AssessmentUCL Training & Support

AssessmentUCL Training & Support


A range of training pathways are available to staff to help them become familiar and confident using the AssessmentUCL platform:

1. Step-by-step guides

Please view our step-by-step guides for each role here

2. Video recordings & training slides

Videos taken from past training sessions can be found on the video guides page. Training resources and slides can be found on the training resources page.

3. Practice environment

All staff should have access to the practice environment (AssessmentUCL Staging site) where they can create and mark example assessments to become more familiar with the platform.

4. Drop in sessions

The Digital Assessment team will be running drop-in sessions to provide support to staff during the central assessment period.

Please visit our AssessmentUCL Drop-in booking page to book a 30 minute 1:1 session with a member of the team.


Please visit the AssessmentUCL staff support page if you require support with your assessment, or have a query regarding AssessmentUCL.