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Chris Dillon
Students are asked to read something about one of their interests online and write a summary in their personal wiki spaces.
For example, news reports, gossip about celebrities, strange or funny things, YouTube
They are asked to compile lists of interesting links and a directory of interesting materials is compiled. German example: Japanese example:
Materials to be used as foundations for conversation in the classroom.
Translation (student translate bits of a passage in their personal areas and then the whole translation is put together in the Norwegian Wiki)
Change of purpose
(e.g. take a piece of 'Min barndoms verden' and dramatise it. If successful, recordings could be posted in the wiki)
write the piece from a different point of view (e.g. another character's) or set in another time
Students are asked to make vocabularies or add words to the wiki dictionary.
Work with mistranslations e.g. when the meaning is nonsensical or has another meaning (e.g. gift).
Make a collection of comic mistakes/amusing idioms which may be used to end a lesson.
Students are encouraged to listen to and manipulate songs (on YouTube or recorded in Norway on an .mp3 player) in the target language.
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