After Moodle Rollover - Preparing for the new Academic Year


At the end of the Academic Year, usually at the beginning of August, new Lecturecast sections are created, ready to hold content for the next academic year.  When you rollover your Moodle course for next academic year, by default, all Lecturecast activity links in Moodle are copied over from the previous year's course.


Please note that students in the upcoming year won't have the capability to access these links and view the associated recordings, since the new Moodle course has not yet been connected to any specific Lecturecast section.

Please make sure you link your rolled over course to the relevant Lecturecast section for next year before making your course available to students by following the steps below:

Step 1:

Go to your new Moodle course and select any existing Lecturecast links. 

Step 2:

Once you click on the link, you will be prompted to choose the new Lecturecast section. Use the drop-down list(s) to select the term, course, and section you want to link to.

Step 3:

Select 'Link to the Section Home' to link your new Moodle course directly to the section class list.

Click 'LINK CONTENT' to complete the configuration.

Once you link through, you are automatically enrolled as an instructor in the relevant Lecturecast section for next year.  All the existing Lecturecast links in the rolled-over Moodle course will now be linked to next year's section in Lecturecast.


  • If you do not wish to reuse last year's recordings, you can easily delete all the existing Lecturecast links from your Moodle course at once using the Mass Action block.  
  • If you are planning to reuse some of last year's recordings, please hide them as soon as possible and follow the instructions available at Reuse recordings from previous years
  • To reuse one or more recordings from the previous year, you still need to make a copy of the recording and then share the copy with next year's section.