

Verification checklist

The verifier examines items such as labels, making sure that the question construct label (qc) matches the question item label (qi), ensuring all the content has been added etc. The checklist which is used contains further details of the checks carried out.

Summary tables

To check the labels are correct summary tables can be used. Each construct on the build page e.g. Conditions provides a summary of that construct type including the labels. By searching and highlighting the prefix used (e.g. c_ in conditions), it will indicate which labels have the correct prefix.


As part of the verification process for paper questionnaires, the entered questionnaire is listened to. The advantage of this over proof reading is that the software cannot be fooled by word shape and letter recognition. An example picked up early on was that someone had entered martial instead of marital. This would be a difficult error to catch by reading as the reader tends to use context of what they are reading. It is entirely possible to read 'Did you have any martial problems?' in a section on marriage and miss the error because the structure of the words is so similar. The software, however, clearly reads what is there and this is evident to the verifier. Additionally, if the error has produced a word that is not readable, the software reads it out letter by letter, bringing it to the attention of the listener. Given that the entry process is to replicate what is on the page, the risks of common grammatical errors such as two, too, to is low. The entry does not involve making a judgement, just reproducing what is on the page. If the usage is wrong on the original, that would be replicated.

Text to speech software: https://ttsreader.com/. Copy and paste the entered questionnaire from Archivist into the text box and press the play button.

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