Where to find Open Educational Resources (OER)
Name: Academic Earth
URL: http://academicearth.org/
Country: United States
Name: African Health OER Network
URL: http://www.oerafrica.org/healthoer
Country: Kenya
Name: Aljazeera creative commons repository
URL: http://cc.aljazeera.net/
Country: Qatar
Name: Almae Matris Studiorum Campus
URL: http://campus.unibo.it/
Country: Italy
Name: Ariadne
URL: http://www.ariadne-eu.org/
Country: European Union
Name: Banco de iten
URL: http://bi.gave.min-edu.pt/
Country: Portugal
Name: Banco de Objetos de Aprendizaje
URL: http://aplicaciones.virtual.unal.edu.co/drupal/?q=node/34
Country: Colombia
Name: Banco Internacional de Objetos Educacionais
URL: http://objetoseducacionais2.mec.gov.br
Country: Brazil
Name: Centro de Recursos para la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje (CREA)
URL: http://www.crea.udg.mx/
Country: Mexico
Name: CChemCollective
URL: http://www.chemcollective.org/
Country: United Stated
Name: Commonwealth of Learning
URL: http://www.col.org/
Country: Canada
Name: Connexions
URL: http://cnx.org/
Country: United States
Name: Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education
URL: http://www.causeweb.org
Country: United States
Name: CSTC (Computing Science Teaching Center)
URL: http://www.cstc.org/
Country: United States
Name: Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon
URL: http://capl.washjeff.edu
Country: United States
Name: Curriki
URL: http://welcome.curriki.org/
Country: United States
Name: Desarrolla, Aprende y Reutiliza (DAR)
URL: http://catedra.ruv.itesm.mx/
Country: Mexico
Name: Digiref
URL: http://www.digiref.se/index.php
Country: Sweden
Name: Digital Library for Earth System Education
URL: http://www.dlese.org/library/
Country: United States
Name: DUDA dk
URL: http://www.duda.dk
Country: Denmark
Name: Economics Network Online Learning and Teaching Materials
URL: http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/links/othertl.htm
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Edu Fi
URL: http://www.edu.fi
Country: Finland
Name: Educar Chile
URL: http://www.educarchile.cl
Country: Chile
Name: Eduteka
URL: http://www.eduteka.org/
Country: Colombia
Name: EMU Danmarks lærninrsportal
URL: http://www.emu.dk/tema/kultur-og-læring
Country: Denmark
Name: Everything Maths
URL: http://everythingmaths.co.za/
Country: South Africa
Name: Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
URL: http://www.free.ed.gov/index.cfm
Country: United States
Name: First World War Poetry Digital Archive
URL: http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ww1lit/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: FREIburger Multimedia Object Repository
URL: http://freimore.uni-freiburg.de/
Country: Germany
Name: Geoscience Data Repository
URL: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/earth-sciences/home
Country: United States
Name: Hum Box
URL: http://humbox.ac.uk/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: I Cleen
Country: Italy
Name: I-Berry
URL: http://iberry.com/
Country: United States
Name: IG2 – Intergeo
URL: http://i2geo.net/
Country: Germany
Name: Ilumina
URL: http://www.ilumina-dlib.org
Country: United States
Name: Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe (I2Geo)
URL: http://igeo.net
Country: Germany
Name: ITSON repositorio de objetos de aprendizaje
URL: http://biblioteca.itson.mx/oa/principal.htm
Country: Mexico
Name: Jorum
URL: http://www.jorum.ac.uk/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Kursnavet
URL: http://www.kursnavet.se/
Country: Sweden
Name: Lab Space
URL: http://labspace.open.ac.uk/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: LeMill
URL: http://lemill.net/
Country: Finland
Name: Maknaz
URL: http://maknaz.elc.edu.sa/
Country: Saudi Arabia
Name: Maricopa Learning Exchange
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/mlx/
Country: United States
Name: Matematica Mutimidia
URL: http://www.m3.mat.br/
Country: Brazil
Name: MathWorld
URL: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Materialeplatformen
Country: Denmark
Name: Matematikk
URL: http://www.matematikk.org
Country: Norway
Name: Merlot
URL: http://www.merlot.org
Country: United States
Name: National Learning Network
URL: http://www.nln.ac.uk/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
URL: http://nsdl.org/
Country: United States
URL: http://www.needs.org/
Country: United States
Name: NLDA
URL: http://ndla.no
Country: Norway
Name: NOER
URL: http://nroer.in/home/
Country: India
Name: OER Commons
URL: http://oercommons.org/
Country: United States
Name: OER Equella
URL: http://oer.equella.com/access/home.do
Country: United States
Name: OER Online Archive
URL: http://www.archive.org/
Country: Undefined
Name: Open Educational Resources (OER) Africa
URL: http://www.oerafrica.org/
Country: Kenia
Name: Open Educational Resources for Typography
URL: http://www.oert.org/
Country: Argentina
Name: OpenLearn
URL: http://www.open.edu/openlearn
Country: United Kingdom
Name: OpenLearnWare
URL: https://openlearnware.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de/
Country: Germany
Name: OpenMichigan
URL: http://open.umich.edu/
Country: United States
Name: Open Science Resources
URL: http://www.osrportal.eu/
Country: European Union
Name: Open UCT
URL: http://open.uct.ac.za
Country: South Africa
Name: Organic.Edunet Federation
URL: http://www.organic-edunet.eu/
Country: European Union
URL: http://ostrich.bath.ac.uk/taxonomy/term/49
Country: United Kingdom
Name: OTAN
URL: http://www.otan.us/
Country: United States
Name: Pearson Copyleft
URL: http://www.copyleftpearson.com.br
Country: Brazil
Name: Phet (Physics Education Technology)
URL: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/
Country: United States
Name: Portal das Escolas
URL: https://www.portaldasescolas.pt/
Country: Portugal
Name: Procomún
URL: http://procomun.educalab.es/comunidad/procomun
Country: Spain
Name: Recursos Educacionais Abertos Brasil
URL: http://rea.net.br/site/
Country: Brazil
Name: Repositorio de objetos de aprendizaje
URL: http://roa.mppeu.gob.ve/
Country: Venzuela
Name: Repositorio E-Learning
URL: http://e-repository.tecminho.uminho.pt/
Country: Portugal
Name: Restore
URL: http://www.restore.ac.uk
Country: United Kingdom
Name: RODA
URL: http://roda.culturaextremadura.com/
Country: Spain
Name: RRU Open Educational Resources
URL: http://oer.royalroads.ca/moodle/
Country: Canada
Name: RVP Metodicky Portal
URL: http://dum.rvp.cz/index.html
Country: Czech Republic
Name: Science Attic
URL: http://science-attic.org/
Country: Korea
Name: Skolresurser
URL: http://snar.fo
Country: Faroe Islands
Name: SNAR
URL: http://skolresurser.se
Country: Sweden
Name: Temoa
URL: http://www.temoa.info
Country: Mexico
Name: The Gateway
URL: http://www.thegateway.org/
Country: United States
Name: The Le@rning Federation
URL: http://www.ndlrn.edu.au/default.asp
Country: Australia
Name: The world lecture project
URL: http://www.world-lecture-project.org/
Country: Germany
URL: http://www.unitracc.com/
Country: Germany
Name: University of Leicester OER Repository
URL: http://www2.le.ac.uk/projects/oer
Country: United Kingdom
URL: http://vcampus.uom.ac.mu/lor/index.php?menu=1
Country: Mauritius
Name: Wikiwijs
URL: http://www.wikiwijs.nl/
Country: Netherlands
Name: Wisconsin Online Resource Center
URL: http://www.wisc-online.com/
Country: United States
Name: World History Sources
URL: http://chnm.gmu.edu/worldhistorysources/index.html
Country: United States
Name: Xpert
URL: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/xpert/
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Zunia
URL: http://openeducation.zunia.org/
Country: United States
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