Development and Well-Being Assessment - Teacher (DAWBA)

There are several versions of this scale which have been developed for different audiences. You can find the "Parent" version here


Goodman, R., Ford, T., Richards, H., Gatward, R., & Meltzer, H. (2000). The Development and Well-Being Assessment: Description and Initial Validation of an Integrated Assessment of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 41(5), 645–655.

List of questions

SectionQuestion number QuestionOriginal 70-item version
EmotionsA1Excessive worries✓
A2Marked tension or inability to relax✓
A3Excessive concern about his/her own abilities, (e.g. academic, sporting or social)✓
A4Particularly anxious about speaking to class or reading aloud✓
A5Reluctant to separate from family to come to school✓
A6Unhappy, sad or depressed✓
A7Has lost interest in carrying out usual activities✓
A8Feels worthless or inferior✓
A9Concentration affected by worries or misery✓
A10Other emotional difficulties (e.g. marked fears, panic attacks, obsession or compulsions)✓
A11Please describe briefly:✓
A12Do these difficulties … upset or distress him/her?✓
A13Do these difficulties … interfere with his/her peer relationships?✓
A14Do these difficulties … interfere with his/her classroom learning?✓
A15Do these difficulties … put a burden on you of the class as a whole?✓
Attention, Activity and ImpulsivenessB1When s/he is doing something in class that s/he enjoys and is good at, whether reading or drawing or making a model or whatever, how long does s/he typically stay on that task?✓
B2Makes careless mistakes✓
B3Fails to pay attention✓
B4Loses interest in what s/he is doing✓
B5Doesn't seem to listen✓
B6Fails to finish things s/he starts✓
B8Tries to avoid tasks that require thought✓
B9Loses things✓
B10Easily distracted✓
B13Can't stay seated when required to do so✓
B14Runs or climbs about when s/he shouldn't✓
B15Has difficulty playing quietly✓
B16Finds its hard to calm down when asked to do so✓
B17Blurts out answers before questions are finished✓
B18Hard for him/her to wait their turn✓
B19Interrupts, butts in on conversations or activities✓
B20Goes on talking if asked to stop✓
B21Do these difficulties … upset or distressed him/her?✓
B22Do these difficulties … interfere with his/her peer relationship?✓
B23Do these difficulties … interfere with his/her classroom learning?✓
B24Do these difficulties … put a burden on you or the class as a whole?✓
Awkward and Troublesome BehaviourC1Temper tantrums or hot tempers✓
C2Argues a lot with adults✓
C3Disobedient at school✓
C4Deliberately does things to annoy others✓
C5Blames others for his/her own mistakes✓
C6Easily annoyed by others✓
C7Angry and resentful✓
C9Tries to get his/her own back✓
C10Seriously lies or cheats✓
C11Starts fights✓
C12Bullies others✓
C13Plays truant✓
C14Uses weapons when fighting✓
C15Has been physically cruel, has really hurt someone✓
C16Deliberately cruel to animals✓
C17Sets fires deliberately✓
C18Steals things✓
C19Vandalises property, or destroys things belonging to others✓
C20Shows unwanted sexualized behaviour towards others✓
C21Has been in trouble with the law✓
C22Please describe briefly:✓
C23Do these behaviours … upset or distressed him/her?✓
C24Do these behaviours … interfere with his/her peer relationships?✓
C25Do these behaviours … interfere with his/her classroom learning?✓
C26Do these behaviours … put a burden on you or the class as a whole?✓
Other ConcernsD1Tics, twitches, involuntary grunts or noises✓
D2Diets to excess✓
D3Do you have any other concerns about the child's psychological development?✓
D4Please describe:✓
D5The rest of this page is for any additional comments about this child✓

Use of this scale in CLOSER Discovery study questionnaires and datasets

Original 70-item versionALSPAC2002-2004 Questionnaire for Head Teacher (SEFG)ALSPAC About Your School Questionnaire for head teachers Dataset