titles where appropriate.

Main Title

245 00 a


Title of journal :

journal of the library.

Preferred source of title proper should be Title page, if not possible then the cover is second choice.

If the title begins with a definite or indefinite article it should be accompanied by filling in the number of characters to disregard in the second indicator, all nonfiling characters preceding the first filing character should be included in the count, e.g. The … annual would count 8 nonfiling; The “winter would count 5; L’enfant would count 2. If the title does not begin with a definite or indefinite article but does start with a diacritical mark or special punctuation they are not counted as nonfiling characters, e.g. [Diary] or --as others see us.

Subfield a records the first part of the title and should end with a period unless followed by a subfield b in which case b should end with a period, the most common exception to this is when it already ends with final punctuation, e.g. a question mark. Punctuation between subfield a and b is always space colon. Subfield b records parallel titles, titles subsequent to the first and other title information. For titles with both a subsequent part and a parallel foreign language title it can be recorded with an equals sign as 245 $a International review of applied psychology :$b the journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology = Revue internationale de psychologie appliquée. and then also a 246 $aRevue internationale de psychologie appliquée

There are different ways of recording parallel titles with and without common or related statement of responsibilities and changes to these (See Jones 2013, 79).

Subfield c records a statement of responsibility and should be used if relevant or important for access, it should be preceded by a space and a forward slash and end with a period, e.g. 245 $a Journal of philosophy / $c University College London, Department of Philosophy. If this statement changes but does not require a new record, the current and previous entries should all be recorded in 710 fields, accompanied by a 550 field.

Occasionally it may be necessary to use a subfield n number of part/section of work and p name of part/section of work.

Title inaccuracies should be transcribed as they appear however if subsequent issues are corrected the correct title should be recorded and the inaccuracy can be recorded in a 246 field.

Information in the title that may change from issue to issues can be omitted and replaced with … e.g. $a…annual report. In some instances it may require a 500 field to explain e.g. Each issue has an amount in the title

If you are cataloguing a serial that is a supplement to another series and the title consists of the main series plus a term indicating a supplement the title should be recorded as 24X $a Title of the serial. $p Term indicating supplement. However if the supplement title is grammatically linked to the main series title e.g. Supplement to… use this written out in full as the title proper and record the main series title in a 730 field.

If a resource lacks a title it may be necessary to use the issuing body as part of the title, in this case record the issuing body in 110 field and record the summary of content in a 520 field, in this event the 245 first indicator must be a 1.

For clear information on major and minor changes in the title proper consult Jones 2013, pp. 61-63.

RDA 2.3

Varying Title

246 __ a

Journal of title

Only necessary if other title information is to be recorded, this should not end with a period.

If a title differs or is additional to the title proper it should be recorded here, it may be a title found on the cover or an additional title page, it may be a fluctuating title (between issues), a running title (recurring at the bottom or top of most pages) or a spine title, etc.

Initialism or acronym of the title appearing in the same source as the title proper should be recorded here.

If the title proper requires expanding this can be done here, e.g. spelling out numbers and ampersands.

If a later title proper exists that resulted from minor title changes this should be recorded here, e.g. 245 $a Annual report of pipeline safety. 246 $i Issues for 1999- have title: $a Annual report on pipeline safety

It may also be necessary to record an inaccuracy here, where the corrected title is recorded as the main title, use first indicator here 1 to make a note in subfield $i, e.g. 246 $i Title appears on volume 1, number 1 as: $a Housing sarts

First and second indicators should be used as follows: 30, 31, 12, 33, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

RDA 2.3.2


264 _1 a


















264 _4 a

Place :




Write out $a in full, if more than one only write the one that comes first. Transcribe the place as it appears, including any larger jurisdictions up to the level of country, do not abbreviate or unabbreviate. If unknown write [Place of publication not identified]. Probable places of publication (local or larger jurisdictions) not identified in the resource can be recorded in square brackets, include larger jurisdiction as appropriate, e.g. London [Ontario] if uncertain add a question mark within the brackets.

$b if unknown write [publisher not identified].

$c record dates only for first and last issue, can only be the publication date. If ongoing leave blank after the hyphen. If unknown [date of publication not identified]. For actual year known write [2003], either of two consecutive years [2003 or 2004], probable year known [2003?], probable range of years [between 2002 and 2004], you can also records [not before…] and [not after…]. If only the last date is known leave write hyphen and then the end date, omitting the start date, .e.g. -2002.

Repeat with first indicator 2 (intervening) or 3 (current/latest) to record changes of publisher. If a publisher's place, name or date is known to be fictitious or incorrect, supply a correction in square brackets.

If no publication date can be found but a copyright date can be it must be added to a separate 246 with 4 as the second indicator, it must start with © by typing Alt + 0169

RDA 2.8

Physical Description

300 __ a



volumes :

illustrations ;

28 cm

$a is extent, always record the carrier type and the extent if complete and known. For serials carrier type will usually be volumes and will be reflected in 338 $a. If the resource is not yet complete or extent unknown add the appropriate carrier type but do not add the number. If you are only adding $a and $c the punctuation after $a becomes ;

$b is other physical details, use this to indicate illustrations, this can also indicate the presence of colour illustrative content

$c is dimensions, if the size change put ranges, e.g. 18-24 cm

RDA 3.3 & 3.4


RDA 3.5

Current Publication Frequency

310 __ a

Bimonthly, April/May 1990–November/December 2002; monthly, January 2003–

Daily, three times a week, biweekly, weekly, semiweekly, three times a month, bimonthly, monthly, semimonthly, quarterly, three times a year, semiannual, annual, biennial, triennial, irregular - If none of the terms listed above are appropriate or sufficiently specific, make a note giving details of the frequency.

Make notes on changes in frequency, stating the frequencies and their respective dates in chronological order, separated by a semicolon.

RDA 2.14.1


Content Type

336 __ a




For our print serials $a should almost always be text, for braille tactile text can be used, numerous other types are available.

RDA 6.9

Media Type

337 __ a




For our print serials $a should almost always be unmediated, this means it can be perceived directly through a human sense, alternatives are audio, microform, etc.

RDA 3.2

Carrier Type

338 __ a




For our print serials $a should almost always be volume, this should also be reflected in 300 $a

RDA 3.3

Dates of Publication

362 0_ a




362 1_ a

Vol. 1, no. 1 (Month Year)-vol. 1, no. 3 (Month Year)

Ceased with: Vol. 2, published in 1990.

Formatted notes: if publication is ongoing, leave blank after the hyphen. Transcribe volumes, issues, months, years as is on the issue, e.g. Band; Heft; Nov./Dec.; etc. If no information is provided infer and present in square brackets.

Alternatively unformatted notes can be used, they are designed to be displayed as a note but should end with a period, e.g. Began with: Vol. 1, no. 1 (January-March 2011).


Series Statement

490 1_ a

Title common to all parts

Only necessary if main title is a part or section of a series that is not recorded elsewhere, 245 $a will record the title of the part or section and 490 $a will record the title common to all parts with $x for ISSN. Transcribe as it appears on the issue. This should be reflected in the 830 field.

RDA 2.12

General Note

500 __ a

Kept up to date by replacement editions.

Only necessary if there is extra information not covered elsewhere in the bibliographic record, e.g. Includes various editions of some volumes. End with a period.

Numbering peculiarities Note

515 __ a

Vol. 1, number 1 called “Special collector’s edition.”

Only necessary if unusual numbering needs recording, e.g. December issue each year called Special buyer’s guide edition.

Summary Note

520 __ a

Annual report

Only necessary if you are recording an issuing body as part of the title to record the summary of content here.

RDA 7.10

Supplement Note

525 00 a

Supplements accompany some issues.

Only necessary if the title has supplements, a general note can be recorded here to indicate this or something more specific if appropriate, e.g. Separately paged supplement accompanies v. 5.

Language Note

546 __ a


Text in Danish, Dutch and English

Only necessary if text is in more than one language. If text is in more than one language provide the names of them Text in…; if some text is different languages give the predominant first, if known, Text in … or…; if summaries are provided in other languages provide the names Text in… and…, with summaries in…; if title is in a language different to the text Title in…, text in…; only record the script in $b if appropriate and not predictable $a Serbian $b Latin

RDA 7.12

Issuing Body Note

550 __ a


Issued by: Council of Great Britain, Department of Libraries, <July 1992-November 2003>

Only necessary if issuing body changes to record these changes. For multiple entries record them with earliest first separated by a semicolon. These issuing bodies should be reflected in the 710 field.

RDA 19

Linking Note

580 __ _

Merged with Today’s librarian 1234-5678 to become Tomorrow’s librarian today ISSN 8765-4321, and continues the numbering of the latter.

Only necessary if complex title history (maybe used when 780 or 785 are supressed to reduce confusion and a written linking statement is considered clearer).


Source of Description

588 0_ _

Description based on first issue; title from cover.

Identify the issue consulted and the source of the title proper, this ideally should be the title page.


Local Note

590 __ a

London Mathematical Society.

Only necessary if UCL is not the owner. End with a period. This should be reflected in the 710 field.

Subject Added Entry—Topical Term

650 _0 _

Check anything that has _0 or _4 and keep and add where appropriate. https://classificationweb.net/Menu/


Corporate Name

710 __ a




710 __ a


Council of Great Britain.

Department of Libraries,

Issuing body.

Folklore Society


Only necessary if there is a corporate body considered to be the issuing body. Any changes to this should be reflected in the 550 field and occasionally in 245 $c also.

For clear information on corporate bodies considered to be creators see http://access.rdatoolkit.org/wka2536_wka700-1896.html

Also necessary if UCL is not the owner. The owner should be reflected in the 590 field.

RDA 11.2

Added Entry Uniform Title

730 0_ a

Journal today.

Only necessary if an additional title is required to be linked, e.g. if a supplement with distinct title is catalogued the title proper can be recorded here, chose indicators as appropriate and subfields if necessary. Remove all articles, direct and indirect from the beginning and end in a period.

RDA 2.3

Preceding Entry

780 __ t




Only necessary if it has an adjacent earlier title, chose indicators as appropriate, if ISSN is not known omit. See CCM chapter 14.2 for clear instructions on specific linking relationships.

RDA 2.3.7

Succeeding Entry

785 __ t




Only necessary if it has an adjacent later title, chose indicators as appropriate, if ISSN is not known omit. See CCM chapter 14.2 for clear instructions on specific linking relationships.

RDA 2.3.8

Series Added Entry--Uniform Title

830 _0 a


Only necessary if main title is a part or section of a series that is not recorded elsewhere. It is usual practice to remove articles and set second indicator to 0 to indicate no nonfiling characters. This should be reflected in the 490 field.


Cataloguer’s Desktop. [online]. Available from: http://desktop.loc.gov/search [Accessed on January 31 2017].

CONSER Standard Record June 15, 2016 revision. [online]. Available from: http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/index.html [Accessed on January 31 2017].

Jones, E. 2013. RDA and serials cataloguing. London: American Library Association

RDA Toolkit. [online]. Available from: http://access.rdatoolkit.org/ [Accessed on January 31 2017].

Useful Information

Cataloguer’s Desktop https://desktop.loc.gov/jsp/login.jsp

CONSER Standard Record (CSR) http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/index.html

CONSER Cataloguing Manual (CCM) http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/index.html

Jones, E. 2013. pp. 164-167 has examples of RDA records

MARC Code List for Countries http://www.loc.gov/marc/countries/

MARC Code List for Languages http://www.loc.gov/marc/languages/language_code.html

RDA Toolkit http://access.rdatoolkit.org/

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