UCL RDA Hebrew Script Cataloguing

UCL RDA Hebrew Script Cataloguing

By Thomas Meehan and Vanessa Freedman


Purpose and scope. This guide is intended to record and clarify how Hebrew script items are catalogued at UCL using RDA. It applies to any language or dialect that uses Hebrew script, in particular, Hebrew and Yiddish. Other non-Roman scripts, such as Cyrillic, Arabic, and CJK characters, are outside the scope of this guide. This is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to cataloguing in RDA, for which reference should be made to other guides and documentation.

Status. THIS IS CURRENTLY A DRAFT. Even when completed, however, it should be regarded as always subject to change.

General Policy

Follow Hebraica Cataloging RDA: a Guide to ALA-LC Romanization and Descriptive Cataloging (PDF format dated June 2014) which is available from the AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Wiki. This will be referred to as HCM2. Do not use the version dated October 2014 which is available elsewhere on the web: this is an unapproved draft.

The remainder of this guide should be regarded as supplementing and clarifying HCM2.

Vocalization in Even-Shoshan

HCM2 p. 74

If there is more than one vocalization available in Even Shoshan, use the first one given.

Language of the Catalogue

The language of the catalogue is English, so in Romanized fields supplied cataloguer-supplied information, including non-quoted notes, should be in English, e.g. "[Place of publication not identified]" in 264$a. Such supplied information should be omitted in corresponding 880 fields.

880 Fields

MARC21 880

Generally, add 880 fields for data in Hebrew script data in the following parts of the catalogue record:

  • Title and statement of responsibility (245)
  • Edition statements (250)
  • Publication information (264).
  • Series (490)
  • Quoted notes (5xx)
  • Contents notes (505)
  • Unauthorized headings (i.e. those without original script 4xx references in authority records)

Generally, do not add 880 fields for:

  • Copyright dates (264). See section below on Publication and Copyright Dates
  • Notes other than quoted and contents notes (5xx)
  • Authorized headings (i.e. those with original script 4xx references in authority records)

However, use judgement as required.

When adding 880 fields, do not supply missing information, and only include Hebrew script data; do not include Roman script data unless the resulting 880 field would make no sense without it. Never put relationship designators in 880 fields.

See also the relevant sections for more specific information.

Parallel Titles and Statements of Responsibility

RDA, HCM2 p. 41, MARC21 245

Follow HCM2 in adding an English title found elsewhere in the item (e.g. added title page, title page verso) in the 245 but always add 041 and 546 fields to clarify the language of the the text. In the corresponding 246 field, do not use the second indicator 1 for parallel title for such an English title.

If other title information and statements of responsibility are also in English, include them in the 245 field, but not in the 880 field. Add any further variant titles in Western European languages found on the item in 246 fields.

If a Hebrew script parallel title and/or statements of responsibility are coded in the 245$c (e.g. because they come after a Roman script title and and statement of responsibility), these can be coded in the 880 using the more standard $a, $b, and $c, etc.

Parallel Series Titles

RDA 2.12.3, MARC21 490, MARC21 830, etc

Always include parallel series titles in the 490 field.

If two 880 fields would end up with exactly the same data, use judgement as to whether to include both or just one of them. If the choice is between 880 fields representing the 490 and 830 fields, favour that for the 880 field.

Publication and Copyright Dates

RDA, HCM2 p. 48, MARC21 264

If the publication date appears on the item in Hebrew numerals, this should be recorded in the corresponding 880 field. The 880 field should not contain a Gregorian date, even if given, nor should a Gregorian date be supplied, unless there is no Hebrew date given on the item.

If the copyright is given in both Roman and Hebrew dates, record both separated by an equals sign, e.g.

264__$a©773 = ©2013

Do not record copyright dates in 880 fields.


MARC21 024, Danacode

If there is a Danacode present on the item, record it in subfield $a of a 024 field with first indicator 7. Record the long form of the Danacode: 12 digits including any leading zeroes but without hypens. In subfield $2, record "danacode", e.g.:

024 _7$a080002610032$2danacode

Other Issues Requiring Clarification

  • Edition statements in more than one language.
  • Revised editions and relationship designators.
  • 880 fields for name/title entries and uniform titles.







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