Crown Crisp Experiential Index (CCEI)

Crown Crisp Experiential Index (CCEI)

Formerly known as  Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire 


Crown, S. & Crisp, A., H. (1966). A Short Clinical Diagnostic Self-rating Scale for Psychoneurotic Patients: The Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire. British Journal Psychiatry, 112, 917-923. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.112.490.917

List of questions

Question numberQuestion

Original 48-item version 

23-item version8-item version4-item version
1Do you often feel upset for no obvious reason ?
2Do you have an unreasonable fear of being in enclosed spaces such as shops, lifts, etc.?

3Do people ever say you are too conscientious ?

4Are you troubled by dizziness or shortness of breath ?

5Can you think as quickly as you used to ?

6Are your opinions easily influenced ?

7Have you felt as though you might faint ?
8Do you find yourself worrying about getting some incurable illness?

9Do you think that "cleanliness is next to godliness"?

10Do you often feel sick or have indigestion?

11Do you feel that life is too much effort?

12Have you, at any time in your life, enjoyed acting?

13Do you feel uneasy and restless?
14Do you feel more relaxed indoors?

15Do you find that silly or unreasonable thoughts keep recurring in your mind?

16Do you sometimes feel tingling or pricking sensations in your body, arms or legs?

17Do you regret much of your past behaviour?

18Are you normally an excessively emotional person?

19Do you sometimes feel really panicky?
20Do you feel uneasy travelling on buses or the Underground even if they are not crowded?

21Are you happiest when you are working?

22Has your appetite got less recently?

23Do you wake unusually early in the morning?

24Do you enjoy being the centre of attention?

25Would you say you were a worrying person?
26Do you dislike going out alone?

27Are you a perfectionist?

28Do you feel unduly tired and exhausted?

29Do you experience long periods of sadness?
30Do you find that you take advantage of circumstances for your own ends?

31Do you often feel "strung-up" side?
32Do you worry unduly when relatives are late coming home?

33Do you have to check things you do to an unnecessary extent?

34Can you get off to sleep alright at the moment?

35Do you have to make a special effort to face up to a crisis or difficulty?

36Do you often spend a lot of money on clothes?

37Have you ever had the feeling you are "going to pieces"?
38Are you scared of heights?

39Does it irritate you if your normal routine is disturbed?

40Do you often suffer from excessive sweating or fluttering of the heart?

41Do you find yourself needing to cry?
42Do you enjoy dramatic situations?

43Do you have bad dreams which upset you when you wake up?
44Do you feel panicky in crowds?

45Do you find yourself worrying unreasonably about things that do not really matter?

46Has your sexual interest altered?

47Have you lost your ability to feel sympathy for other people?

48Do you sometimes find yourself posing or pretending?

Use of this scale in CLOSER Discovery study questionnaires and datasets

23-item versionALSPAC1990-1992Having a BabyALSPAC Having a Baby Questionnaire Dataset
23-item versionALSPAC1990-1992Partner's QuestionnaireALSPAC Partners Questionnaire Dataset
23-item versionALSPAC1991-1993Me and My BabyALSPAC Me and My Baby Questionnaire Dataset
23-item versionALSPAC1991-1993Your Pregnancy

ALSPAC Your Pregnancy Questionnaire Dataset

23-item versionALSPAC1992-1993Looking After the Baby

ALSPAC Looking After the Baby Questionnaire Dataset

23-item versionALSPAC1992-1993The Baby and Me - Partner

ALSPAC The Baby and Me (Partners) Questionnaire Dataset

23-item versionALSPAC1993-1995 A Toddler in the House - PartnersALSPAC A Toddler in the House Questionnaire Dataset
23-item versionALSPAC1993-1995Caring for a ToddlerALSPAC Caring For a Toddler Questionnaire Dataset
23-item versionALSPAC1993-1995Partner's Health Events and FeelingsALSPAC Partners Health Events and Feelings Questionnaire Dataset
23-item versionALSPAC1993-1995Your Health Events and Feelings

ALSPAC Your Health Events and Feelings Questionnaire Dataset

23-item versionALSPAC1996-1999Study Mother's Questionnaire

ALSPAC Study Mothers Questionnaire Dataset

23-item versionALSPAC1996-1999Study Partner's QuestionnaireALSPAC Study Partners Questionnaire Dataset
8-item versionALSPAC1997-1999Mother's LifestyleALSPAC Mothers Lifestyle Questionnaire Dataset
8-item versionALSPAC1997-1999Partner's Lifestyle

ALSPAC Partners Lifestyle Questionnaire Dataset

8-item versionALSPAC2002-2004Lifestyle and Health of Mother

ALSPAC Lifestyle and Health of Mother Questionnaire Dataset

8-item versionALSPAC2002-2004Lifestyle and Health of Partner

ALSPAC Lifestyle and Health of Partner Questionnaire Dataset

4-item versionALSPAC1999-2001Father and the Family

ALSPAC Father and Family Questionnaire Dataset

4-item versionALSPAC1999-2001Mother and Family

ALSPAC Mother and Family Questionnaire Dataset

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