

The topic controlled vocabulary is a list of the topic areas covered by the studies. It is a compilation of items from the MeSH and HASSET topic vocabularies. The topic vocabulary has two levels. Level 2 topics are subsets of the Level 1 topics.

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The table below provides descriptions of each of the topics and shows the relationship between the level 1 and level 2 topics. The description also includes source of the definition which have been taken from MeSH, HASSET, Oxford online, WHO, ONS, National Academy on Women's Health Medical Education, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Urdang (1988), Webster (1961), Stedman (1995) and Timmreck (1987). 

IDColectica CodeLevel 1Level 1 description IDColectica CodeLevel 2Level 2 description 

1101DemographicsStatistical interpretation and description of a population with reference to distribution, composition, or structure. (MeSH)1.110101Place of birth 
1.210102Gender A person's concept of self as being male and masculine or female and feminine or ambivalent, based in part on physical characteristics, parental responses, and psychological and social pressures. It is the internal experience of gender role. (MeSH)
1.310103Ethnic group A group of people with a common cultural heritage that sets them apart from others in a variety of social relationships. (MeSH)
1.410104Language(s) spoken Language = The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. (Oxford online)
1.610106Location A particular place or position. (Oxford online)
2102Housing and local environmentHousing = Living facilities for humans.2.110201Housing Living facilities for humans. (MeSH)

Environment = The external elements and conditions which surround, influence and affect the life and development of an organism or population. (MeSH)2.210202Neighbourhood A district or community within a town or city. (Oxford online)
2.310203Travel and transport Travel = Make a journey, typically of some length. (Oxford online)
Transport = Take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft or ship. (Oxford online)
2.410204Environmental exposure The exposure to potentially harmful chemical, physical or biological agents in the environmental factors that may include ionizing radiation, pathogenic organisms or toxic chemicals. (MeSH)
2.510205Residential mobility Frequent change of residence, either in the same city or town, or between cities, states or communities (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
3103Physical health Health relating to the body as opposed to the mind. (Oxford online)3.110301Cardiovascular system The heart and the blood vessels by which blood is pumped and circulated through the body. (MeSH)
3.210302Musculoskeletal system The muscles, bones (bone and bones), and cartilage of the body.
3.310303Respiratory system The tubular and cavernous organs and structures, by means of which pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange between ambient air and the blood are brought about. (MeSH)
3.410304Nervous system The entire nerve apparatus, composed of a central part, the brain and spinal cord, and a peripheral part, the cranial and spinal nerves, autonomic ganglia and plexuses. (Stedman, 1995)
3.510305Digestive system A group of organs stretching from the mouth to the anus serving to breakdown foods, assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste. In humans, the digestive system includes the gastrointestinal tract and the accessory glands (liver, bilary tract and pancreas). (MeSH)
3.610306Urogenital system All the organs involved in reproduction and the formation and release of urine. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and the organs of reproduction - ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, and clitoris in women and the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, seminal ducts and penis in men.  (MeSH)
3.710307Endocrine system The systems of glands that release their secretions (hormones) directly into the circulatory system. In addition to the endocrine glands, included are the chromaffin system and the neurosecretory systems. (MeSH)
3.810308Hemic and immune systems Hemic = relating to the blood or circulatory system. (Oxford online)
Immune system = the organs responsible for immunity. The primary lymphoid organs are the thymus and the bone marrow; the secondary lymphoid organs and the lymph nodes and lymphoid aggregates (spleen, tonsils, gastrointestinal lymph tissue and Peyer's patches). (Oxford online)
3.910309Hearing, vision, speechHearing = The faculty of perceiving sounds. (Oxford online)
Vision = The faculty or state of being able to see. (Oxford online)
Speech = The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. (Oxford online)
3.110310Oral/dental health The optimal state of the mouth and normal functioning of the organs of the mouth without evidence of disease. (MeSH)
3.1110311Skin diseases | Dermatology Dermatology = the medical speciality concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. (MeSH)
3.1210312Congenital and malformations Malformations of organs or body parts during development in utero. (MeSH)
3.1310313Cancer New abnormal growth of tissue. Malignant neoplasms show a greater degree of anaplasia and have the properties of invasion and metastasis, compared to benign neoplasms. (MeSH)
3.1410314Mortality All deaths reported in a given population. (MeSH)
3.1510315Reproductive healthWithin the framework of WHO's definition of health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health addresses the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. (WHO)
3.1610316Women's health A broad category of illnesses and health conditions associated with being female. Women's health is devoted to facilitating the preservation of wellness and prevention of illness in women and includes screening, diagnosis and management of conditions that are unique in women, are more common in women, are more serious in women, have manifestations, risk factors or interventions that are different in women. Women's health also recognizes the importance of the study of gender differences, recognizes multidisciplinary team approaches, includes the diversity of women's health needs over the life cycle, and how these needs reflect differences in race, class, ethnicity, culture, sexual preference, and levels of education and access to medical care, and includes the empowerment of women, as for all patients, to be informed participants in their own health care. (National Academy on Women's Health Medical Education)
3.1710317Accidents and injuries Damage inflicted on the body as the direct or indirect result of an external force, with or without disruption of structural continuity. (MeSH)
3.1810318Allergies Altered reactivity to an antigen, which can result in pathologic reactions upon subsequent exposure to that particular antigen. (MeSH)
3.1910319Infections Invasion of the host organism by microorganisms that can cause pathological conditions or diseases. (MeSH)
3.210320AnthropometryThe technique that deals with the measurement of the size, weight, and proportions of the human or other primate body. (MeSH)
3.2110321Physical characteristics Pertaining to the body, rather than the mind. (Oxford Online)
3.2210322Physical functioning 
3.2310323General health The level of health of the individual, group, or population as subjectively assessed by the individual or by more objective measures. (MeSH)
4104Mental health and mental processesMental health = A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. Mental process = A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end, relating to the mind. (Oxford Online)4.110401Mental disorders Mental disorders comprise a broad range of problems, with different symptoms. However, they are generally characterized by some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour and relationships with others. Examples are schizophrenia, depression, intellectual disabilities and disorders due to drug abuse. Most of these disorders can be successfully treated. (WHO)
4.210402Personality | Temperament Personality = behaviour -response patterns that characterize the individual. Temperament = Predisposition to react to one's environment in a certain way; usually refers to mood changes. (MeSH)
4.310403Wellbeing The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. (Oxford Online)
4.410404Emotions Those affective states which can be experienced and have arousing and motivational properties. (MeSH)
4.510405Cognitive function A set of cognitive functions that controls complex, goal-directed thought and behavior. Executive function involves multiple domains, such as CONCEPT FORMATION, goal management, cognitive flexibility, INHIBITION control, and WORKING MEMORY. Impaired executive function is seen in a range of disorders, e.g., SCHIZOPHRENIA; and ADHD. (MeSH)
5105Health careThe organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community. (Oxford Online)5.110501Health services utilisation The degree to which individuals are inhibited or facilitated in their ability to gain entry to and to receive care and services from the health care system. Factors influencing this ability include geographic, architectural, transportational, and financial considerations, among others. (MeSH)
5.210502Hospital admissionsThe process of accepting patients. The concept includes patients accepted for medical and nursing care in a hospital or other health care institution. (MeSH)
5.310503Immunisations Deliberate stimulation of the host's immune response. ACTIVE IMMUNIZATIONinvolves administration of ANTIGENS or IMMUNOLOGIC ADJUVANTS. PASSIVE IMMUNIZATION involves administration of IMMUNE SERA or LYMPHOCYTESor their extracts (e.g., transfer factor, immune RNA) or transplantation of immunocompetent cell producing tissue (thymus or bone marrow). (MeSH)
5.410504Medications Drugs intended for human or veterinary use, presented in their finished dosage form. Included here are materials used in the preparation and/or formulation of the finished dosage form.
5.510505Complementary therapies Therapeutic practices which are not currently considered an integral part of conventional allopathic medical practice. They may lack biomedical explanations but as they become better researched some (PHYSICAL THERAPY MODALITIES;DIET; ACUPUNCTURE) become widely accepted whereas others (humors, radium therapy) quietly fade away, yet are important historical footnotes. Therapies are termed as Complementary when used in addition to conventional treatments and as Alternative when used instead of conventional treatment. (MeSH)
5.610506Health insurance Insurance providing coverage of medical, surgical, or hospital care in general or for which there is no specific heading. (MeSH)
6106Health behaviourBehaviors expressed by individuals to protect, maintain or promote their health status. For example, proper diet, and appropriate exercise are activities perceived to influence health status. Life style is closely associated with health behavior and factors influencing life style are socioeconomic, educational, and cultural. (MeSH)6.110601Diet and nutrition Diet = The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. Nutrition = The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. (Oxford Online)
6.210602Physical activityPhysical activity which is usually regular and done with the intention of improving or maintaining PHYSICAL FITNESS or HEALTH. Contrast with PHYSICAL EXERTION which is concerned largely with the physiologic and metabolic response to energy expenditure. (MeSH)
6.310603SleepA readily reversible suspension of sensorimotor interaction with the environment, usually associated with recumbency and immobility. (MeSH)
6.410604Smoking Inhaling and exhaling the smoke of burning TOBACCO. (MeSH)
6.510605Alcohol consumption Behaviors associated with the ingesting of alcoholic beverages, including social drinking. (MeSH)
6.610606Substance abuseDisorders related to substance abuse. (MeSH)
6.710607Risk taking Undertaking a task involving a challenge for achievement or a desirable goal in which there is a lack of certainty or a fear of failure. It may also include the exhibiting of certain behaviors whose outcomes may present a risk to the individual or to those associated with him or her. (MeSH)

Criminal behaviour

Crime = An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. (Oxford Online)

Sexual behaviour

Sexual activities of humans. (MeSH)
7107Family and social networks Family = A social group consisting of parents or parent substitutes and children. Social networks = Support systems that provide assistance and encouragement to individuals with physical or emotional disabilities in order that they may better cope. Informal social support is usually provided by friends, relatives, or peers, while formal assistance is provided by churches, groups, etc. (MeSH)7.110701Home life A person’s family, personal relationships, and domestic interests considered as a whole. (Oxford Online)
7.210702Household composition One person living alone; or a group of people (not necessarily related) living together. (ONS)
7.310703Marital status A demographic parameter indicating a person's status with respect to marriage, divorce, widowhood, singleness, etc. (MeSH)
7.410704Family members and relations Behavioral, psychological, and social relations among various members of the nuclear family and the extended family. (MeSH)
7.510705Friends Persons whom one knows, likes, and trusts. (MeSH)
7.610706Childcare Care of children in the home or institution. (MeSH)
7.710707Child welfare Organized efforts by communities or organizations to improve the health and well-being of the child. (MeSH)
7.810708Social support Support systems that provide assistance and encouragement to individuals with physical or emotional disabilities in order that they may better cope. Informal social support is usually provided by friends, relatives, or peers, while formal assistance is provided by churches, groups, etc. (MeSH)
7.910709Leisure activities Voluntary use of free time for activities outside the daily routine. (MeSH)
7.110710Social capitalThe expected benefits derived from the cooperation between individuals and groups. (MeSH)
8108Education Acquisition of knowledge as a result of instruction in a formal course of study. (MeSH)8.110801Qualifications A pass of an examination or an official completion of a course, especially one conferring status as a recognized practitioner of a profession or activity. (Oxford Online)
8.310803Further Education | Higher Education FE:A sector which encompasses all post‐compulsory education and training, with the exception of higher education. Although a semantic distinction is made between further and adult education, FE in its broadest terms encompasses this, too. HE: Programmes of study which lead to advanced qualifications such as those at National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 5 or 6 and above, such as degrees and diplomas. These are usually offered in higher education institutions (HEIs) such as universities, but may also form part of the provision of further education (FE) colleges, as in the case of foundation degrees. The higher education sector is largely comprised of universities and university colleges, and is distinct from the further education sector in terms of funding and purpose. The provision of higher education, however, is an area in which there is some overlap, since HEIs may accredit FE colleges to deliver some higher‐level, vocationally related courses. (Oxford Online)
8.410804Training The action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behaviour. (Oxford Online)
8.510805Basic skills Defines basic skills as ‘The ability to read, write and speak in English or Welsh, and to use mathematics at a level necessary to function and progress at work and in society in general’. Although initiatives have covered all age groups since the creation of the Basic Skills Agency in 1995, the term is most commonly used to refer to the skills of adults rather than of those under 19 years old, where General Certificate of Secondary Education and key skills qualifications tend to define levels of skill. (Oxford Online)
8.610806Adult education Courses of study offered for learners over the age of compulsory schooling. Sometimes used synonymously with evening classes, adult education encompasses a very wide range of provision, including prison education, education in the armed forces, adult literacy classes, and church‐based learning groups, as well as local authority and Workers’ Educational Association provision. (Oxford Online)
8.710807Learning difficulties Difficulties in acquiring knowledge and skills to the normal level expected of those of the same age, especially because of mental disability or cognitive disorder. (Oxford Online)
8.810808Pre-school Relating to the time before a child is old enough to go to school. (Oxford Online)
8.910809Cognitive functionCognitive = related to cognition. Cognition = The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. (Oxford Online)
8.110810Cognitive skills Skills acquired through cognition. (Oxford Online)
8.1110811Non-cognitive skills A state of mind is non-cognitive if it involves no cognition or knowledge of any kind. (Oxford Online)
8.1210812School engagement 
8.1310813Education aspirations Aspiration = A hope or ambition of achieving something. (Oxford Online)
8.1410814Lifelong learning A form of or approach to education which promotes the continuation of learning throughout adult life, especially by making educational material and instruction available through libraries, colleges, or information technology. (Oxford Online)
8.1510815Primary schooling
8.1610816Secondary schooling
9109Employment and incomeEmployment = The state of being engaged in an activity or service for wages or salary. Income = Revenues or receipts accruing from business enterprise, labor, or invested capital. (MeSH)9.110901Occupation | Employment Occupation = Crafts, trades, professions, or other means of earning a living. Employment = The state of being engaged in an activity or service for wages or salary. (MeSH)
9.210902Social classificationA stratum of people with similar position and prestige; includes social stratification. Social class is measured by criteria such as education, occupation, and income. (MeSH)
9.310903IncomeRevenues or receipts accruing from business enterprise, labor, or invested capital. (MeSH)
9.410904Finances The monetary resources and affairs of a state, organization, or person. (Oxford Online)
9.510905Assets A useful or valuable thing or person. (Oxford Online)
9.610906Consumption | Expenditure The action of using up a resource. The action of spending funds. (Oxford Online)
9.710907Pensions A regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age and to some widows and disabled people. (Oxford Online)
9.810908Benefits | Welfare
10110Expectation, attitudes and beliefsExpectation = A strong belief that something will happen or be the case | Attitude=A settled way of thinking or feeling about something: Belief = An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. (Oxford Online)10.111001Social attitudesAttitude = The way in which a person views and evaluates something or someone. Attitudes determine whether people like or dislike things – and therefore how they behave towards them. Attitude is traditionally divided into cognitive, behavioural, and affective components, although the main emphasis now tends to fall on defining attitude in terms of affect – the person's feelings towards the object, brand, etc. Is the brand good or bad? Is it likeable? The importance of the cognitive and behavioural components is still accepted, but they are no longer regarded as critical components. (Oxford Online)
10.311003Religion  A set of beliefs concerning the true nature, cause and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency. It usually involves devotional and ritual observances and often a moral code for the conduct of human affairs. (Urdang, 1988)
11111Child developmentThe continuous sequential physiological and psychological maturing of an individual from birth up to but not including ADOLESCENCE. (MeSH)11.111101Infant feedingThe provision of breast milk, or a bottle substitute, for a number of months after birth and thereafter nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods until the infant or young child is fully weaned (WHO).
11.211102Language and vocabularyThe gradual expansion in complexity and meaning of symbols and sounds as perceived and interpreted by the individual through a maturational and learning process. Stages in development include babbling, cooing, word imitation with cognition, and use of short sentences. The sum or the stock of words used by a language, a group, or an individual. (Webster, 1961)
11.311103Parenting Performing the role of a parent by care-giving, nurturance, and protection of the child by a natural or substitute parent. The parent supports the child by exercising authority and through consistent, empathic, appropriate behavior in response to the child's needs. PARENTING differs from CHILD REARING in that in child rearing the emphasis is on the act of training or bringing up the children and the interaction between the parent and child, while parenting emphasizes the responsibility and qualities of exemplary behaviour of the parent. (MeSH)
11.411104Developmental milestonesSkills gained by a developing child, which should be achieved by a given age. Examples of such milestones include smiling by six weeks and sitting unsupported by eight months. (Oxford Online)
12112Life eventsAny significant event in a person's life that may have beneficial or detrimental effects on social relationships and status. (Oxford Online)12.111201Retirement
13113Omics Suffix forming nouns used to denote rigorous, systematic analyses of the omes: e.g., proteomics, metabolomics, pharmacogenomics, toxicogenomics. (Oxford Online)13.111301Genetics The branch of science concerned with the means and consequences of transmission and generation of the components of biological inheritance. (Stedman,1995)
Used for mechanisms of heredity and the genetics of organisms, for the genetic basis of normal and pathologic states, and for the genetic aspects of endogenous chemicals. It includes biochemical and molecular influence on genetic material.
13.211302GenomicsThe systematic study of the complete DNA sequences (GENOME) of organisms. (MeSH)
13.311303TranscriptomicsThe study of transcriptomes and their functions. (Oxford Online)
13.411304Metabolomics The systematic identification and quantitation of all the metabolic products of a cell, tissue, organ, or organism under varying conditions. The METABOLOME of a cell or organism is a dynamic collection of metabolites which represent its net response to current conditions. (MeSH)
13.511305Epigenetics The systematic study of the global gene expression changes due to EPIGENETIC PROCESSES and not due to DNA base sequence changes. (MeSH)
13.611306Proteomics The systematic study of the complete complement of proteins (PROTEOME) of organisms. (MeSH)
14114PregnancyThe status during which female mammals carry their developing young (EMBRYOS or FETUSES) in utero before birth, beginning from FERTILIZATION to BIRTH. (MeSH)14.111401ChildbirthThe process of giving birth to one or more offspring. (MeSH)
14.211402Infant mortality

16.111601Demographics (CV19)Place of birth
Ethnic group
Language(s) spoken
16.211602Housing and local environment (CV19)Housing
Travel and transport
Environmental exposure
Residential mobility

16.311603Physical health (CV19)Cardiovascular system
Musculoskeletal system
Respiratory system
Nervous system
Digestive system
Urogenital system
Endocrine system
Hemic and immune systems
Hearing, vision, speech
Oral/dental health
Skin diseases | Dermatology
Congenital malformations
Reproductive health
Women's health
Accidents and injuries
Physical characteristics
Physical functioning
General health

16.411604Mental health and mental processes (CV19)Mental disorders
Personality | Temperament
Cognitive function

16.511605Health care (CV19)Health services utilisation
Hospital admissions
Complementary therapies
Health insurance

16.611606Health behaviour (CV19)Diet and nutrition
Physical activity
Alcohol consumption
Substance abuse
Risk taking
Criminal behaviour
Sexual behaviour

16.711607Family and social networks (CV19)Friends
Child welfare
Social support
Leisure activities
Social capital

16.811608Education (CV19)Qualifications
Further education | Higher education
Basic skills
Adult education
Learning difficulties
Cognitive function
Cognitive skills
Non cognitive skills
School engagement
Education aspirations
Lifelong learning
Primary schooling
Secondary schooling

16.911609Employment and income (CV19)Occupation | Employment
Social classification
Consumption | Expenditure
Benefits | Welfare

16.1011610Expectation, attitudes and beliefs (CV19)Religion
Social attitudes

16.1111611Child development (CV19)Infant feeding
Language and vocabulary
Developmental milestones

16.1211612Life events (CV19)Retirement

16.1311613Omics (CV19)Genetics

16.1411614Pregnancy (CV19)Pregnancy
Infant mortality

16.1511615Administration (CV19)



Stedman, T.L (1995)  Stedman's medical dictionary (26th ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Timmreck, T.C. (1987) Dictionary of Health Services Management (2d ed.). National Health Publishing Co.

Urdang, L. (1988) Random House Collegiate Dictionary (rev. ed.). Random House.

Webster, N. (1961). Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language unabridged. Merriam.

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