Service Status
Current Status: Key
| Tweets relevant to the UK service (which UCL uses) are prefaced by 'TurnitinUK' |
Turnitin Known Issues
Issue | Date Identified | Status | Workaround |
When setting the restrict access criteria for a Turnitin assignment to user based restrictions, it treats tutor and course administrators like students. | Unknown | Raised with Turnitin support | If you set restrict to students with a certain email, it is also necessary to add the tutor/ course administrator email. |
Submitting .docx created in Office 365 files does not always submit to Turnitin. Despite receipt number being generated. The following advice has been circulated via the HELF (JISC Heads of E-Learning Forum) Turnitin mailing list, 'We have confirmed that one cause of failed/corrupted submissions is the result of students submitting Word dcuments created using Word Online (Office 365). Those documents saved as PDF before submission seem to work.' Re-saving the document in normal 'desktop' Word will also fix this issue. | Unknown | Raised with Turnitin support | Open and save the file from Windows desktop Office software. Save as PDF. From Turnitin "As discussed, this assignment is set to allow any file type. This means that some submissions that have been made will not be able to generate an originality percentage and may show as pending as we are unable to extract the text to generate a report. |
Inconsistent upload of Word for Mac files. Sometimes ok, sometimes loads first few pages, sometimes stuck/not submitted. | Unknown | Raised with Turnitin support | Open and save the file from Windows desktop Office software. Save as PDF. |
Sometimes marks in the assignment don't transfer into the gradebook | Unkown | Raised with Turnitin support | None |
There is an issue with PeerMark that if a student starts a review but does not submit it before the due date they will appear as 'submitted' after due date, but this is not reflected in the downloadable spreadsheet of scaled responses, as attempt was never officially submitted.Therefore the number of submission in the spreadsheet will not reflect the number displayed in PeerMark. This can be identified by seeing if the students review submission date was the same as due date. | Raised with Turnitin support | Be aware of this possible discrepancy if you use the downloadable spreadsheet. | |
Digital receipts being generated for students who have not submitted. This happens when the grader accidentally clicks on the grade pencil next to a students' name in the submission inbox. | Raised with Turnitin support Requested TII change the warning pop-up when the instructor clicks on the pencil | Avoid clicking the grading pencil for students who have not submitted. | |
An anonymous assignment is created with only one part. After creation, the course admin or tutor adds one of more new parts to the assignment. When the students begin to submit to the secondary parts, their names are shown despite the post date not being reached. | Raised with Turnitin | If multiple part anonymous assignment is required, ensure all parts are set up at the time of assignment creation. |
Turnitin Quirks - Expected Behaviour
Issue | Version | Status | Workaround or Reasoning |
Allows Post Date to be sooner than the Due Date. | V2 | Expected behaviour | This is a feature which has been introduced by design, as it gives the ability for instructors to provide feedback to students who have submitted an assignment, perhaps a first draft. This will allow students to view initial feedback, continue to progress with their assignment and resubmit their assignment until the final due date. |
When, as a student, you preview a rubric in Turnitin, the Close button doesn't work in Firefox. | V2 | Turnitin unable to fix | Please use the 'Close' link top right of screen instead. |
Tutor can be submit on behalf of student after due/ post date. | V2 | Expected Behaviour | Instructors have the ability to resubmit submit papers after the assignment due date, until the class expires, at which time the class becomes read-only. This option allows instructors to resubmit for a student in case the wrong paper was submitted. |
Recently resolved
Issue | Date Identified | Resolution Date/ Tested Date |
Message “Resubmissions are allowed for this assignment until the due date passes. Any and all marks will be deleted when or if the paper is resubmitted. Would you like to continue?” | Unknown | |
Submission titles containing a forward slash ( / ) or quotation marks ( " ) will not submit properly | Unknown | |
The submission count doesn't increment each time you resubmit a document to a submisison inbox | Unknown | |
Student can see the blue grading pencil when they look on 'my submissions' tab. Clicking on this will launch the document viewer, but an error will then be generated. | 8/08/2016 | Unknown |
Release Notes
The latest release notes from Turnitin, listing bug fixes and new functionality