Copying data to your OneDrive or S: Drive

Copying data to your OneDrive or S: Drive

All students and staff at UCL have a OneDrive for personal storage and collaboration with others. Microscope users from labs outside the LMCB may want to use this method to copy data off microscope computers within the LMCB. If you want to use this method, you MUST do so by uploading your data to the OneDrive portal using your web browser. See the section on 'How to Access OneDrive for Business' on the web page below:


Your OneDrive has a capacity of 100 GB.

If you have a GroupFolder Shared (S:) Drive for saving team/department files when collaborating with colleagues then you can map that using the instructions in the link below:


The S: Drive has 200 GB of storage by default, but additional storage can be purchased.


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