Known Issues - Moodle
Ongoing - Moodle 24-25
Blackboard Ally - Some legacy files are currently being included in Ally accessibility reports on some Moodle courses
Submission fails to upload to Turnitin in a Moodle Assignment with Turnitin Plagiarism, Group Mode and Online Text enabled
TinyMCE: copy-pasting an icon + link into the TinyMCE can result in broken text formatting
Quiz/assignment email notifications currently disregard restricted activities
H5P presentations with a "Drag the Words" or "Fill in the Blanks" activity do not display
Gapfill per gap feedback can't be added in TinyMCE editor.
Moodle Gradebook - error when editing grade item
Logs - Downloaded logs not showing User full name in Excel
Gradebook - menu options appear behind last row of Gradebook table
Tabs course format - no bulk edit feature
Duplicate submission deadline for Turnitin assignments on timeline and calendar after editing a part name.
TinyMCE Mediacentral Embed Content Bug
Quickmail not sending emails when selecting the whole course or a role
Hint Pop ups cannot be closed
Unable to edit within a Moodle course section - resolved
Moodle Feedback tracker - Quiz display issue - resolved
Lecturecast embeds - Embedded Lecturecast recordings in Moodle showing an error message
Mobile - forum pages freeze when scrolling - 18/11/24
Moodle Workshop - error when launching
Turnitin - Error when revealing individual identities
Grid course format display issues
Flexible format is not optimised for Moodle 4.2 and users may encounter issues.
MyFeedback report errors
Course access - error when accessing a course or logging in
Editing an individual Moodle section
IPAC LTI - Updating VLE with IPAC results error
Moodle 19/04/24 - footer displays incorrectly on assignment pages
Moodle: 19/04/24 - arrow menu icons incorrectly display
Moodle: 19/04/24 - Students cannot see activities restricted by group when the group has "Group membership visibility" set to "Hidden".
Download Selected Grademark Files - files not downloading
Group submission errors - incorrect number of query parameters
Moodle: 31/08/23 - Updating grade in the gradebook shows error: "Exception - Call to a member function get_decimals() on null"
Moodle: 18/08/23 - Question Bank Statistics disabled
Moodle:18/08/2023 - Boards activity - error
Moodle: 18/08/23 Blocks appear in calendar drawer
Moodle: 18/08/23 Course search error
Moodle: 10/08/23 - Course rollover
Moodle: 10/08/23 - Grid course format - rollover of a course removes images
Moodle: 27/07/23 - URL icon doesn't always display correctly
Moodle: 10/08/23 - Homepage error
Moodle: 27/07/23 - Sharing Cart Plugin - Block Displays incorrectly
Moodle: 27/07/23 - Reading List Icon does not display
Moodle: 27/07/23 - Course Rollover Action Returns - Error Reading Database
Moodle: December 2022 Issue creating Zoom activities
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