Verification Checklist

Verification Checklist

The Verification Checklist (internal) 2024.docx contains additional Airtable checks and the process for writing notes and making changes.



1) Are the global attributes (title and agency) correct?

2) Are labels correct?

a)       They follow the correct format

b)       They are named after the correct question or section

c)       They are unique

3) Are construct positions correct?

a)       Questions in the correct order

b)       Constructs at the correct level, including the True and Else branch

4) Is all content included and does it make sense?

5) Are response domains correct?

a)       The questions are attached to the correct response domains

b)       The code values in the code list are correct

c)       The categories in the code list match the question answers

d)       The min and max for numeric answers and text answers are correct

e)       The duration formats are correct and have been used appropriately

f)        Specific text or numeric answers are correct and used appropriately

g)       Integer/float numeric answers are used correctly

6) Are the question instructions correct?

7) Are the condition texts and logic correct? 

a)       Condition texts are split in the correct place

b)       The referenced questions exist and match the question labels

c)       The values in the conditions are possible

d)       Logic format and constructions are correct

e)       Quotations are used if appropriate

8) Is cardinality correct?

9) Is the spelling, punctuation, capitalisation etc. correct?

10) Do question items/grids match the question constructs?

11) Are the interviewees assigned to each question construct correct?

12) Have any images which need to be included been added correctly?

a)       The snip contains the complete image and any code values associated with the image

b)       The name of the image file is named after the qc containing image